Samsung urges Apple to embrace RCS

10 October 2023
Yet another Android maker pleads with Apple over its stubbornness.

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Anonymous, 14 Oct 2023The real question to my mind is why Google don't make ... moreEven MIUI's messaging app supported RCS when I tried an year back. But yeah, it makes little sense if google doesn't make the API accessible

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • nGA
    • 14 Oct 2023

    The real question to my mind is why Google don't make the RCS APIs available to third party developers: they struck a special deal with Samsung so that it would be used by their messaging app, but otherwise only Google Messages can use it.

    It seems very much not in the spirit of Android for Google to be so controlling about RCS, especially since they want to increase its adoption. It's almost as if they are trying to undermine third party message apps as well as undermine iMessage. Certainly there seems to be some agenda that they aren't discussing behind this restriction, which is so unlike the usual Android approach.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • nGA
      • 14 Oct 2023

      Correction: Google didn't develop RCS, the standard pre-dated Google's interest in it. They just pushed for its adoption, and when that wasn't enough to get networks to invest in it they decided to run the service through their own servers. So RCS is now just like iMessage: a messaging system run by the owner of one of the platforms.

        • A
        • AmeerJ
        • X@c
        • 13 Oct 2023

        Fix yourself first. Everyone is doing the same thing. Glad that they are "pleading" though instead of mocking. How about android providing decent app to connect with Mac officially, or why not re-enable support for Dex in Mac?


          Enough of this ceap already!

          To coin a great comedian, Eddie Griffin
          " y'all talking too much bout how important the message is, but y'all didn't simply ask,"Did you get the message?!!"

          Just like all the prophets saying who knew God was and who was thr closest they forgot the impedance of God's most important ans simplest message. (At least in his comedic act)

          At the end of thr day the End Users are fighting too much over green ans blue bubbles are too damn lost and forgetting about the actual message!

          You still get Joe sent Susy "baby I love you 😍"
          Susan may have received "Bany I love you heart eyes smiley face" ... Susy STILL understood what Joe sent her ans the meaning of the message.

          Get it?! Got it? Good!

          Now this article FAILS to go further about Google's creation of RCS and the benefit Google gets IF Apple goes with RCS - there is a financial incentive there for Google and GSMArena's editors do themselves a lazy and us the readers a disservice by failing to give ALL the details.

          SMS is a GLOBAL standard and is there for a very solid reason beyond our use for emoji's and such! Just last week in Canada the CRTC and emergency BroadCast Service (the bureau in charge of nation wide emergency communication service in an event of a global war, national invasion or equally worse emergency did a test across Cable TV, UHF, Radio (AM/FM bands) and yes Cellular to ensure their system works!

          Backbones may change but a national and international standard is there for a very damn good reason. IMesage still requires an SMS active phone line to work at least for 30-60 days before it'll fail! Originally it would work indefinitely

          I know this first hand as thats what I experienced with a suspended then canceled phone service from 30-90 days 2 yes ago then 30-60 days early in 2023 !!

          Having a communication as a standard across only 1 of the only 2 mobile OS standards across the globe that no longer uses a standard could negatively impact a nation's citizens safety in an event that I mentioned above in my nation's testing as an example - same tests I'm sure is done across the globe I deoendently for example.

          Next will be mobile.

          Let me be clear I don't care if green or blue bubbles not aode eith either - I haven't for years now. Just ontl care compatibility remains!

          That's the true message.

            DBS, 10 Oct 2023We don't live in 2005 in Europe. We don't use tex... moreThe EU is stepping in from a different perspective, they will demand interoperability between chat platforms and require a backdoor.

              potato4k, 11 Oct 2023No Android OEMs cry over RCS. The Chinese don’t care and mo... moreAndroidnerds always use that "an intern did it excuse" card when an ad goes horribly wrong.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 70d
                • 11 Oct 2023

                Anonymous, 10 Oct 2023As an Android user I do agree it's a problem most netw... moreLook up end-to-end encryption.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • sgm
                  • 11 Oct 2023

                  Korea galaxy user, 11 Oct 2023Samsung offers Samsung Messages (Chatting+) as the default ... moreGoogle Messages can be viewed as a combination of Google's own chat app, which is made with RCS standards, with an app that can send and receive SMS and MMS through existing carriers.

