Sony announces ZV-E1 vlogging camera with full-frame sensor

29 March 2023
Features the same basic sensor and quality as the A7S III and FX3 at a lower price.

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potato4k, 30 Mar 2023$2200 body or more with crappy kit lens nobody want to use.... morehave you saw a red camera? it might be not related to this topic, but they cost more than this for only the body.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • wDW
    • 30 Mar 2023

    SigmaR, 30 Mar 2023No, not really unnecessary. Cameras with 8k recording can o... moreThe problem is more to do with the fact that high res sensors suffer from a jello effect because of slow sensor read out, pixel binning should mitigate it but then that would eliminate the advantage of having more pixels in the first place🙁

      Qimchi, 30 Mar 2023You know nothing about cameras. Here I'll teach you. A... moreNo, not really unnecessary. Cameras with 8k recording can output an awesome downscaled 4k video, much more detailed than regular 4k or they can offer excellent cropping if you need to reframe or zoom in

        CargoJoe, 30 Mar 2023Damn. What a compact beast. I hope they improve the heating... moreleaving aside that this camera is crap at the price they sell it, did you actually read anything about it? 1 inch sensor?

          vrvly, 29 Mar 2023Perfect, now if it would be with 61mp I wouldn't compl... moreYou should ask for a7C with the a7RV sensor instead, then - This product is for vloggers and omits some of the key features found on their still cameras, such as the top dials. Also, a non-stacked 61MP sensor would be absolutely atrocious in terms of the rolling shutter effect.

            vrvly, 29 Mar 2023Perfect, now if it would be with 61mp I wouldn't compl... moreYou know nothing about cameras. Here I'll teach you. A video camera does not need more than 12MP. You won't be taking pictures that require 61MP which is ONLY useful if you print it out to billboard sizes. You'll be taking VIDEOS which at most will be in 4K resolution and a low MP count allows for a faster sensor read out which allows for higher frame rates and less rolling shutter. Most cinema cameras have around only around 8-12MP for those that are shot in 4K.

            A high MP camera like the A7R series is not as good for video as it doesn't do high frame rates like the A7S series, and sometimes it would have to crop in to the sensor to record at those high resolutions. 8K is not needed yet, it's ridiculously hard to edit, and massively unnecessary.

              Anonymous, 30 Mar 2023Super wide lens to make faces distorted. Great!! I don't think you understand what Shui8 is saying. An UWA lens allows you to frame yourself in the centre while also capturing what surrounds you. And let's be real here, this kit lens is pretty garbage for vlogging - A very small max. aperture to begin with, 28mm is restrictive (especially when the EIS is turned on) and 60mm is essentially useless for capturing your entire face.

              A special deal like a discount for the PZ 16-35mm F4 upon purchasing ZV-E1 would've been nice - Sufficiently wide at the widest angle, yet flipping the camera would allow you to capture objects slightly further away from you when you need it.

                Damn. What a compact beast. I hope they improve the heating for this. That 1 inch sensor seems much more updated than all the previous models.

                  $2200 body or more with crappy kit lens nobody want to use. Right in the mark for flexing YouTubers.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • gDe
                    • 30 Mar 2023


                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 8N3
                      • 30 Mar 2023

                      Shui8, 30 Mar 2023A vlogging camera with 28-60mm kit lens. Great, all you wil... moreSuper wide lens to make faces distorted. Great!!

                        [deleted post]you couldnt compare mirrorless cameras to a smartphone. they are on a different league.

                          • S
                          • Shui8
                          • xjH
                          • 30 Mar 2023

                          A vlogging camera with 28-60mm kit lens. Great, all you will see are your own nostrils 😂😂😂

                          Should have been 12-24mm.

                            • T
                            • Tmn
                            • tA$
                            • 30 Mar 2023


                              • k
                              • kek
                              • GBh
                              • 30 Mar 2023

                              All was looking good until the price dropped lmao.

                              For $2k, you are better grabbing the proper Alpha series model, since at most it will be a few hundred of dollars of difference

                                vrvly, 29 Mar 2023Perfect, now if it would be with 61mp I wouldn't compl... moreIt's a v-log camera. Think resolution instead of MP.

                                  vrvly, 29 Mar 2023Perfect, now if it would be with 61mp I wouldn't compl... moreResolution isn't everything and like someone said. The lower resolution helps with rolling shutter, if you want extra resolution, it's gonna cost more.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • gIP
                                    • 30 Mar 2023

                                    Anonymous, 29 Mar 2023The 720p out of this humiliates 8k out of phones. People having no idea how cameras work will always think bigger number equals better and say dumb stuff like "my iphone 7 is better".

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 8N3
                                      • 29 Mar 2023

                                      vrvly, 29 Mar 2023Perfect, now if it would be with 61mp I wouldn't compl... moreIt has low resolution because it means less rolling shutter.
                                      The 61MP is much slower and bad for 4K recording.
                                      And if you add DRAM to sensor to increase speed, this camera would cost over $5000.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 8N3
                                        • 29 Mar 2023

                                        The 720p out of this humiliates 8k out of phones.