Nokia joins Apple to secure injunction against Samsung

07 March, 2013
Nokia has teamed up with Apple to demand injunction against several Samsung products.

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  • S
  • Sunny
  • fBh
  • 08 Mar 2013

guys.... Samsung is putting good competition. lets just hope Samsung don't loose to them or u all fan boys will be paying money for bricks and limitations on the OS side. if I recalls correctly..... I remember reading an article about number of nokia patents that apple voilate. so I wonder why nokia joins apple....!!!!

    • M
    • MILLA24
    • 9xH
    • 08 Mar 2013

    AnonD-28416, 07 Mar 2013I love you so much, I could'nt have said it better. Shows h... more♦♦♦♦♦ What´s with that ''I LOVE YOU SO MUCH'' weird.... Good luck with all this cell phone companie issues, just be happy with the phone each one has, and let legal problems to big companies. Pease!!!! ♦♦♦♦♦

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • qas
      • 08 Mar 2013

      Anonymous, 08 Mar 2013Um, no. Sony had an RFID precursor to NFC that allowed you... moreDude Samsung wallet use nfc also. Their a lot of app that do the same thing also with code bar like Cineplex app.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • qDd
        • 08 Mar 2013

        I see Apple is getting desperate, and asking Nokia another desperate company to join them to defeat Samsung is just laughable. LOL.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • Iw6
          • 08 Mar 2013

          [deleted post]Um, no. Sony had an RFID precursor to NFC that allowed you to make payments with your phone by touching a scanner, similar to a credit card. This is what Google Wallet is like. Apple's solution generates barcodes on the phone's screen to allow users to scan their tickets, coupons, etc. It does not use NFC. In my opinion it is inferior to the Sony FeliCa/Google Wallet approach. However, Samsung still decided to copy Apple on this. It's like they feel the must copy everything Apple releases. What was really sad was that so many journalists were pointing out that it was a blatant copy of Passbook because it was so obvious.

            • s
            • samsung rules
            • v0q
            • 08 Mar 2013

            Hahaha! Both companies are now desperate to take down samsung which is the most impossible to happen, for the crapple fans if your company wants to take on samsung then you should have a ceo that has the same leadership and determination as steve jobs and not that kind of leadership demonstrated by tim cook which he doesn't know anything about his company

              • D
              • AnonD-117869
              • gJ2
              • 08 Mar 2013

              Htc one is gonna kick som butta

                • S
                • Sunny
                • fBh
                • 08 Mar 2013

                I just wanted to say that I really feel sorry for nokia. Nokia is a fallen company. Now they are using law coz they can't compete. my first phone was nokia 3310. give me a nokia 6600 I I can tell u if it has a virus or not just by using a 3rd party file menager. my last 3 phones were c7, 701 n lumia 620. c7 n 701 were really bugy, sold my 620 in the first week after buying it. Nokia is not giving quality products now. its a doomed company so its shameful that now they are using law coz they can't compete in market. I was a nokia fan and I am really disappointed by nokia now. shameful move nokia...

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • n5s
                  • 08 Mar 2013

                  AnonD-101842, 08 Mar 2013My Samsung series 9 tv is just the most beautiful tv ever m... moreHow come you didn't get Samsung vacuum cleaner? I got 1 and It's Amazing :-)

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • vuJ
                    • 08 Mar 2013

                    Anonymous, 08 Mar 2013Samsung doesn't go suing everyone because no one follows th... moreIt astounds me on the crap u wrote,if crapple worried more about producing a decent phone for once instead of worrying about suing samsung for phones they produce which sh*t over the crap crapple produce they wouldn't be in this prediciment...So i guess car manufactures should start suing each other for using same brand tyres?Get real man,seriously get a Reality check...Crapple has been out done hands down,so deal with it chum.

                      • K
                      • K-PAX
                      • 7sa
                      • 08 Mar 2013

                      I simply cant wait,,, I hope the s4 stands up to the rumours, then I'll buy 5 of them for my family,,, they all want one :)))))

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 3iJ
                        • 08 Mar 2013

                        Samsung vs the world, Go SAMSUNG unleash that beast to kill more nokias and apples!

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • Iw6
                          • 08 Mar 2013

                          Anonymous, 08 Mar 2013Lol answering my question with a question. Lol you think yo... moreSamsung doesn't go suing everyone because no one follows them they way they ape Apple. Samsung Wallet is just a recent example of this. Providing a product with similar functionality is one thing, but trying to copy the look and feel of the product takes you into the territory that will get you branded as a copycat. Samsung's tactic has been to follow everything Apple does and try to come up with an analogous product that resembles Apple's offering. They don't copy HTC, Motorola, Sony or anyone else. Apple is just the first company to really stand up to them.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-110811
                            • 0Ud
                            • 08 Mar 2013

                            booo nokia! sorry guys, this isnt about who copied who anymore. (it is very obvious that brands "borrowed" from each other along the evolution of smartphones... and not only smartphones). nokia is simply dessperate. this is the action of a fallen company. TOO BAD; nokia made some of the best phones, in terms of realibility and also regarding their symbian soft. (though, so old now). maybe the company is playing her last cards, too bad among these cards "Dignity" is absent. this action, to me, simply says FEAR and GREED.

                              • F
                              • Fruitcake
                              • 3pc
                              • 08 Mar 2013

                              Nokia are now turning there backs on Samsung,but Samsung have learnt from all the Mistakes Nokia have made in the Mobile Market,Nokia created sliding phones that were not stable,the Samsung create the Best Sliders with Spring Operation,then Nokia created phones without batteries been changed by the owners an too heavy,so Smamsung created the Thinisest phones with removable batteries.Mr Elop an Microsoft seen like a Brilliant comedy duo-Morecombe an Wise who are the laughing pair in the Mobile Market,an they know they have no chance of beating Apple or Samsung so know trying to help Apple,Why?

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • tuf
                                • 08 Mar 2013

                                Nokia phone sell bad and think if sammy down. they got chances. And so do Apple does.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • qas
                                  • 08 Mar 2013

                                  Anonymous, 08 Mar 2013Tell me what Samsung invented. Or what Apple copied. Lol answering my question with a question. Lol you think you are smart lol. Samsung is also a recipes company just like apple. But Samsung don't go suing everybody for curved edges lol. Everybody copy that's the point. Apple only want stop progress because they are to slow. Same thing happen in the 90s Microsoft vs apple. Apple went bankrupt. Apple are just too slow to keep up with the market. So they have to slow the market down. Lol now Nokia is doing the same thing lol. If you were educated you would know that. But you not. You just a Samsung hater.

                                    • s
                                    • spanner
                                    • vMi
                                    • 08 Mar 2013

                                    Anonymous, 07 Mar 2013I have to disagree with you there. I'm gonna have to say S... moreWell sony's icons for the ipad for one

                                      • m
                                      • maalen
                                      • MGI
                                      • 08 Mar 2013

                                      samusung is pretty good phone apple or nokia they cant do anyting aginst for samsung all apps are esay way at samsung.
                                      samsung easy phone for easy people

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-101842
                                        • fXt
                                        • 08 Mar 2013

                                        My Samsung series 9 tv is just the most beautiful tv ever made it praticly bezel less with metallic finish ,and my Samsung frige looks so classy and expansive ,my samy note 2 just come to complete my Samsung world , I m so waiting for the s4 ,I wish I lived at Samsung distal city