Fairphone 5 goes official with 5 years warranty, up to 10 years of software support

30 August 2023
The company is promising 8 years of support but thinks that 10 years is possible too. It will deliver at least 5 OS updates to the phone.

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dladz, 08 Sep 2023Saw this article and thought that's interesting, 5 yea... more"Then there's the battery 4200 in a world where 4700 is considered normal?"

Yes, the battery, that you can swap in seconds.

"To fix this, everything should be modular, motherboard up."

It's the most repairable phone by fair, and above that it has 5 years of warranty.


"Then I saw the rest of the specs.. a 778g being it's max cpu? "

The chipset is the Qualcomm QCM6490 (6 nm), not the 778G.


Said Qualcomm chipset is slightly more powerful than the 782G.


"Lastly the price... Nothings new phone is up to £579 up from £399 but you do get a lot for your money .. I'm not sure fair phone can say the same.. your getting nothing phone 1 performance for a lot more money and it doesn't look as good."

The Fairphone has a completely different market than the Nothing phone, or most other phones out there. It's an investment for people who really don't want to switch phones for 5+ years, and yes there are people like that. It's not the most powerful phone, nowhere near it, but it's not even meant to be, it's not a gaming phone and it's perfectly fast enough for regular daily usage.

    • d
    • dladz
    • 32x
    • 08 Sep 2023

    Saw this article and thought that's interesting, 5 years warranty and 10 years software updates.. that's amazing..

    Then I saw the rest of the specs.. a 778g being it's max cpu? That's slow by today's standards meaning 2 years is a push never mind 5 or 10 years.

    Then there's the battery 4200 in a world where 4700 is considered normal?

    Lastly the price... Nothings new phone is up to £579 up from £399 but you do get a lot for your money .. I'm not sure fair phone can say the same.. your getting nothing phone 1 performance for a lot more money and it doesn't look as good.

    Disappointing to say the least.

    To fix this, everything should be modular, motherboard up.

      Cyberchum, 06 Sep 2023You really need to go cool off, because you're acting ... more"Based on my experience, I'd take Samsung over Xiaomi easily, especially if they're both priced similarly, packing similar specs."

      So, I couldn't continue my last comment. Anyways, the main thing is that they aren't priced similarly when they are packing similar specs, they just aren't. Look at the Poco F5 and the A54, I mean come on.

      I wanted to continue my experience with Samsung, but first of all I've to be clear about something. This is all on the A series, which is what most people are buying. The S series is great, I still wouldn't buy one, because of the software and slow charging speeds and below par unboxing experience, but that's more of a preference question than quality, doesn't make the phones worse.

      I have seen a brand new Samsung phone before, that we unboxed at the store and the back panel fell off. About the A54.. Samsung put a glass back on it, so now it's less durable, but people praise that phone for it's build quality, which is just wrong,the A34,A53,A52s all have better build.Never seen a phone above 200 usd with a strange dust collecting gap between the side of the phone and the bezel, like the A54 has, it looks horrible and feels bad too. Oh and that bezel, like why is it so big? The A51 had a lot less. It's like that because it doesn't matter, people will buy it anyways. Yuck.

      Seen multiple Samsung phones with Bluetooth issues, where they couldn't see any Bluetooth device that other phones could. Mainly though, my issue is that they aren't transparent, and neither are the stores that sell them, when people come to get cases for their new Samsung, they always wonder why I ask them about the charger, headphone dongle and screen protector. Except for the headphone dongle they always ask the same thing. "Aren't those included?"

      Samsung and the stores that sell them should be required to tell customers before they purchase their phone that almost nothing is included ANYMORE. When it comes to the S series and even iPhones before you'd mentioned them, people know there is no charger in the box, but with the A series most people don't expect that. I hate to see people getting ripped off like this, hence why I hate Samsung too.

        Cyberchum, 06 Sep 2023You really need to go cool off, because you're acting ... more"You really need to go cool off, because you're acting like a typical fanboy, reaching assumptions so hastily, and harping on any brand you don't fancy."

        Fanboy of what? Which brand? I like all of them equally, there is only one I dislike, you can guess which one it is. And no, I don't think I need to go cool off, when you are the one who is literally following my comments.

        "..the company doesn't give a hoot about what you type in these comment sections."

        Don't worry, I know and it's not like I care about the company, I only care about it's customers. I work at a phone accessory store, I have seen multiple Samsung phones with swollen batteries, 1-2 year old models, so they shouldn't be like that, I have seen many Huawei phones as well with swollen batteries but those were really old models. This goes two ways, on one hand newer Samsung phones seem to be worse quality, but then older ones still seem to be good, and that's exactly why I dislike THE CURRENT Samsung, they were better than this and they could still be better, they just got lazy.

