Phil Schiller bashes the Galaxy S4, says it runs on dated OS
- K
- Kep
- 3T2
- 14 Mar 2013
Completely agree, this is a company with a thorn in it's foot speaking
Let's see what the market shares will look like in 6 months, i'm guessing apple will lose their fair share if they keep offering the same product for too much money without improvements
- D
- AnonD-59657
- ib9
- 14 Mar 2013
iPhone 5 has the 2 generations old hardware!
The CPU is still with Dual Core with entry 4" screen!
The iOS still looks the same like 5 years ago!
So boring!
- D
- AnonD-72581
- mxn
- 14 Mar 2013
Samsung took a big chunk out of apple and they dont like it, typical Americans, think there untouchable!
- ?
- Anonymous
- RKk
- 14 Mar 2013
So, iOS is better?
I mean the last time I checked, it didn't allow file management. Bluetooth transfers. Otg. It even had issues in attaching stuff to email.
Android instead gives us a far more functional platform to work with.
Anyway, fear can make people do certain things. :-P
- x
- x
- ixu
- 14 Mar 2013
craple is really worried about S4
- g
- garvin
- 8yU
- 14 Mar 2013
jealousy kills......
- p
- pb13
- Yde
- 14 Mar 2013
this guy is a complete moron haha, iphone's been on the same OS forever they're lucky they have a sheep herd as clients. It shows Apple's sweating now,the flame on the iphone trend is soon to be blown out. it's time for people to wake up a realize what a smartphone really is. I dare someone to backup the iphone in this post, you'll only take the time to make yourself look dumb
- w
- what?
- fj1
- 14 Mar 2013
He looks like an idiot, sounds like an idiot..... he
must be an idiot.
- s
- sudhanshu_india
- uZb
- 14 Mar 2013
desperate comment without any credible backup data. sorry phil but tru.
- D
- Devraj
- 14 Mar 2013
Its indicating that Apple is going to face a hard time after the release of the SIV..... Well Mr. Schiller admitting it.
- D
- AnonD-53686
- K2F
- 14 Mar 2013 guys actually trolled Phil didn't you?? Nice one..... :p
- D
- AnonD-58835
- 8DS
- 14 Mar 2013
Schiller, Samsung release Galaxy S4 with Jelly Bean 4.2 which is a 4 months old release, NOT 1 year. Moreover, on May, Google release OS 5, and Galaxy S4 is updated immediately to latest one. Moreover, old phones could be updated by post market mods in XDA. For example my I9003 is a 4 yeats old phone, and i am using it with firmware 4.2.2 android. I receive more updates than iOS. Also, android price is more than a half than an iphone offering SAME features. Moreover android has more coverage from high to low market. Schiller is using many bad words, not real information. Nowadays Samsung and android are both the king, and for next 5 years. Unfortunately, iOS has a old design in interface, phone do not have new design, and why to pay more than double for same features?????????????????
- j
- john
- MpC
- 14 Mar 2013
well, he and all other representatives from other companies ( htc,samsung or whatever) should keep their mouths shut and compete with products. this type of bashing is stupid and shows that he is hurting that others are doing well. when apple is doing well, and someone says something " oh hate or envy, they don't innovate or buy patents like we do".
mind your own business and compete with great alternatives.
- D
- AnonD-123779
- rJn
- 14 Mar 2013
well those boys are coming
- D
- Devraj
- 14 Mar 2013
Phill do something about the stupid iOS first then talk about android
- ?
- Anonymous
- 46f
- 14 Mar 2013
Who cares about what you feel Phil?
- A
- AppleDesperateCall
- mjG
- 14 Mar 2013
How desperate they have become. Nexus 4 by LG user here. Keep up the great work Samsung!
Android brothers, together we shall destroy fail apple.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nwR
- 14 Mar 2013
He is total ID10T
- w
- wardroid
- 0IF
- 14 Mar 2013
So funny, my ribs...
Creating a folder is an issue for them, year 2013!
- G
- GG
- nrG
- 14 Mar 2013
His pants is already wet :))
No one cares about your borings iFruit.