Fairphone 5 goes official with 5 years warranty, up to 10 years of software support

30 August 2023
The company is promising 8 years of support but thinks that 10 years is possible too. It will deliver at least 5 OS updates to the phone.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 3SL
  • 30 Aug 2023

I think what would be cool with this is if it could replace some parts with different ones. Like if you could order an LCD instead of an OLED if you prefer that. Or if there were multiple battery sizes, or if in the future, they would offer batteries with new chemistries that improve capacity/reduce weight.

    i wonder how much this device prices in SEA

      Cost €700 if they want to sell to other continents will be €1000.

        Apples software support is a joke

        This is real software support

        I am biased towards OLED

        But I have to really ask is this a good idea when we are talking about having a phone for 10 years?

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 0wx
          • 30 Aug 2023

          Why can't some 600€+ phone do 4k 60 fps recording in 2023 ??