Qualcomm stands firmly against Nvidia's acquisition of Arm
- ?
- Anonymous
- JTy
- 14 Feb 2021
ericwang, 14 Feb 2021Xiaomi have their own chip program too,just check the Mi 5C... moreXiaomi already gave up on their chip.
No plans for new one.
It failed.
- S
- Swiftymcv
- rRU
- 14 Feb 2021
ericwang, 14 Feb 2021Huawei's flagship chip is better than Samsung,and clos... moreSure thing wangchung.
Your entire post is vitriol, opinion, with no validated facts.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vG4
- 14 Feb 2021
ericwang, 14 Feb 2021Xiaomi have their own chip program too,just check the Mi 5C... moreXiaomi ended their Surge SoC development, shame as Surge S2 processor made on 28nm was faster than SD625 on 14nm and more effecient
Now it seems Xiaomi is trying something new with MediaTek
Most Qualcomm patents are regarding BS CDMA Technology and the US is finally moving away from it.
And Patents have limited time before get expire, so bodes well for others like Samsung Exynos US etc.,
- e
- ericwang
- tad
- 14 Feb 2021
Anonymous, 14 Feb 2021You will see where the Qualcomm dominantion goes in 2 tears... moreXiaomi have their own chip program too,just check the Mi 5C with their own chip.
Problem is Qualcomm have many patten in 3G/LTE/5G,that is the reason why Xiaomi do not release new chip now,they need to find a way to avoid using Qualcomm's patten or pay billions dollar to Qualcomm.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vG4
- 14 Feb 2021
r33fd, 14 Feb 2021Quelquom has monopoly not because of unfair practice, but b... moreYou will see where the Qualcomm dominantion goes in 2 tears time.
Their biggest buyer is Samsung and Xiaomi and Oppo and vivo etc.,
If Samsung switches exclusively to Exynos chips from next year the QC is done.
Oppo is working in its own chipsets, Vivo already employs Exynos chips in few models
That leaves only Xiaomi with QC supply.
Question is the low end midrange is all QC chips ,but mediatek is starting to dominate them too
- e
- ericwang
- tad
- 14 Feb 2021
r33fd, 14 Feb 2021Quelquom has monopoly not because of unfair practice, but b... moreHuawei's flagship chip is better than Samsung,and close to Qualcomm.
Kirin 990 better than Exynos 990
Kirin 980 better than Exynos 9820/9825
The Kirin 9000 even better than Sd888,thanks to shit Samsung 5LPE.
- p
- ponk87
- mJH
- 14 Feb 2021
Anonymous, 14 Feb 2021Lol, you guys siding with Qualcomm, the biggest monoploy of... moreThey aren't even the biggest vendor of SoC in the android world. So that dominance that you are talking is a made up thing. They only have a dominance in the high-end flagship space an even that looks to shrink in the next few years.
- r
- r33fd
- ScY
- 14 Feb 2021
Anonymous, 14 Feb 2021Lol, you guys siding with Qualcomm, the biggest monoploy of... moreQuelquom has monopoly not because of unfair practice, but because they are just the best.
Nvidia and Intel used to make mobile chips too, but they were super inefficient.
Huawei makes efficient chips but they are not as powerful.
Samsung is the closest, but still lags behind due to bad GPU.
Apple is also great, maybe even better than Quelquom, but it won't share its design with competitors.
- A
- Anonym
- HB7
- 14 Feb 2021
Anonymous, 14 Feb 2021Lol, you guys siding with Qualcomm, the biggest monoploy of... moreWhat are you smoking dude? There is nothing keeping anyone from competing with Qualcomm in the Android world. Samsung does it, Huawei does it, Mediatek does it, Android boxes are *dominated* by Amlogic and (to a lesser degree) Rockchip, even Nvidia has their SoC for AndroidTV.
Everything will stop if Nvidia decides to halt the ARM licensing deals. No more Samsung, Huawei, Mediatek, Amlogic, Rockchip, Broadcom, etc chips. Making a new CPU from scratch would take then years before they could return in any competitive form.
