Apple's iPhone 16 displays leak - bigger on the Pros, same 60Hz on the vanillas

20 November 2023
Supply chain sources reveal the 2024 iPhone lineup's displays.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • I@H
  • 21 Nov 2023

DaFink, 21 Nov 2023Oohhh we are getting angsty aren't we, this seriously ... moreIt's not just some "single spec point". If it were something that not all other phones in this flagship price has (eg. telephoto cam), then it would be irrational to criticize them for it. But what we're talking about is something so basic that even phones less than half the price of this have lol.

There may be users of vanilla iPhone that don't mind the slow refresh rate but there are certainly those who would like to have this "Pro" hardware and those who would've liked it if they finally get to experience it. And the simple logical way to cater to all of them is to include a screen with high refresh rate and also give them the control whether or not to toggle it in the settings. I don't have to speak on behalf of others. Any decent person would want others to get their money's worth and not treated like this. Try thinking not just for your own interest sometimes, it might do you wonders (since we're apparently giving unsolicited advice now lol).

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • gD6
    • 21 Nov 2023

    DaFink, 21 Nov 2023That's right people will buy it, and you can consider ... more"You'll buy it anyway" simply means that people buy iPhones because they are popular and are considered the most premium phones in the world. So, even with a totally outdated refresh rate of 60hz people will buy it. Apple could quit the whole iPhone lineup and sell iPhone SE for 1500€ and people would still buy it. Periscope cameras exist for 4 years now (look at Huawei P30 Pro) but when Apple introduced just now the whole tech world discussed it.

    You can't say people buy iPhones because they are okay with what they offer, they simply buy iPhones because they are iPhones.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • rKx
      • 21 Nov 2023

      Positive, 21 Nov 2023Love it or not,apple is ruling the tech world !!! Not a fa... moreThats because iphone users dont know about tech

        Anonymous, 21 Nov 2023When 120hz displays are common in 200€ phones, it is a rip-... moreThat's right people will buy it, and you can consider it a rip off, doesn't mean everyone else will. I consider paying twice the price for a weak bendy screen that has a giant crease running down the middle a bad choice, but to each their own.

          Anonymous, 21 Nov 2023You literally tried (and failed) to keep anyone who doesn&#... moreOohhh we are getting angsty aren't we, this seriously bothering you that much????

          iPhone users aren't 'given' anything, they make a conscious choice. And given the volumes we are talking the reasons for that choice will be far to many to list. But you want to blanket assume they are all being milked simply because of a single spec point that's important to you, you go right ahead. after all speaking on behalf of others is ok...when you do it.

          Ultimately dude, HRR might be the be all and end all for you, It ain't for everyone though. it's just that simple. Maybe getting over that fact might be beneficial, just a suggestion 🤷‍♂️

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • I@H
            • 21 Nov 2023

            DaFink, 21 Nov 2023But you must be assuming many of those patrons, and we are ... moreYou literally tried (and failed) to keep anyone who doesn't buy an iPhone from making any criticism on iPhone lol

            iPhone users may have gotten used to what they are being given but they certainly could've gotten more for the money they spend. If you truly can't see how an omission of something so basic at flagship price in order to reserve it as a "Pro" hardware warrants criticism, then I genuinely feel sorry for the people in your life who are affected by the decisions that you make.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • gD6
              • 21 Nov 2023

              DaFink, 21 Nov 2023But you must be assuming many of those patrons, and we are ... moreWhen 120hz displays are common in 200€ phones, it is a rip-off when a phone with 5 times that price lacks it.
              But as "Steven He" said in his YouTube channel:
              You'll buy it anyway.

                Anonymous, 21 Nov 2023I literally included a clear example on how they are milkin... moreBut you must be assuming many of those patrons, and we are talking millions of people you haven't or never will meet, didn't consider the lack of HRR display and simply not thought it relevant to their requirements. I don't see how somebody considering a single spec point to be less than a deal breaker for their personal requirements results in them being milked. Unless you are perhaps speaking for them of course....🤔

                And why 'should' it be included, somebody passed a law on this and not tell me?? No again, your own thinking is being projected onto others. You might think HRR is table steaks, doesn't mean everyone else has to.

                And knock off this 'silencing' & 'forbidding' stuff will you, it's a cheap and lazy attempt to insinuate that I am stopping others from speaking, I am not. I am as free to voice my opinion as the rest of you.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • I@H
                  • 21 Nov 2023

                  DaFink, 21 Nov 2023why are Apple's patrons being 'milked' exact... moreI literally included a clear example on how they are milking their patrons in my last reply but for your sake, it's charging a price for a product without something so basic that should already be included lol.

                  That's what you are basically doing, trying to silence people here who are saying that Apple SHOULDN'T be doing this with your counter argument that Apple CAN keep doing it. You are simply gatekeeping criticisms on a brand that you are so loyal to. I hope you at least get some kind of compensation for all this lol

                    Anonymous, 21 Nov 2023Like I said, it's never an issue that they can keep ge... morewhy are Apple's patrons being 'milked' exactly????