                  You can think of Korean Galaxy's Chat+ as a combination of an app that can send and receive SMS and MMS through a mobile carrier and a chat app run by Korean mobile carriers based on the RCS standard.

                  As a result, both services are RCS standard, but there is a difference between whether RCS messages are sent through Google Server and through the carrier server, so they are incompatible.

                  In other words, when Apple accepts RCS standards and combines RCS with iMessage apps, it can be said that if RCS is supported on each country's carrier's server, RCS with the carrier linked to that carrier will be supported. If RCS is supported on Apple's server, it must be linked to Google servers, but it can be said that RCS messages can be exchanged with each other.

                  As a result, even with RCS, green bubbles will not be avoided without interworking between RCS servers.

                    Anonymous, 11 Oct 2023every android phone is launching with Google MessageNo they don't.

                      • K
                      • Korea galaxy user
                      • AAX
                      • 11 Oct 2023

                      Samsung offers Samsung Messages (Chatting+) as the default app to Galaxy users in Korea, and they don't even ask if they want to use Google Messages when setting up their phones for the initial time.

                      This Samsung Message (Chatting+) app supports RCS. However, it is not compatible with the RCS of Google messages.

                      Most users in Korea use the RCS service called Chatting+ through the Samsung messaging app, which is installed by default, and using the Google messaging app is like giving up the RCS service in Korea, so this is the Samsung version of iMessage.

                      Samsung thinks there is no justification to urge Apple to introduce RCS unless this is resolved.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • PB7
                        • 11 Oct 2023

                        potato4k, 11 Oct 2023No Android OEMs cry over RCS. The Chinese don’t care and mo... moreevery android phone is launching with Google Message

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • Ki1
                          • 11 Oct 2023

                          i though samsung already quit using cringe ads and moving forward, too bad i was wrong.
                          but no matter, since everything rcs-related are irrelevant outside the us, heck every single android and iphone users here in country where i live using whatsapp to text people, nobody, including myself consider using imessage or android equivalent.

                            JaiHind69420, 11 Oct 2023If iMessage is only dominant on the US market, then why are... moreNo Android OEMs cry over RCS. The Chinese don’t care and most of them don’t even support it on their stock SMS app. Only those that use Google Messages has RCS support by coincidence. Google is the only one that is making a noise.

                            And look at that Samsung ad. That’s like made by an intern on his lunch break. Very minimal effort. Samsung doesn’t really care.

                              Samsung is like asking the aloof kid in the class to eat glue as well.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • I2Y
                                • 11 Oct 2023

                                CaQ, 11 Oct 2023Lol..You have zero idea what RCS is.No one castes about rcs, especially outside the us
                                This is such an American problem

                                  • C
                                  • CaQ
                                  • t7k
                                  • 11 Oct 2023

                                  Zuzuz, 10 Oct 2023Google tries to bring all the data through their servers, n... moreLol..You have zero idea what RCS is.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • i2Y
                                    • 11 Oct 2023

                                    v.k.n, 10 Oct 2023I have 100 SMS's per day for an year and still doesn&#... moreWhat no unlimited lol where you live ? Cuba lol it’s unlimited most places only sms as is data

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • i2Y
                                      • 11 Oct 2023

                                      Don’t like ios17 iMessage was easier 16 … gone backwards . Gifs was better before layout

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • i2Y
                                        • 11 Oct 2023

                                        Here is the funniest thing if what’s app had sms like signal did, would beat iMessage and all other message apps so why not? Solved problem.