Report: Samsung aims to ship 20 million foldables in 2024

20 October 2023
That includes the current Z series as well as the Galaxy Z Fold6 and Z Flip6.

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potato4k, 25 Oct 2023Xiaomi only offers 4 years on their flagship Xiaomi series.... more1) Wrong. The K60 Ultra offers 4 years. Idk the entire list of their devices that offers it but you're wrong by saying it's just for their flagship series. I never experienced any bugs on my K40.

2) Inferior components? When Samsung batteries have historically had issue after issue that no other companies had problems with? Both exploding phones and swelling. The latter on pretty much every model.

3) You're continuing on about the BoE panels when I've just established you have no evidence they're inferior. Prove it or shut up about it. I take it you didn't even read my whole response.

4) Like I said, the point here is that Samsung does not offer the best stuff on the market, not whether or not the Open is good or bad. Again, I take it you didn't read my whole response. You can tell you only read the first paragraph considering you didn't address anything in the other two thirds of the response.

I don't think the Open is good. I think it's another overpriced foldable with an unnecessary hole in the inner display, but the hate you're giving is unjustified, and this isn't even supposed to be about OnePlus. If you're trying to say Samsung is the best because they're better than OnePlus, comparing trash to trash doesn't make any of it any less trash.

    [deleted post]The only thing you know how to type is b*llsh*ts.
    Although nothing surprises us anymore.

      joe nodden, 24 Oct 20231) Their prices are never competitive. And not for the A or... moreXiaomi only offers 4 years on their flagship Xiaomi series. The rest of their lineup is just pathetic 1 or 2 OS updates at best. Worse, due to the number of devices in their lineup, lower end units often times are left with buggy update and got dropped from support.

      Inferior components is inferior. Go ask real Xiaomi users and repair shops. They're cheap for a reason. No free lunch. And yes, this is coming from me who actually was a fan of Xiaomi since their original Redmi 1 phone. I was a fan of OnePlus too from the OnePlus One. But reality is reality. When you are charging premium prices, you better deliver premium quality and support. If OnePlus Open undercut the Z Fold 5 by hundreds of dollars, I won't mind the BoE panels. But they charged literally almost the same amount of money. For that, why as a consumer, I should not expect the best components and support?

      In short, for around the same price, I'd rather got with Samsung anytime. I'm no fool. If OnePlus charged theirs for $300-$500 less, then it might be a consideration. We know BoE panels are cheaper. Why? Because greedy Apple is also trying to use it despite the failing QC, and they're the most cheapskate company on the planet.

        potato4k, 21 Oct 2023Samsung prices actually are very competitive, especially fo... more1) Their prices are never competitive. And not for the A or M series. Both always use underpowered SoCs that result in sluggish performance. This isn't up for debate. Competitors simply offer more for your money. And they don't have the lead in software support either when even companies like Xiaomi are now giving 4 major Android version updates and 5 years of regular OTA updates.

        2) You haven't seen the "inferior panel" or "not as mature" software on the Open either. All we have is tests from GSMArena and whatnot that show the panel is essentially on par with the Galaxy Z Fold5. That same article shows the Galaxy's display is worse than the one on Vivo's foldable. And they also tested the software and gave zero complaints.

        Let me make it clear, I don't like OnePlus anymore. I think their offerings are much inferior than they were years ago. The 7 Pro was their last solid phone. However, (1) your hate is unjustified and (2) the point here is that Samsung does not offer the best stuff on the market, not whether or not the Open is good or bad.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 4BT
          • 23 Oct 2023

          Anonymous, 23 Oct 2023Lmao. Samsung fanboys triggered by the report their fav com... moreMean fact

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 4BT
            • 23 Oct 2023

            Who care about thin get me a brick phone

              Anonymous, 22 Oct 2023That is a cute history re-write. Back in the days of the... moreI don't know what you mean by "that's a cute history re-write"...
              Is that poorly-worded compliment?
              Or is that an insult, calling me "cute" and accusing me of trying to say-false/re-write history?

              Anyways, I wasn't re-writing history. You can look up those devices I listed. Samsung really was at their peak with the Note 1. They had the best screen, best processor, best camera, best battery, and no-one came close. Samsung could have dominated the market, if they did a couple key things. Firstly to keep their AM-OLED screens exclusive to themselves, and maybe Apple (iOS is separate ecosystem). Secondly to keep making the best processor out there, which used to be something the Galaxy-S devices were known for.

              But Samsung started to fall behind with the QSD 845 vs Exynos 8895, and it was the worst during the QSD 865+ vs Exynos 990 debacle, but even now they are in a bad position in lithography QC 8g1 vs QC 8g1+, which will get even worse in 2024. They are seen as 1-2 generations behind Qualcomm, who themselves are around 2+ generations behind Apple. Yet Samsung wants to charge premium prices. And their displays were not always better than the IPS/LCD competition unless you had preference for deep blacks, contrast, and dark mode. As soon as the competition started getting their hands on Samsung's displays, like OnePlus 3, they lost their magic. And even more tragic was the loss of trade-secrets or Intellectual Property from Samsung to BOE in Shenzhen. They were a big LCD manufacturer which was trying to get into the OLED market and failing with many prototypes. Then seemingly overnight they were able to produce somewhat competitive AM-OLED screens and at mass production capacities, so much so that they are now a big OLED manufacturer (second largest globally).

