Nokia Q1 report: 5.6 million Lumias sold, €150 million loss

18 April, 2013
Nokia is still struggling to come out on the black, but the Lumia sales are some good 27% up.

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  • M
  • MdN
  • 6tS
  • 18 Apr 2013

Guess, 18 Apr 2013Time to kiss widows platform goodbye.... Android all te way Nokia's mission is connecting people, not turning people into trolls.

    • i
    • izat emir
    • tuf
    • 18 Apr 2013

    right now nokia should try new os like android on their device..we see that, many low compatible like huawei, zte have grow up after use android os on their should change their market strategy..dont depend on window like lumia..

      • D
      • AnonD-109426
      • N9@
      • 18 Apr 2013

      Having used Lumia 710, 820 and 620 I am of the candid opinion that wp is far behind.

        • I
        • Iskander
        • mA5
        • 18 Apr 2013

        It doesn't look good for Nokia. YoY net sales are down massively. QoQ are down quite a bit too, eventhough the new Lumia line actually became more massively available. True, Lumia sales were up compared to Q4, but of the 5.6 million devices sold, 1/3rd, or 1.9 million devices, were old WP7.X Lumia devices. So in 1 quarter, Nokia only managed to sell 3.7 million Windows Phone 8 devices, less than the 4 million iPhones that Verizon sold all alone in Q1. All that, while Nokia had massive advertising going on.
        The actual loss also is writing on the wall. They finally are through their restructuring expenses, but they also are out of Microsoft subsidies slowly, meaning they will have to stand on their own feet again. Time will tell if they can manage, but the massive drop in feature/dumbphone sales they had to suffer, isn't very positive for them. There's a bulk of revenue dropping away there.

        Reading through the reactions here, one can even see that Nokia and/or WP8 fans are afraid too, as there is a lot of Android trashing going on again, baseless claims of required hardware to be able to run Android, while promoting WP8 for being able to run on thin air.

          • D
          • AnonD-36414
          • uvG
          • 18 Apr 2013

          AnonD-78985, 18 Apr 2013Almost there to bankruptcy you can do it Nokia hahahhahawith so much of services at their disposal(music,e.t.c.),maps,loads of patents,nokia siemens network-nokia becoming a banckrupt is still a joke ,even if their luminary lumias strike zero.

            • D
            • AnonD-60243
            • N7A
            • 18 Apr 2013

            I find the lumia series promising. It's just a matter of time. I dont think it's matured like that of ios or android,just in a year everything would be perfect.

              • D
              • AnonD-36414
              • uvG
              • 18 Apr 2013

              AnonD-81051, 18 Apr 2013make a flagship smartphone to go up Against apple , that's... morenow blame sammy to change that era.with no steve jobs,i guess only a pureview can change that.

                • d
                • darksantacruz
                • DQg
                • 18 Apr 2013

                Nokia it's starting to grow again! Good news!!

                  • G
                  • Guess
                  • Lba
                  • 18 Apr 2013

                  Time to kiss widows platform goodbye.... Android all te way

                    • p
                    • pkpilania
                    • uu@
                    • 18 Apr 2013

                    ha ha ha 5.6 million ,samsung sold over 68 million smartphones.nokians made people fool over 13 years but now time is over RIP nokia

                      • D
                      • AnonD-78985
                      • qas
                      • 18 Apr 2013

                      Almost there to bankruptcy you can do it Nokia hahahhaha

                        • a
                        • attackmonkey
                        • U2%
                        • 18 Apr 2013

                        So two years later from switching from Symbian to Windows they are selling a similar amount of smartphones as before but with no actual profit.

                        2010 Q4 results (results prior to switching platform strategies):
                        net sales: €12.65 billion (up 6% YoY)
                        profit: €1090 million (up 10% from Q3)
                        Symbian^3 units sold: >5million

                        I wonder how much longer we have to wait to see their new strategy actually become more successful then their old. How long did the company expect the transition to take?

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • Ks6
                          • 18 Apr 2013

                          Rip nokia

                            • m
                            • mxtreme
                            • Hkq
                            • 18 Apr 2013

                            Slow and steady wins the race!.....but the problem here is that this race never ends...! :p

                              i bet if nokia today annouces an android phone with exactly same specs and everything like s4, it will be touch and go

                                • D
                                • AnonD-78115
                                • KSi
                                • 18 Apr 2013

                                Nokia's success will always be the underdog unless elop is enveloped (with a resignation letter)

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • EmI
                                  • 18 Apr 2013

                                  AnonD-133243, 18 Apr 2013and nuke attack resistantsure 20" 128 core 64gb ram and nuke

                                    • X
                                    • X
                                    • Am9
                                    • 18 Apr 2013

                                    Title says "€150 million loss". Why is the arrow in the picture pointing up?:)

                                      • S
                                      • Shame for Nokia
                                      • mMG
                                      • 18 Apr 2013

                                      Nokia is dieing and sinking. Why the hell they don't sell MeeGo devices or Sailfish?? They would not have any losses. Sometimes I think to myself Elop is an alien and not Nokia-friendly one. FIRE THIS CEO!!

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-133243
                                        • 3TL
                                        • 18 Apr 2013

                                        Anonymous, 18 Apr 2013you forgot to mention screen size 20"and nuke attack resistant