New report suggests Apple may replace iPad mini with larger iPhone
- B
- BashfulLine421
- qH4
- 05 Mar 2021
Anonymous, 24 Feb 2021nah that's just base price 500 for more memory A battery replacement will be another 700 dollars lmao
- F
- Foxtrot2Novmbr
- mT1
- 01 Mar 2021
nick235, 28 Feb 2021I remember when iOS finally using widget in 2020And I remember that Android will entirely moved to 64 bit by august 2021.
- n
- nick235
- 61S
- 28 Feb 2021
Foxtrot2Novmbr, 25 Feb 2021Android is 10 years ahead of ios? Then why are they copying... moreI remember when iOS finally using widget in 2020
- ?
- Anonymous
- Ke1
- 26 Feb 2021
Huawei mate 20X user replacement? Big screen fan? This iPhone is clamshell fold with a 7.6 inch screen.
- F
- Foxtrot2Novmbr
- t7B
- 25 Feb 2021
Anonymous, 24 Feb 2021Android doesn't need 5 years of updates.
It's al... moreAndroid is 10 years ahead of ios? Then why are they copying ios? Here's some articles.
And I forgot one thing. Things like the no-headphone jack? It's becoming the trend since there's tons of bluetooth devices. Not gonna be surprised if the manufacturers follow the no CHARGER on the box trend as they REALLY NEED money.
"People don't want outdated software experience". And people don't want outdated software support which makes their smartphones too slow to run. One good example. If the iphone 5s is a 64 bit processor, 64 bit software, and 64 bit API during its reveal in 2013. What happened to those 32 bit android smartphones? Can you please tell me which has the highest smartphone landfill in the world??
"Budgets Android can do more than current flagship iOS" It has been like that for years. But tell me. How many people did replace their budget smartphones yearly??
- ?
- Anonymous
- Lfs
- 24 Feb 2021
Anonymous, 24 Feb 2021Android doesn't need 5 years of updates.
It's al... morePeople are happy with 200-300 dollar devices as they are doing the job easily for most people.
They don't want to be part of LieOS.
- D
- AnonD-804996
- puk
- 24 Feb 2021
[deleted post]Proven by who? You? Apple hating lot who hasn't actually ever used iOS, but keep whining how inferior it is? LMAO Guess who did use both. I have. Android for 8 years and now iOS for 2. And apart from few annoyances, they are pretty much the same thing. Android has some more freedom when you just want to load lots of crap into your phone and iOS is a bit more restricted, but just works more reliably and has much longer updating support. Everyone screeching how crappy iOS is and how it's decades behind are full of s**t. People have different priorities and if you're not into 50 launchers, 700 billion themes and flashing half baked ROM's every other day, you might have better time with iOS. If fiddling is your jam, surely, iOS isn't for you then.
- M
- Marorun
- 24 Feb 2021
Anonymous, 23 Feb 2021I think Apple will attract Android fans with this phone. Ma... moreIts gonna be priced higher than iphone pro max...
- M
- Marorun
- 24 Feb 2021
So lets me get this straight..
They replace the lowest cost ipad entry level with an even higher priced iphone than all current models..
Apple is truly disconnected from reality...
- ?
- Anonymous
- p%S
- 24 Feb 2021
Foxtrot2Novmbr, 24 Feb 2021So then tell me. Does all android manufacturers provide 5 y... moreAndroid doesn't need 5 years of updates.
It's already 10 years ahead of iOS.
IOS receiving features from a decade back in 2020. People don't want outdated software experience. Budgets Android can do more than current flagship iOS device because Android is simply ahead.
- h
- haripoter
- JF4
- 24 Feb 2021
omg this is what we with smaller hands need! it perfectly makes sense. replace small phone with the big one that looks like all the rest cr*p from android and apple. wow... geniuses
- K
- Kek Tech
- kER
- 24 Feb 2021
The day Apple makes a phone with a display this large is the day that I become an iphone user, this is literally all I have wanted out of a phone for years. give me a 7.x inch screen size and I will be a very happy customer.
- F
- Foxtrot2Novmbr
- t7B
- 24 Feb 2021
i0S.-.Never.-.Again, 24 Feb 2021Looks like you are selectively reading comments. There are ... moreSo then tell me. Does all android manufacturers provide 5 year update for every device they've released?
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- Mo Bile
- Kir
- 24 Feb 2021
Scarce option of mini tablets in my country made me considering to buy the iPad Mini 5, but then I've seen the iPad Mini 6 news few days ago. Let's see if they release the Mini 6 this year. A sure buy from me. But if they decide to make the "larger iPhone" stated above and discard the iPad Mini option in the future, I'll wait for Mi Pad 5 instead.
- i0S.-.Never.-.Again
- 7kd
- 24 Feb 2021
AnonD-804996, 23 Feb 2021And why would anyone mock inclusion or option of stylus? Es... more$teve Jobs himself mocked the stylus so many times. That's when the fanbbboyz started mocking it, until they got their very own Apple pencil.
- i0S.-.Never.-.Again
- 7kd
- 24 Feb 2021
Anonymous, 23 Feb 2021I've been following gsmarena posts for some years now.... moreLooks like you are selectively reading comments. There are plenty of Android haters on this site, who always make excuses for lack of things on iOS and keep repeating outdated lies about Android, that have been debunked long back.
- ?
- Anonymous
- n5a
- 24 Feb 2021
BashfulLine421, 23 Feb 2021And it will only cost a very low and affordable $3000nah that's just base price
500 for more memory
- D
- AnonD-973296
- GYi
- 23 Feb 2021
Andreidinutu, 23 Feb 2021Who cares. Iphone is just as cool as an android1000000000000000000000000% true
- o
- oxyo
- Kgb
- 23 Feb 2021
The chinese article just guessing that, not suggests. And I don't think that Apple may so stupid to replace the cheaper iPad mini with a much more expansive large iPhone.