              Outside of those two big factors (screen and processor), I guess there is optics and cameras. Samsung used to be the best or one-of-the but they were never without competition. The Sony Exmor sensors have bettered them for the longest time. So I doubt this is what they can do to differentiate themselves. Battery technology is something Samsung doesn't have a monopoly on, so no-go there. So maybe S-Pen is what they have to separate themselves but that's not very compelling. I guess the last avenue is Software. Apple has iOS, but Samsung cannot differentiate with Android. They did have a small window of opportunity back when Android wasn't that good (older than 4.0.3) and back when Samsung actually had some expertise and skin in the game with Mobile Linux OS, aka BadaOS, aka TizenOS.

              Wrapping everything up, and getting back on topic... 20 Million Units shipped is ambitious. Especially at the prices they want to charge. I think they will do well, but they won't hit it. There's less and less reasons to get a Samsung these days. You may aswell just get a Chinese phone that's half the cost, and replace it each year, meaning you also get a software update when you update your phone. Neutralising ANY advantage Samsung had.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • q}r
                • 23 Oct 2023

                Anonymous, 21 Oct 2023Also, don't mention the useless Chinese displays that ... moreLmao. Samsung fanboys triggered by the report their fav company is actually falling behind Huawei on the tech advances and providing a much poorer user experience with maligned design, larger crease and awkward tall aspect cover display.

                  Anonymous, 21 Oct 2023Pffft.. imagine writing long comment only to defend failure... moreMan you very funny.
                  Once again i write same thing many times onto these pages so everybody can read that even you.
                  Samsung and Apple are available in 202 out of 206 countries worldwide.
                  Easy reason their market share is so big.
                  Do same thing with Xiaomi, Motorola, Oppo, Vivo, Meizu, ZTE, Asus, Realme, Oneplus, Honor and Huawei and those two Samsung and Apple can go nuts.
                  Easy reason why country like US dont allow xiaomi there.
                  They worrying so much bout their apple nobody would buy it anymore because even a low cost Xiaomi offers 1000 times better specs just like F5 pro plus lot of accesroeis in the box.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 05g
                    • 22 Oct 2023

                    Kangal, 22 Oct 2023Samsung underestimated the Chinese rivals. Remember back i... moreThat is a cute history re-write.

                    Back in the days of the Note 1, everybody, including China, was just saying how dumb phablets were. When Samsung reported ten millions sold a year later, they all rushed in to get some of that money.

                    This report about "maybe 10 million sold this year" is based on third party "analytics" with their own agendas. The usual agenda of those "analytics" sites is to hype naive Apple sales clerks to upsell expensive iPhone models. Nothing else. It is a quite well knows fact that Samsung sales are underestimated by as much as 30-40% on this stats while Apple sales numbers are inflated by 30-40% in general and probably hundreds of percents on their "premium" devices.

                    Apple knows it isn't defrauding their investors when the numbers are supplied by "independent analysts".

                      Samsung underestimated the Chinese rivals.
                      Remember back in the Galaxy S2/Note 1 days... Samsung was the best, and no-one was even close outside of Apple. That was 2011, with alternatives such as the: Motorola Droid 2, Sony-Ericsson Xperia Arc S, LG Optimus 2X, HTC Sensation, Motorola Atrix, Dell Streak, Sony Xperia Play, Motorola droid RAZR, Nokia N9.

                      Now let's fast-forward to 2016 with the phenomenal Samsung S7+. Let's look at its competitors like the HP Elite X3, Moto Z Force, Sony Xperia XZ, LG V20, CAT S60, Actatel Idol 4S, ASUS ZenFone 3D, Lenovo Zuk Edge, HTC 10, OnePlus 3, Oppo , Vivo X5 Play Elite, LeCo L2 Max, Xiaomi Mi 5, Meizu Pro 6+, Honor Note 8, Huawei Mate 9, ZTE Axon 7.

                        Anonymous, 21 Oct 2023Fragile screen + small battery + thin body as gaming phone?... moreRead the news. I didn't make that up off the top of my head.

                          FatShady, 20 Oct 2023they'll fail to do it, and rightly so...Samsung has the money and market access. In many markets, if you want a foldable, your choice is basically just Samsung. When they set the Z Flip price to $999, they had a large increase in sales. If Samsung wanted to, all they need is reduce their price a bit more, and they will sell a lot more. Simple Econ 101.

