Apple apologizes for Maps fiasco, suggest you try the competition

27 September, 2012
Apple's CEO suggests iOS users try Google or Nokia maps as an alternative to the native iOS Maps app.

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  • D
  • AnonD-16429
  • wd8
  • 28 Sep 2012

AnonD-72231, 28 Sep 2012Hi, Its my first comment here on GsmArena. But I always... moreRubayed,
You seem to have a wider thought and a more peaceloving nature, i appreciate if thats true.

However, Allowing Maps to iOS (be it google or nokia) is purely a business decision. If Apple users suffer bcoz of poor maps thats not Google/Nokia problem.eitehrways when apple users rejoice its still not a concern for Google/nokia. Hope you understood what i am hinting at. If i am Google/Nokia i'd not release an App to iOS now. Nothing personal against Apple, but releasing an app at this time will not deliver the desired results. It simply doesnot meet the expected business goal. Conventional Business principles do not apply when it comes to relationship with Apple.

There are couple of mindless fanboys who start a flame war irrespective of the features and shortfalls. Pay no attention to them, instead research on the topic before you conclude. Moreover, there are couple of posters who post valuable information in these forums. I had few fruitful discussion with couple of them here.
as you rightly said, its users choice to pick a device.

    • B
    • Blankman
    • dQ3
    • 28 Sep 2012

    To all those who mock Apple and its maps, remember that Nokia and Google had to start somewhere as well. Google Maps was rubbish when it first appeared.

    And to those who think Nokia and Google should charge, you clearly have not looked at iTunes. There are plenty of similar FREE apps that do just the same thing, just as well

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • p%n
      • 28 Sep 2012

      AnonD-44163, 28 Sep 2012I need compensation! this morning apple maps' turn by turn ... moreI was thinking more of Death Valley. Lol.

        • R
        • Reallynow
        • 0cS
        • 28 Sep 2012

        Well this is funny
        Doesn't Apple have a case against Google ?
        what a turn out eh haha

          • W
          • Waleesa
          • f0E
          • 28 Sep 2012

          I have to say, this is uncharacteristic of Apple. I honestly cannot recall Apple apologising for any misdeeds or mistakes in over 5 years. Though apologising is a very hard thing to do, it is the right thing to do. This is humble and humane. We all make mistakes. Right move.

            • Z
            • ZwanS
            • ftK
            • 28 Sep 2012

            He had the guts to admit and apologize. I admire him for that.

              • P
              • PLEADER
              • 3Jb
              • 28 Sep 2012

              APPLE- focus on needs of customers and future and NOT NONSENSICAL PATENTS wars .. APPLE as worlds biggest corp ought to LEAD. we appeal to APPLE . N bring devices retail costs down please ..

                • M
                • Mili
                • a0{
                • 28 Sep 2012

                They dont apologize for scratching and bad material used on the phone and they say its NORMAL to have ugly scratched phone, but they apologize for the map.. I love apple but this issue makes me having a big hesitation to upgrade to iphone 5 which i love to!

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • p%n
                  • 28 Sep 2012

                  I am actually getting to like Tim Cook, albeit for all the wrong reasons, as everytime he opens his mouth he just seems to put his foot further in to it!

                    • D
                    • AnonD-5533
                    • H4t
                    • 28 Sep 2012

                    Anonymous, 28 Sep 2012apple maps is still superior to google and nokia, just like... moreU really think so? Or you really like getting bashed by 100s here? How drunk and blinded are you?

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • p%n
                      • 28 Sep 2012

                      So What Tim is really saying stop bugging us and just use something else instead. Now, apart from the obvious isssue with that statement, there is another one. Originally Apple said it would get better as more an more people used it but Tim has just as good as told us not to use it, so how will it improve? If I were an iPhone user I think I would swap out phone for a competitors device not just the the maps!

                        • D
                        • AnonD-5533
                        • H4t
                        • 28 Sep 2012

                        It takes years to master what Google has achieved so far.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • vaN
                          • 28 Sep 2012

                          neversaysorry, 28 Sep 2012APOLOGY!!!??? Tim cook will kill Apple - when the death gri... moreJobs was a very difficult person, it may be good for apple to have less arrogance on the top. It was just not allowed to say anything bad about Jobs, coz he had cancer (bad excuse actually), and then after that because he was dead, so one just had to shut up about him. Now he is cold and more, so we can finally say that he was everything except an easy person. But then again, very smart people are usually eccentric and weird, same with Jobs.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • DIx
                            • 28 Sep 2012

                            Anonymous, 28 Sep 2012apple maps is still superior to google and nokia, just like... moreLIAR

                              • t
                              • thefearfulsilence
                              • mqT
                              • 28 Sep 2012

                              How nice of him to admit it AFTER the launch date.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 0Uj
                                • 28 Sep 2012

                                Google should freeze'em out! Block everything, search engine, Youtube, Maps, and e-mail... Let's see what Apple is really about. They take stuff from the free Android System and then they have the nerve to sue other companies for stuff like pinch-to-zoom, or bouncing menu! =)))) LAAAAME!!! P.S Thank for inventing the rectangle shape Apple, if it weren't for you, I don't know how Phones would have looked like! =))))

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • v0X
                                  • 28 Sep 2012

                                  apple maps is still superior to google and nokia, just like ios its still the best

                                    • T
                                    • Trimalo
                                    • p5F
                                    • 28 Sep 2012

                                    Nokia Drive on my Lumia works perfectly, thank you.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-68641
                                      • Hx7
                                      • 28 Sep 2012

                                      now Google and nokia must charge Apple for it or else dont allow any download to apple... but what I will do with my iPhone??? hahahaha... anyway I dont use navigation, I just ask passers for a location if required ;)

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-44163
                                        • fu$
                                        • 28 Sep 2012

                                        I need compensation! this morning apple maps' turn by turn navigation led me into the grand canyon