Tim Cook would rather convert Android users to iPhones than adopt RCS

08 September 2022
"Buy your mom an iPhone", he said in response to a journalist's question.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • xq5
  • 08 Sep 2022

Switch to iPhone? Never ever. I'd rather use android forever. Never faced any security issues and serious slowdowns.

    • F
    • AnonF-1006353
    • gD$
    • 08 Sep 2022

    SShock, 08 Sep 2022Are you literally and actually in all seriousness comparing... more😂 your answer is comedy gold, it's not like you started to mention jbl first or something..or is it? 😂

      • S
      • Sin
      • 3ag
      • 08 Sep 2022

      SShock, 08 Sep 2022Are you literally and actually in all seriousness comparing... moreGot a sound bar too also they are amazing

      What best speakers get sounds bar

      Mine only cost 8 pound from Poundland

      I have a premium gaming sound bar :)

        • F
        • AnonF-1006353
        • gD$
        • 08 Sep 2022

        Anonymous, 08 Sep 2022Apple is unmatched in speaker department. Also their hap... moreAsus Zenfone 8 already matches it, if not better. S22U too. Lower mids dont get canceled out and sound full, unlike the iTrashcan speakers which sound like screeching tinfoils if you turn the volume up. I mean there are sound samples even here in the reviews for comparison, so..

          • C
          • ClauW
          • LqS
          • 08 Sep 2022

          I've been an Apple user (MacBook, IPad, IPhone). I moved to Android and Windows mainly due to the ridiculous prices of Apple products, and I'm not going back to Apple. Remember IBM, Xerox, Kodak...? This sort of arrogant behaviour might be the end of Apple, eventually.

            AnonF-1006353, 08 Sep 2022There are $35 chinese soundbars like the sl1000s that sound... moreAre you literally and actually in all seriousness comparing dedicated fat portable speakers to hyper tiny and thin speakers in a Macbook? ARE YOU FOR REAL DUDE?

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • X%q
              • 08 Sep 2022

              Anonymous, 08 Sep 2022The sound, yes. Wherever any iPhone nearby rings, the sound... moreYou will be amazed by the haptic experience.

              And for repairs just get Apple care + (a kind of insurance) and when it expires just upgrade to the new iPhone.

              You will get best value for your iPhone as compared to any Android.

                • F
                • AnonF-1006353
                • gD$
                • 08 Sep 2022

                SShock, 08 Sep 2022It's not just iPhones though, M1 Macs have been univer... moreThere are $35 chinese soundbars like the sl1000s that sound better than macbooks (and also better than jbl flip 4 or charge 3s, including deeper bass). Lots of people have no clue about sound, just because something makes a little fake bass with upper harmonics and little paper balls in it, doesn't mean it sounds good..

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • JLD
                  • 08 Sep 2022

                  21 Centry Opium Seller Tim Cook: "Buy you mom an iPhone"

                  He only dreams, pathetically. Fortunately my mom, dad and I are not that foolish to fall for that trap and hand over our money and personal data to him and his gang.

                    • S
                    • Sin
                    • 3ag
                    • 08 Sep 2022

                    So text colour green vs blue bubble matter ?

                    I don't even see text colour bubbles possiblity because am on Android

                    I just use text & calls and never noticed anything different between Android and iPhone when messaging people or calling people

                    I don't really understand the problem here

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • X%q
                      • 08 Sep 2022

                      SShock, 08 Sep 2022It's not just iPhones though, M1 Macs have been univer... moreApple is unmatched in speaker department.

                      Also their haptic feedback is next level in their devices. Rest of the industry still need to catch up.

                        • S
                        • Sony Panasonic
                        • JJ7
                        • 08 Sep 2022

                        Apple, an arrogant company that refuses the RCS. Against a standard, Android supported by others. The SMS / MMS system which becomes RCS that everyone automatically unlike the many different messaging systems not (yet) compatible with each other (WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram planned and even mandatory in the EU within 1 to 2 years)

                        I already have Facebook Messenger needed with Facebook (otherwise impossible to read P.M.) which is in some countries the most used. + E-Mail, + SMS/RCS permanently so you don't want WhatsApp, Line for Asia etc....

                          • c
                          • cyber
                          • S2D
                          • 08 Sep 2022

                          buy yourself a ticket to north korea and dont come back🤬

                            I like how some people here are like 'Apple isn't giving us choices!!!1!!' when WhatsApp, Telegram and Facebook Messenger are literally right over there on the App Store. You don't really need to use SMS.

                            I do feel that Tim's responses were a bit dumb, though.

                              Anonymous, 08 Sep 2022The sound, yes. Wherever any iPhone nearby rings, the sound... moreIt's not just iPhones though, M1 Macs have been universally praised for their amazing speakers and similar was said for their desktop Macs, despite their crazy thin profile. JBL is in general an expert for powerful sound in tiny form factor, but Apple is really flexing their muscles in this segment in last several years.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • uph
                                • 08 Sep 2022

                                SShock, 08 Sep 2022I'd also say haptics and sound is one of the best in t... moreThe sound, yes. Wherever any iPhone nearby rings, the sound from it's speaker, just sounds a lot better than other phones. Idk how they did it, but it does sound good. As for the haptics, I'll have to check that whenever I visit a nearby apple store. The things that I don't like about iPhone are expensive parts if ever it needs a repair. For example a back glass change can cost in hundreds so those things keep me from getting an iPhone. Lol

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • PZs
                                  • 08 Sep 2022

                                  Original-Jamaican, 08 Sep 2022Tell me what makes iPhone better than Android.they say ...
                                  - the operating system configuration is so efficient that the custom processor only needs fewer core and less memory
                                  - stick to the founder dream, computer 8s for everyone, must be as easy as operating vacuum cleaner
                                  - do not to be like rocket scientist to configure all things to the finer detail
                                  - gives users the user interface to focus on tasks at hand, not the tiny details configuration

                                  ... so the ads says ... and ... people actually spend more and queue for hours to get one

                                  again ... they wil say ... the proof is at the demand ... and ... people stil queue to get

                                    Anonymous, 08 Sep 2022iPhone does have quite a few things better than other phone... moreI'd also say haptics and sound is one of the best in the industry and it's consistent across the board. No matter what iPhone you buy, you're guaranteed to have both excellent. Something so many other brands screwed up in many models almost randomly. Like for example, Galaxy S22 changing axis of the haptic motor, causing quite some problems not feeling the thing when it's vibrating in a pocket. I never used one in person to tell, but the fact several people/reviewers complained about it, it's worrying. I don't think I ever have to worry about that on iPhone. Any iPhone.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • uph
                                      • 08 Sep 2022

                                      SShock, 08 Sep 2022Pointless, because no matter we say it's shot down by ... moreiPhone does have quite a few things better than other phones for example the A-series chip which makes a phone last for long. The build quality has a premium look and of course the water resistance. Idk about ios, because haven't used it, but iPhone looks good in-hand. On iOS, they like to keep things simple and easy which makes it a breeze to operate

                                        Original-Jamaican, 08 Sep 2022Tell me what makes iPhone better than Android.Pointless, because no matter we say it's shot down by Fandroids.