Canalys: Samsung shipped 73.7 million smartphones globally in Q1 2022

29 April 2022
Apple was the only company that saw positive annual growth.

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These are 3.1 Billion Phones shipped in 3 Months. Who are buying these phones BTW?

    • D
    • AnonD-1033007
    • g8K
    • 29 Apr 2022

    [deleted post]And why it did let? Because Apple isn't making 17 series of iPhone phones. It's simply, one series. They have the time to make it perfect. Even if the bugs occur after release, they'll fix it right away. While on the other hand, Samsung and Xiaomi makes bunch of devices. Starting from Samsung: S, A M, Z, F. They're literally different devices, some unfortunately are too powerless and some are not. Now Xiaomi has hundreds of phones which is making them very unstable. 11 different Redmi Note 11 devices, bunch of software issues and they're becoming pricey.
    This is only my opinion so correct me if i'm wrong.

      • n
      • nicole
      • m4q
      • 29 Apr 2022

      these companies are struggling to make phones every month so that they can increase the growth of their sales.

        [deleted post]those are intentional to make people dissapointed about their phone then toss it off