Weekly poll: is HarmonyOS as promising as Android or is it another Windows Phone?

06 June 2021
Huawei unveiled what it believes to be the be-all and end-all of operating systems for basically every digital device you can think of.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 7Jk
  • 26 Apr 2022

Anonymous, 07 Jun 2021"This allows one device to control others and data can... moreYeah, and the NSA is a saint. Phone call, email, credit card, bank account, driver license...LOL. You are being tracked. But, who is going to spend the money to nail your data down? Are you worth it? LOL.

    fyi, 09 Jun 2021fyi the harmonyOS is still an android platform. Harmony is ... moreYes, it could be true, but it interests me little if it is based on Windows, Ubuntu, Android, or Linux and Unix, it works very well in multiplatform, if it is as presented, a shattered Android, and a great advance to iOS

      • f
      • fyi
      • Kg@
      • 09 Jun 2021

      fyi the harmonyOS is still an android platform. Harmony is using the open source android OS and re-design it. In the open source android OS it is fully customizable that is the one harmonyOS using.

        • k
        • ken
        • xJd
        • 09 Jun 2021

        all i hope about this new os is to have better battery and ram consumption

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 6wN
          • 09 Jun 2021

          Anonymous, 09 Jun 2021That's how it starts and then when all crime is gone, ... moreHorrible comparison. And what do you want to do that you want to hide? Browsing internet? Playing games? Listening music? Do that all and don't worry.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • gq0
            • 09 Jun 2021

            Anonymous, 08 Jun 2021Every company spy and track on you. Just calm down and do w... moreThat's how it starts and then when all crime is gone, they'll start redefining what is considered criminal. Before you know it, something that you think is perfectly acceptable today will be considered a crime tomorrow and you yourself will be considered a criminal.

            They'll use those same privacy invasive methods that you think only serve to look in on criminal activities to keep cutting away at your freedom. You'll be forced to act and think how you are told to act and think and they will keep moving the goalposts until you are completely compliant with one person's ultimate view of what society needs to look like.

            Just look at China today and you can see what I'm saying is true. I don't want to reinforce that world view by buying a phone that will allow more and more of this.

            Btw, if you're totally not worried about people looking in on your phone because you're not a criminal, I bet you also don't mind taking a dump in the toilet in public spaces with the door open?? It's not like it's criminal right?
            What I'm trying to say is that this tired old mantra of "you should be ok with people looking in if you've got nothing to hide" is nothing but a gateway to the further erosion of legitimate privacy issues!

              HarmonyOS 2.0 is an incredibly promising and versatile mobile operating system platform. I've dug into the HarnonyOS 2.0 code and have found source from seven different open source platforms. Despite what outlets like Android Authority are claiming, Huawei,'s new OS is not a mere Android fork. In fact, in order for most standard Android apps to run, the code first needs to be modified with the Ark Compiler -- a relatively straightforward process. Although just released to the public, the kernel source is already unofficially available for two models of the Huawei MatePad Pro 5G and will be released from Huawei officially in the coming weeks. This is promising news for the development community. The HarnonyOS 2.0 microkernel protocol is actually superior to AOSP Android in terms of security and application sandboxing. Huawei has compiled it using upstream Linux and additional modules from LiteOS. The OS has many AOSP Android characteristics, but with a feel of something fresh, new and unexplored. The interface itself uses some of the most popular EMUI cherry picks. In a nutshell, Huawei's new OS platform looks and feels incredible to be in its infancy. A great deal of development and beta testing preceded the public release and it certainly shows. If I had to rate HarmonyOS 2.0, it would get a 10 out of 10 from me for sure.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 8BH
                • 08 Jun 2021

                Well, it is a functionally limited Android skin, so let's see if it does catch up, it does kinda better in the ecosystem side of things at least

                  • H
                  • Howard
                  • 4X@
                  • 08 Jun 2021

                  Anonymous, 08 Jun 2021Every company spy and track on you. Just calm down and do w... moreCan't wait to get my hands on this new OS.

                    • A
                    • Asian
                    • Kg@
                    • 08 Jun 2021

                    Funny thing I noticed here. If Huawei is accused of spying, instead of clearing up their name from spying, they will point on Google of doing the same thing. Lol. No one likes what Google is doing, it's just that there is not much choice. But if they are going to create a new OS (they say) with much worse spying than Google, is that a selling point?

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 6wN
                      • 08 Jun 2021

                      Dineshwaran, 08 Jun 2021So to your opinion. They are keeping not using Every company spy and track on you. Just calm down and do whatever you want. Unless you are a criminal you don't need to worry.

                        • o
                        • ovidiu
                        • mA}
                        • 08 Jun 2021

                        If I can run apk it is an alternative

                          • P
                          • Poh
                          • AbH
                          • 08 Jun 2021

                          Anonymous, 06 Jun 2021people argue because huawei themselves started that it will... moreHaha... what tanks??? that a lie!

                            Exyvia, 07 Jun 2021Sees IOS and laughs. Apple does tracks your data. On... moreSo to your opinion. They are keeping not using

                              Huawei gives 0 f about my privacy so I'll never switch to them

                                • S
                                • Sam
                                • g3Z
                                • 08 Jun 2021

                                Very promising and dangerous for android! Just Imagine the Chinesse Goverment force all chinesse smartphone to use HarmonyOS!

                                  Windows major problem in their business is they're so bad in marketing. That's the major reason why Windows phones flopped. No one trust Windows OS on a phone, no users, no developers to make any apps for it.

                                  Huawei in the other hand seems promising, they have their own user base, their own ecosystem and they're used to mobile industry so they knew more about what users actually want in mobile industry.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • tAx
                                    • 08 Jun 2021

                                    "This allows one device to control others and data can be shared freely between all of them." I'm guessing between devices isn't the only place your data will be shared if Huawei have full control over all data due to a self-developed OS :D
                                    You wouldn't even be able to give me a phone with all the latest spec for free if it runs this OS!

                                      • A
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • XZ7
                                      • 08 Jun 2021

                                      Anonymous, 07 Jun 2021What is your qualifications to say that besides wrongfully ... morePainting a duck with tiger paint doesn't make it a tiger, it's still a duck that looks like a duck and act like a duck, and what is your qualifications to say that it's not android beside name and skin?

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-676442
                                        • 3E0
                                        • 08 Jun 2021

                                        From my own experience, I just have to say that owning a Huawei smartphone makes me feel the creeps of good feelings.