        "Based on my experience, I'd take Samsung over Xiaomi easily.."

        That's understandable, however based on MY experience, I PERSONALLY would take anything over a Samsung. There are also a lot more brands than just these two, I find it harder and harder to recommend Xiaomi phones to anyone, but Samsung is just an instant no for me.

          DarlingYext, 06 Sep 2023So what if I'm a Samsung hater? I don't like what... moreYou really need to go cool off, because you're acting like a typical fanboy, reaching assumptions so hastily, and harping on any brand you don't fancy.

          I've been using smartphones since 2009, I've only ever used 3 Samsung smartphones: S2, Note 2, and the latest, Note 10+. In comparison, I've used 4 Xiaomi smartphones in the last 5 years. Based on my experience, I'd take Samsung over Xiaomi easily, especially if they're both priced similarly, packing similar specs.

          I disliked Blackberry and, then, iPhone, but you'd never see me joblessly poking at them at every turn. I virtually only criticize them when they make a poor move, like Apple refusing to add RCS compatibility. That's silly. Like they killing 3.5mm jack and calling it "courage." I also criticize Samsung and other android OEMs for not just following suit, but also axing the Sd card slot. And removing chargers from box. I'm a fan, not a fanboy. You'd not see me harping on an OEM let alone dragging them into an unrelated article. That's beyond dislike. That's hate, and it'll only consume you, because, frankly speaking, the company doesn't give a hoot about what you type in these comment sections. More than 80% of their buyers wouldn't even see those comments. Get a grip, or keep spilling. Your decision!

            [deleted post]Seems like you don't like it, when someone forms a negative opinion of your favourite beloved company, and absolutely can not accept that someone could dislike said maker.

              Cyberchum, 06 Sep 2023You just have to rope Samsung into virtually every theory y... moreSo what if I'm a Samsung hater? I don't like what they are doing, and where they are heading, however you and millions of other people do. That's fine, we are different, that's all there is to it.

              "Drop the hate, mate, it's known to impair thinking."

              Really? So I should also start sheepishly follow Samsung, as if they are still the best out there and praise them for every decision that they make, but only after they make fun of Apple and then do the same thing? Not happening, people deserve to know that what Sammy is doing now is wrong, greedy and they are capable of doing better if they need to.

              I wonder how this situation would look like, if I liked Samsung, but instead was a Xiaomi or vivo hater...

                Cyberchum, 06 Sep 2023A reply to him, but one that, instead of addressing the poi... moreThey are the only other Android smartphone manufacturer, apart from maybe Google, that provides a ton of software and they are praised for it, yet people instantly started hating on the Fairphone 5, as soon as it came out. That's why I mentioned them.

                  DarlingYext, 30 Aug 2023So if he didn't mention it, that means I can't ei... moreA reply to him, but one that, instead of addressing the point, dragged in a company that did absolutely nothing wrong in regards to the matter at hand. Meh!

                    DarlingYext, 30 Aug 2023Oh please, finally someone other than Samsung commits to mo... moreYou just have to rope Samsung into virtually every theory you have, don't you. You could have simply countered that comment without spilling your obvious hatred for Samsung, but you couldn't resist. You love assumptions insofar you have to include Samsung in it, especially negatively.

                    Drop the hate, mate, it's known to impair thinking.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • gqb
                      • 05 Sep 2023

                      For me, there should be more emphasis on phones like this but in the budget or entry-level segment. Not everyone needs to have 8GB RAM and Snapdragon 7+ Gen 2. Most normal people are still more than suffice with 4GB RAM and Snapdragon 480+ or 4 Gen 1.

                        • C
                        • Carol
                        • nUJ
                        • 03 Sep 2023

                        LoneOwl, 01 Sep 2023The comparison between a gold iphone and fairphone 5 is stu... moreProbably never heard of Metaphor?! I'm starting to doubt it makes sense talking to you... As for expressing "opinions" bashing and talking without knowing, or having a clue, it is not an opinion, it is trolling, and am pretty much sure GSMarena has a policy against that, even tough 80% comments on this website, are still pure trolling...
                        I do not know what your history has shown, i never bought devices based on paperspecs and i definetly never thrown money on chinaware. Your experience is probably based on cheap paperspecs devices cause your claim is actually not true. Android does not lag after a while, or devices do not get worse, just like that. All my android devices, 100% nokia, never slowed down. I passed my first android device, the nokia 8 to my sister after 2 years and she used it for another 3 until it got wet and the screen got issues after that, still working tough. Other devices like my wifes 6.1 went after 3 years to her mother that uses it still, running as usual while hitting the 6 years mark. and they were used by different people with different needs. When fairphone promises something like 8 to 10 years support it means the device will work as usual, as they won't intentionally slow it down by software but quite the opposite, they will do everything to optimize the software. Besides that, the user can install whatever OS he wants on the device, getting Fairphone's full support to do that.
                        As i've said, all talking no researching. The price Tag is actually ok given the amount of support and the Fairphones business model. If it had a flagship cpu would have been even more expensive, so they try to balance the price performance ratio.

