Apple sells 5 million iPhone 5's in the first three days alone

24 September, 2012
The official numbers are out - the iPhone 5 sales have hit the 5 million mark in the three days since launch.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • v0X
  • 24 Sep 2012

I hope apple sells more 5million in the next 3days, because it is the true smartphone of the year,

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • kg3
    • 24 Sep 2012

    Original iPhone was great. Now the iPhone 5 is just overrated. It's a generation behind the Lumia 920 in hardware.

      • T
      • Ted
      • IVK
      • 24 Sep 2012

      [deleted post]cheap yet wont get scratched off.... furthermore, Android doesnt live around Sammy only, there r HTC etc who make very good looking phones.... taste is subjective but to me, functionality always>looks! u own both and if u really know how to use Android, then u would know Android functionality>iPhone.... yeah, their graphic is better, more games etc but games is not my only concern and i have enough in Play Store to keep me happy, not to mention the easiness of sideloading apps.... if u use Prada (LG) as ur benchmark for Android, then u need to open up ur eyes, cuz LG sucks, trust me, i own an O2X but Android is much better than iOS based on functionality....

        • p
        • pmyt75
        • xvS
        • 24 Sep 2012

        'Smurf, 24 Sep 2012I'm not the biggest iPhone fan, for a few reasons, but well... moreThis is the legacy that Steve Jobs left after his passing. He created a cult with million followers and thus ensuring the future of HIS company. Apple is not the same without him.

          • T
          • Ted
          • IVK
          • 24 Sep 2012

          5 million rich people who dont mind buying an overpriced phone with faulty map and have something they call scuffgate problem.... economy crisis? neh, they just rather eat less and have a black coloured phone which will change to silver for show.... congrats to Apple and to those rich people for selling so many phones and paying way over the top. congrats!

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • QGM
            • 24 Sep 2012

            Anonymous, 24 Sep 2012"I'm not the biggest iPhone fan, for a few reasons, bu... moresure its the best smartphone ever lol, you obviously never used a android

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • xii
              • 24 Sep 2012

              Anonymous, 24 Sep 2012Yawn S3 sold 20 million lolhow many months s3 took to reach 20million?

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 3iJ
                • 24 Sep 2012

                Yawn S3 sold 20 million lol

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • xii
                  • 24 Sep 2012

                  AnonD-64830, 24 Sep 2012Apparently a lot of iphone 5's have been sold off to CEX. ... moreso CEX has enough money to buy 5 millions iph 5

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • p77
                    • 24 Sep 2012

                    'Smurf, 24 Sep 2012I'm not the biggest iPhone fan, for a few reasons, but well... more"I'm not the biggest iPhone fan, for a few reasons, but well done to Apple for this. It proves that a brand name is often more powerful than the actual product."

                    Verge doesnt agree with you: "The iPhone 5 is unquestionably the best iPhone ever made, and for the mass market, it's the best smartphone, period."

                      • D
                      • AnonD-8044
                      • nE0
                      • 24 Sep 2012

                      AnonD-56738, 24 Sep 2012AApple has sold 5million iphone 5....who were the buyers??p... moreS what if it is original iphone users ,still 5 million in sales..

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • vjs
                        • 24 Sep 2012

                        MCRL, 24 Sep 2012If iP5 is powerfull as you say it is, can your iP5 beat my ... moreNope. But can your BB sell 5M in 3 day?

                        Please answer?

                          • S
                          • Share
                          • KFQ
                          • 24 Sep 2012

                          Stiv works, 24 Sep 2012Really great great phone.. It has dents too.. it's small.. ... moreBut apple share down 2 percent.

                            • j
                            • just me
                            • fqI
                            • 24 Sep 2012

                            If Steve jobs was alive , then maybe the i5 could be a better phone than s3

                              • A
                              • Apple
                              • KFQ
                              • 24 Sep 2012

                              MCRL, 24 Sep 2012If iP5 is powerfull as you say it is, can your iP5 beat my ... moreApple woud take time just 20 years.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-56738
                                • 6P}
                                • 24 Sep 2012

                                DAN13L, 24 Sep 2012My coworker went to the Apple store in San Francisco. She s... moreWhy would they fly to san francisco??dont yhey have chinese toys there in their hometowns:-P??after all iphone 5 is no better than that;-)

                                  • '
                                  • 'Smurf
                                  • Tkc
                                  • 24 Sep 2012

                                  I'm not the biggest iPhone fan, for a few reasons, but well done to Apple for this. It proves that a brand name is often more powerful than the actual product.

                                  If they put an Apple badge (and associated price tag) on a budget Windows phone, it would still sell beyond all reasonable expectation.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-56738
                                    • 6P}
                                    • 24 Sep 2012

                                    TTo add further.. those buyers are americans...if not they definitely owned an iphone before this iphone 5...i am an android user..and i love it...but i am. Not biased since nokia lumia and samsung ativ has drawn my attention and made us(android lovers) switch to windows..but sorry to say... iphone??? NEVAAAAA:-p

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-56738
                                      • 6P}
                                      • 24 Sep 2012

                                      AApple has sold 5million iphone 5....who were the buyers??previously iphone owners who owned either iphone 3,3gs,4 or customers??A BIGGGG ZERO FOR THAT!!!!

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-8044
                                        • nE0
                                        • 24 Sep 2012

                                        It could have been 10 million in first 3 days but 5 million are still in transit from factorys..Should hit projected 82 milliom units by Christmas 2012..