Nielsen: Android growth in US continues, iOS stays strong
- D
- AnonD-9023
- 2T7
- 11 Sep 2012
AnonD-5397, 11 Sep 2012I see that you are having a hard time typing on your 'comfo... moreMobile screens are always crap for typing even if they come with 5 inch screens , iPads or Desktops are a way to go always.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0pw
- 11 Sep 2012
Anonymous, 11 Sep 2012I enjoy freedom and freedom to do what I want with my phone... moremeh.... and some do not even know what is beyond the boundaries their tiny village...
some have a mega powerful pc, sold by an eager salesman, and never open more than one internet page... no clue about pictures or video, either...
- A
- Android Games Free
- 6%7
- 11 Sep 2012
iSJ5, 11 Sep 2012iOS gets all the games. Infinity Blade, Batman Arkham, Sou... more
- D
- AnonD-5397
- Xu9
- 11 Sep 2012
iSJ5, 11 Sep 2012gsmarena please post a news "nokia dominates the cur... moreI see that you are having a hard time typing on your 'comfortable' screen
- ?
- Anonymous
- N7A
- 11 Sep 2012
I enjoy freedom and freedom to do what I want with my phone cos I own it...too bad, some people enjoy staying in a prison that looks shiney on the outside...I guess some people will never wakeup from thier iNightmare.
- B
- Bobybob
- 3aR
- 11 Sep 2012
iSJ5, 11 Sep 2012iOS gets all the games. Infinity Blade, Batman Arkham, Sou... moreBuy playstation or Nintendo kido!!!!
- g
- guyver
- kDi
- 11 Sep 2012
iSJ5, 11 Sep 2012FYI i bought my iphone its not because of the brand name! i... moreI bought my 4s thinking its the best..........then I use its for 2 hrs ......then after 2 hrs i want to jailbreak it........after jailbreak use it for a day..........after a day I want to break it. really iOS is so old. I'm thinking that i just paid 650ca for the mirror coating and the aluminum frame. give to my wife bought my self galaxy nexus and I was blown away with the android os. so please u don't know what planet or world you leave in just stay there.
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 11 Sep 2012
AnonD-31444, 11 Sep 2012Apple restrict users to protect users, but from what? There... moreiOS gets all the games. Infinity
Blade, Batman Arkham, Soul
Caliber, Metal Gear Solid Touch,
Rage, Street Fighter IV, Final
Fantasy series, Call of Duty:
Zombie series, Battlefield series, Civilization Revolution, Resident Evil series, Risk, Chaos Rings, NBA
Jam, Scribblenauts Remix,
LostWinds, Trenches, Rayman 2,
NBA 2K12, and many many more.
Also all the sequels to popular
casual games are already out on iOS like Homerun Battle, Cut the
Rope, Doodle Jump, Fruit Ninja,
The Sim 3, Zombieville, Robot
Unicorn, Pocket God, Paper Toss,
Age of Zombies ect... Most of
Android games are just ports of iOS, even those Tegra games. iOS
developers make 3 times more
money than Android developers.
They might as well make apps
for iOS first then port to Android
later. Just look at any pirate iOS site, you'll be surprised that
there are so many games
Android doesn't have. It seems
like they still have like 250,000
iOS games that need to port to
Android. Games on Android are usually made to be able to run
on as many phones as they can,
so even with phones that have
high end GPUs, they still look the
same like on phones with weak
GPUs. Another con on Android is the high numbers of force closes
and crashes of apps. Just look at
the comments in the Android
Market and you will see, but I
don't have to do that because I
have experienced them. How many Android phones have the
latest Android software? 1 out
of 500 different phones. Then in
other news this week, malwares
may have infected 5 million
Android users.
- ?
- Anonymous
- N7A
- 11 Sep 2012
Oh WTF!!!..What's burning in the kitchen?...Oh! it's the apple pie.
- ?
- Anonymous
- N7A
- 11 Sep 2012
Apple iOS = Apple is Overpricing Smartphone.
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 11 Sep 2012
> In reply to [deleted post]
im speachless!
i cant reply back in all of you! Coz, i always got deleted!
- D
- AnonD-65230
- fqx
- 11 Sep 2012
iSJ5, 11 Sep 2012my iphone 4s is pocket friendly, coz it can fit in my pocke... morehave you tried putting it in your _ss.... am sure it will fit there also
- D
- AnonD-31444
- fDm
- 11 Sep 2012
iSJ5, 11 Sep 2012yes right to prevent virus need a restriction! apple just p... moreApple restrict users to protect users, but from what? There is no virus on android, every process is controled, no hidden process, it cant use up the resource secretly like on window. Important infos like contacts and emails are stored in system file, which is protected, not on sdcard, it s you who allow which app can read what system file when you install it. Apple just want to sqeeze the last penny from users. Their advantage as smooth UI has gone since quadcore cpu and android 4.1. Its a pity that they still have more third party apps, but is to have more third party app the greatest innovation?
- W
- WhatAnalysis
- Li5
- 11 Sep 2012
I don't understand one thing. The population of US is 4% of the world's population. Still, almost every analysis given on this site is for US. Does it reflect the picture?????
- D
- AnonD-22304
- 4mM
- 11 Sep 2012
Samsung and Android are leading the World...... Not Apple!
If they are losing market share, why combine these two operating system and smartphone makers in one? That's just an attempt to make Apple look good while riding Android and Samsung's coat tails. It's just so freaking obvious that Apple now has to resort to going back to it's old anticompetitive fight with Microsoft to deal with competition growing faster than they are!
What's crazy is that Media actually supports this attempt to misinform the public about what's happening. With Android now boasting over half the US smartphone market and 70% of Global smartphone market, that naturally puts Apple still sitting at under 18% with iOS. When a company reports two quarters of no or lost market share they are said to be stagnating. Like Microsoft did in the early 2000's after the boom years of the late 90's! Nielsen needs to get it's priorities straight and not be led into trusting that Apple's sales are different than it's ballooning market cap says it'll be!
- k
- kostac-GR
- 00d
- 11 Sep 2012
iSJ5, 11 Sep 2012my iphone 4s is pocket friendly, coz it can fit in my pocke... morei bet that with a little try it can fit elsewhere too..
- k
- kostac-GR
- 00d
- 11 Sep 2012
iSJ5, 11 Sep 2012yeah! i think iOS dominates the unated states!United.. even i know that..
- ?
- Anonymous
- mX1
- 11 Sep 2012
iSJ5, 11 Sep 2012gsmarena please post a news "nokia dominates the cur... morethats because the rankings have been hacked. at the start of this year i noticed over 20000 votes had been removed from the galaxy note a similar on other handsets
- D
- AnonD-21480
- LxI
- 11 Sep 2012
IOS is Simplicity? Yea right, doing simple tasks in Android is WAY more Easier than IOS. Its either IOS Dont have the Feature or its some long way just to get it the task done. And this is coming from experience using both Android an IOS.
- I
- Iskander
- mA5
- 11 Sep 2012
iSJ5, 11 Sep 2012FYI i bought my iphone its not because of the brand name! i... morePerfection? The iPhone 4 needed a condom to actually be useful, or you had to do some hand-yoga to circumvent the Deathgrip. And before going into the 'but zey fixxxed it' mode, one can always find some issues with a product, any product, including Apple products.
To get more news related, it really doesn't bide well for Microsoft to be in the 'the rest' category, which actually is even losing ground, how little it had to begin with. A marketshare of sub 5% for an OS that was chimed to be the second coming, it's laughable.