Flashback: thanking Android Jelly Bean for the buttery interface and multimedia improvements
- ?
- Anonymous
- xq5
- 11 Jul 2021
Android was good. Android is amazing. Android will be even better. iOS is pretty much the same complicated OS with many limitations.
- H
- Hemedans
- 11 Jul 2021
Kingslayer, 11 Jul 2021Project Buttah was nice but Ice Cream Sandwich already made... moretrue jelly bean was like ice cream sandwitch ui wise, for what i know project butter debuted with kitkat together with ART (android runtime), when Google ditch dalvik Android became somehow smooth.
- JeuruW
- t7B
- 11 Jul 2021
My "Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 P3110" is literally already dead 5 years ago after installing & flashing a lot of custom roms(Marshmallow up) & rooting the tablet always as well. And i'm still keeping it with my old stuffs & junks, upto this day, hoping if ever someone wants to revive an old tablet, you can contact me and let's see what else can you do with this old tablet of mine, hahaha!
- Kingslayer
- IbE
- 11 Jul 2021
Project Buttah was nice but Ice Cream Sandwich already made Android quite smooth.
Thank you, Matias Duarte. He gave us webOS' gesture swipes and wireless charging that Apple and Google just copied. Although Apple did do gestures with their MacBook Pros' trackpads years before the Palm Pre in 2009. Others also copied what Nokia did like double tap to wake.
- B
- Big mom
- wrX
- 11 Jul 2021
Ah sweet old days of android bring so much nostalgia
- A
- Arman
- nxB
- 11 Jul 2021
Woah this makes me feel old
I remember when they said the S3 will stuck on jellybean 4.3 and everyone were sad
But this is the start of changing google play design also it was the birth of the massive HD games on android specially clash of clans era
And lest not forget about the transparent status bar it happened in 4.3
Glory days Good memories.