                            joe nodden, 20 Oct 2023Are you kidding me? They sell their products at horrible pr... moreSamsung prices actually are very competitive, especially for the A and M series, and when you consider the much better longevity in software support. On the high end, Samsung can charge however money they want because here they are the king of the game. They make the best panels, and provide the most mature software in foldables. The OnePlus Open uses a much inferior panel from BoE, while not saving you that much money. I can argue that OnePlus actually is the overpriced ones, considering their software is not as mature for foldables compared to OneUI.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • wra
                              • 21 Oct 2023

                              Cpt.Power, 21 Oct 2023LoL man you funny like Samsung IP resistance ca be trusted.... morePffft.. imagine writing long comment only to defend failure phone with no name brand worth of USD 500.

                              No wonder in real world samsung has 80% worldwide foldable marketshare, because all chinese phone fans can only writing comment without actually buying it, deep inside they know it was only a failure phone after all. Buahahaha..

                              Try harder next time👍

                                Anonymous, 21 Oct 2023There are people who still believe these ip-ratings? Well obviously person i replied to.
                                Had plenty of non IP rated phones in my life all survived without any damage apart Huawei Y3 first generation from 2014 which experienced swimming in a toilet for like 5 seconds and died.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • vaS
                                  • 21 Oct 2023

                                  Cpt.Power, 21 Oct 2023LoL man you funny like Samsung IP resistance ca be trusted.... moreThere are people who still believe these ip-ratings?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • ft6
                                    • 21 Oct 2023

                                    Anonymous, 21 Oct 2023The acceptable price of Oneplus Open is USD 500, above that... moreNever bought a bbk device. But I can safely say any stock android or stockist android are way better than Samsung ui. It's your personal choice to views Samsung's UI as the best. As far as personal choices go, I have found Samsung's one of the worst. And I have used miui

                                      Anonymous, 20 Oct 2023Inner screen of Z Fold costs 2x more than screen of S serie... moreDi i not mention i need to write a book just so your fantasy wont go wild on nitpicking ???

                                        Anonymous, 21 Oct 2023The acceptable price of Oneplus Open is USD 500, above that... moreLoL man you funny like Samsung IP resistance ca be trusted.
                                        Did you ever read this???
                                        And there is a lot more. Many countries could follow this.
                                        Your IPXX rating is good only for plain water which is minimum of scenarios. Nowhere outside your house you will find plain water. Sour rains, chlorinated water in your house etc. everything will damage your phone. Even said testing is made in tank where device stands still. Take it swim to the sea or ocean and see what happens.

                                        Oxygen OS is near stock android litterary best UI your phone can get. Any phone with just 6GBram and stock or near stock UI running just base minimum apps on the backround feels exactly same like Samsung with 12GB of ram running 100-200 more apps o backround.
                                        Oneplsu open feels like you having 60-80 kilos of weight compared to Z fold 5 with a 120-160 kilos of weight and a lot less stamina to perfectly work because of said excessive fat.
                                        Oneplus open is failure product foronly you. Among 8 billions of people More than 75% would disagree. And you get a lot better specs, cameras, charging etc plus nice 100+ in acesories in box. Caling a device with just cable inside a complete product is a no.

                                        Samsung and Apple a popular brand yes only because they are available in like 202 out of 206 coutries for sale. Calling a very heavy bloatware a beautifull interface is nothing but a good joke. Like i said before run a near stock android one plus open and do same with Z fold 5 results will be miles different where Oneplus open will run completely smoothly with lots of free ram, disk space and CPU and GPU usafe compared to Samsugn which runs lot more apps on the backround and more than half your your devuce power is already lost due to useless bloatware called One UI which gives you tons of apps which you already have from google and usualyl better.
                                        Just like Google chrome compared to Samsung brownser. You have both apps in your phne doing litterary same thing both running and apart from stopping them you cant delete both. Like 30 maybe 50m more examples can be found where you have same app friom Samsung and from google doing same things eating your disk space, ram, cpu, gpu and slowing your device down asking for constant updates.
                                        Dunno like you but if i had 150 kilos of weight i would do llitterary everything in my possibilities to get rid of at least half because its not healthy and woud feel like under permanent sickness due to excessive weight.
                                        This is what Samsung does. While Motorola low cost phones can easily run even with 2GB ram. Samsung A05s base configuration comes with 6GB ram and another 6 virtual memory.
                                        Reason why you already know i just told you.
                                        No matter how you look at it oneplus is a very easy winner.
                                        IP resistance is nothing just an obvious gimick which does not works.
                                        Any 2 eur worth waterproof case does lot more tricks for much less.
                                        And litterary any device even a low cost 100 eur phone can easily with stand few rain drops.
                                        Noone is that stupid to go to shower with his phone or swim with it. Even for underwater photos of a sea wildlife i would take waterproof case. With it even a low cost no water resistant phone have greater chance of surviving in salt sea or ocean water than your IPXX rated device.

                                        Wish you a lovely day sir.