That is NOTHING like Qualcomm SoCs in Android, those are only sold in those quantities because they are the best to work with. Just see the 3rd-party ROMs built by amateurs from the AOSP and you'll quickly realize just how far behind other SoC manufacturers are falling on proper support. Other manufacturers are betting on performance and price instead of support/longevity -- and, in many cases, they do have an edge over Qualcomm.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vG4
- 14 Feb 2021
ZolaIII, 14 Feb 2021What QC did regarding uncompetitive practices regarding the... moreThank God for China!!! They are going alot assault with RISCV
The Government CPC is looking to completely ban Intel as soon as 2035, under Maje in China plan according to a Chinese technology forum member.
- Z
- ZolaIII
- g8$
- 14 Feb 2021
Anonymous, 14 Feb 2021Lol, you guys siding with Qualcomm, the biggest monoploy of... moreWhat QC did regarding uncompetitive practices regarding their business (Android SoC's) is a small thing compared to the Nv practices. Nv actually did the same and bought all competitors for patent portfolio afterwards. This is why we can't have open source anything regarding GPU's like MALI opening up as Nv won't let it as they own crucial base line patents. On the bright side this is another boost for the RISC V and who knows me by ARM deserve the fate from X2.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PUr
- 14 Feb 2021
Lol, you guys siding with Qualcomm, the biggest monoploy of ARM chips in the android world.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vG4
- 14 Feb 2021
ericwang, 14 Feb 2021The deal should and will be blocked,or the entire Android m... morehttps://www.xda-developers.com/android-risc-v-port/
- M
- Mediatek sux
- Dk@
- 14 Feb 2021
AnonD-762416, 14 Feb 2021Good luck fitting a 500W GPU in a phone!
Nvidia is a seria... moreSurely i meant something like a newer version of the gpu used in the x1. They provide the best drivers on android.
Lookup the switch, its a console with a nvidia gpu.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vG4
- 14 Feb 2021
ericwang, 14 Feb 2021The deal should and will be blocked,or the entire Android m... moreYup definitely Jenson Huang is not getting his dirty hands on ARM
It's already under scrutiny in ARM China(which is the biggest ARM operation outside UK)
Also under scrutiny in EU
Work has already started in porting Android 10 to RISC-V by an independent developer.
Regardless RISC-V is diffcult because if it was easy a lot of companies would have made one already.
The intermediate future would be ARM CPUs with Specialized RISCV controllers, and slowly RISCV main cores will replace ARM cores itself.
According to RISCV founder himself , webwill only see widespread RISCV PC/computers/Cloud etc., in 25 years
- ?
- Anonymous
- vG4
- 14 Feb 2021
ericwang, 14 Feb 2021The deal should and will be blocked,or the entire Android m... moreWell saod
- D
- AnonD-804996
- puk
- 14 Feb 2021
AnonD-762416, 14 Feb 2021Good luck fitting a 500W GPU in a phone! Nvidia is a seria... moreAnd why would NVIDIA do that? They literally use ARM architecture and have been using for a long time (Tegra). I don't know what would they achieve by stifling it. Also they do not own or really work with x86 in pretty much any capacity other than having their graphic cards run on systems with x86 processors. So, hurting ARM would only cause x86 to dominate further and literally make loses for ARM. I understand the concern that NVIDIA would somehow extort companies that license ARM or pressure them into things, but I frankly don't see a reason why they'd do that as it would only hurt them in the end.
- W
- What
- r3a
- 14 Feb 2021
Mediatek sux, 14 Feb 2021I hope it goes through and nvidia puts the geforce gpu as d... moreI agree with you. It's a good thing if you think about all this collectively and put the consumers into consideration. Personally i want to see chipsets evolve as quickly as possible. Qualcomm should keep quiet.
- D
- AnonD-762416
- JGv
- 14 Feb 2021
Mediatek sux, 14 Feb 2021I hope it goes through and nvidia puts the geforce gpu as d... moreGood luck fitting a 500W GPU in a phone!
Nvidia is a serial failure on ARM. They want to buy ARM to stifle the competition as their things are exceptionally power-inefficient, by changing or slowing ARM progress.
- ?
- Anonymous
- U@L
- 14 Feb 2021
IDK how it works, but can someone tell me why ARM is a subsidiary, why it's not independent?