                          • J
                          • Joe
                          • ask
                          • 01 Sep 2023

                          To be honest, I like most of the features here except maybe OLED display (I'm sensitive to PWM) and the lack of a 3.5mm jack. Another good reason to buy a Fairphone, hopefully, is to be able to install a Linux OS and ditch android for good once Linux is good enough to work on phones.

                            Anonymous, 30 Aug 2023What is a fair wage if it come to China brands ? Do you kno... moreThat was a lot of words to say ‘I’m selfish and uninformed’

                              taylorswift13, 30 Aug 2023Still, $700 just to replace the battery and display "e... moreYou can change the battery with a fingernail. You can change the screen with a Phillips head and a guitar pick.

                                Carol, 01 Sep 2023As far as i can see, 80% here troll them and only a few def... moreThe comparison between a gold iphone and fairphone 5 is stupid btw.

                                Also, do i need to remind you where you are commenting?This is gsmarena, not fairphones forum, so everyone is free to write his opinion, either each phone is for him or not....

                                As for me watching purely specs, you obviously forget that this phone is running Android.
                                Its not running its own OS, so that specs dont matter that much.

                                And what history has showed us is that long software support leads to poor performance on the long run, if the hardware isnt great out of the gate.

                                And fairphone 5 isnt exactly top notch hardware wise for a big software support(unless they mean mostly security patches).

                                So yeah, obviously this phone isnt for me or for most people because this phone makes no sense, not for its concept, but for its price tag.

                                  • C
                                  • Carol
                                  • ALd
                                  • 01 Sep 2023

                                  LoneOwl, 01 Sep 2023No need. I have a very clear view of this smartphones hardw... moreAs far as i can see, 80% here troll them and only a few defend them, so what are you talking about? As for hardware: do you know why a gold iphone costst to 10 times more then a normal iphone? I give you a clue, it is not the hardware. This phone is gold among the rubish chinese put out, and pretty much any other "me to make phone" brand. This is not made for you or people like you, that like to see buffy paper specs with 2 euros, and think is the greatest device ever made. This device is more expensive because of Fairphone ethics and ways of doing business, before bashing research what Fairphone stands for and does differently to all others and you will soon understand why there are about 150 euros more then a google pixel and 300 more then chinaware. If you do not get the whole picture of Fairphone businesses, you do not need to be here and comment. Your take on the brand is pointless, you won't buy it anyway and you certainly do not understand, so why bash? So for you to feel better? Oh, you think that you are right and the "defenders" are wrong? Nope, it is quite the other way arround but research is missed, ignorance is blissed. As i have already said, people like you are not the market target for the company, so be good and be gone.

                                    LoneOwl, 01 Sep 2023No need. I have a very clear view of this smartphones hardw... more"What happened to all those people complaining in other articles for missing chargers in the box???"

                                    I very much dislike that some companies don't give you anything in the box, but the way I see this, is that it's still better than including a type-c to type-c cable, but then no charger with it, the person buying these phones likely doesn't have a usb-c charger, only a usb-a one, so that cable would just be wasteful. Either include everything, or don't include anything.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • EU0
                                      • 01 Sep 2023

                                      People who are saying it's a weak phone and it's too expensive don't know what they say!

                                      This device even doesn't deserve to be published between 10+ articles on e-wastes.

                                      Here you invest on a device which will offer you 10 years of software support ! You don't imagine how much does it cost to a company to provide such service !

                                      About the software, the OS receives also a real investment by the company and it's really optimized. Thanks to the QCM6490, they will be able to have better integration and the SOC will work more efficiently than any devices provided by e-waste makers, even in their premium portfolio.

                                      This device focus mainly on reliability and sustainability: If you don't have these needs indeed, you could buy something else, but this phone targets mainly people with high environmental convictions, and big consumers like industrial, which ones they could improve their mobilities with easy-fix devices, which don't need to be replaced every 2/3 years and where they can have a right on how the operating system involved by a real relation with the manufacturer.

                                      So yes it's 700 bucks, but someone who is smarter than his phone will definitely obtain a better return on his invest.

                                        One phone, one cable, one charger, and 1 screen protector = € 800 / $ 860 (without shipping)