                    Oh and it's flattering to think you believe I have the power to 'forbid' stuff on this site, that has made me chuckle 🤣

                      Anonymous, 21 Nov 2023Like I said, it's never an issue that they can keep ge... moreWell speaking on behalf of everyone else is kinda the standard on here, haven't you noticed?

                      How often do you see iPhone users, their financial means, technical skills, use habits etc all labeled in broad generalized strokes by those who just love to think they know what is going on in everyone else head. I and didn't speak for you, i said i'd 'wager', I didn't say I was certain. Evidently that nuance is just a tad subtle for you.

                      And this whole Moral argument of yours is ridiculous to begin with. What, you think the likes of Xiaomi, Oppo, Motorola and the rest of the Android oem crowd put HRR displays in their products for altruistic reasons??? Naive much are we 🤔

                      They do it because one of them started it, and the rest had to quickly follow suit or fall into obscurity in the fiercely competitive market. Apple don't have that problem, you want an Android, well which one of the 1000's available from 100's of different vendors? You want an iPhone, it's simply which iPhone.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • I@H
                        • 21 Nov 2023

                        DaFink, 21 Nov 2023what I am smart enough to realize is they are only as moral... moreLike I said, it's never an issue that they can keep getting away with milking their patrons for as much and as long as they want. But the fact that they actually do that, like omitting something so basic that should already be included for the price that they're asking, is a valid reason for them to be criticised. And you are basically forbidding people here from calling them out on this.

                        Point is this: They can get away with much but that doesn't make them immune from criticism. Also, you may claim to be as morally bankrupt as them but you certainly don't speak for me or everyone else lol.

                          Anonymous, 21 Nov 2023Here's a person who defends that people should keep ge... morewhat I am smart enough to realize is they are only as morally bankrupt as the rest of us, they are just a great deal more successful. After all, you may all talk a good game (or at least like to think you do) but I'd wager you'd follow the exact same business practices if you felt you'd even be half a successful at it.

                          Call me an Apple defender if reducing it down to that level of simplicity helps you make sense of what I am saying, it doesn't matter though. Apple are only going to introduce HRR on the main iPhone series when it makes sense from a business perspective to them.

                          And I'm not insisting only Apple customers can critique them, I'm suggesting it's pointless for those who do not intend to ever be Apple customers to do so. But I'll give you this, people are free to waste their own time, so 🤷‍♂️

                            Love it or not,apple is ruling the tech world !!!
                            Not a fan,can't afford them.Just always ask myself how apple dominated and also get away with everything.

                              SShock, 21 Nov 2023Yeah, but they buy them because that's all they can af... morein some cases maybe so, I don't really tend to comment on the financial means of people I know nothing about, but they sure are buying them. See this is just my point, reading the comments here, I'm just not seeing a compelling business reason for Apple to do this. I highly doubt Apple read comments sections on sites like this, so all these opinions and bloviating matters nothing to them.

                              Numbers are what they take notice of, it seems the lack of HRR on the main iPhone line isn't moving the needle down in any measurable way, and I doubt it's inclusion will have much of an effect either. Like i said before its a single spec aspect of one component, it ain't the hole dam show.

                              So again, what is the actual business reason for putting HRR into the main iPhone series, cause in the end that's all the decision will end up getting based on.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • YT1
                                • 21 Nov 2023

                                Typical apple users here who dont know the differences between refresh rate and UI navigation

                                  DaFink, 21 Nov 2023I'll agree it doesn't look good from a spec parit... moreYeah, but they buy them because that's all they can afford if they want to have an iPhone. And even there they have to stretch the budgets hard already.

                                    SShock, 21 Nov 2023Jesus Apple, at least give 90Hz for vanilla models and 120H... moreI'll agree it doesn't look good from a spec parity point of view, for those that frequent sites such as this. Even though it is only one spec point among many on one component, and the iPhone's display is competitive in all other regards. But the simple logic is Apple obviously do not feel the need to do this right now, sales are still strong regardless, and they don't have to compete with any other iOS brands.

                                    This is not me defending them, more my interpretation of the business logic at play. I have already said that I would suggest they go all in on HRR, but I doubt my rational for that suggestion being 'to shut up all the whinners on sites like this, many of which ain't going to buy an iPhone anyway, and will most likely just start whining about some other aspect of the dam thing' is going to sway them.

                                    People are still buying 60hz sporting iPhones, and will likely do so next year as well. Or at least that is what Apple's own projections are probably indicating, if this even turns out to be true. I'd bet if Apple thought even for one solitary second that this one issue / spec point was going to have a serious detrimental effect on sales of the next model, then they'll make the switch fast enough, and the complaining will simply move to another aspect of the device.......

                                      • l
                                      • lad
                                      • pI$
                                      • 21 Nov 2023

                                      not gonna be a huge jump. only for those with 4-5 year old models

                                        Jesus Apple, at least give 90Hz for vanilla models and 120Hz for Pros. 60Hz on phones that cost 1000€ is just insulting and I don't care how many other good things Apple has. I've defended them about it few years ago, but time has passed and so has my opinion. 60Hz on such expensive phones in 2024 shouldn't be a thing.