Xbox joins Spotify and Epic in criticizing Apple

30 January 2024
The companies claim Cupertino is making a step in the wrong direction.

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  • S
  • Shiny Dave
  • nxt
  • 30 Jan 2024

Anonymous, 30 Jan 2024Is Xbox a separate company to Microsoft? I'm getting c... moreIt isn't. Sarah Bond's "Xbox President" role is basically leadership of that division of Microsoft (and even then, technically she reports to the Microsoft Gaming CEO, and again, that's not a separate company).

She's still got a big leadership role, but what she's leading is one part of the massive Microsoft company, rather than one smaller company like Daniel Ek at Spotify.

    • A
    • AppleKillsEverything
    • Pka
    • 30 Jan 2024

    keklivesmatter, 30 Jan 2024You can sideload on iOS for free present day from dozens of... moreAnd reinstall every 7 days without a developer subscription?
    This is th same as not having it for the average Joe.

    Stop licking on Apple's boot

      • o
      • oo0
      • DGV
      • 30 Jan 2024

      People don't understand the universe revolves around apple

        It's apple what did you expect 💀

          keklivesmatter, 30 Jan 2024You can sideload on iOS for free present day from dozens of... moretrue but its not the easiest way+it can get revoked and costs money for stuff like sideloadly etc
          unlike simply downloading apks on android

            HyperionBurn, 30 Jan 2024linux, windows, android, even macos let you download apps f... moreYou can sideload on iOS for free present day from dozens of third party app stores.. Y'all need to get outside of your reddit hivemind.

              HyperionBurn, 30 Jan 2024linux, windows, android, even macos let you download apps f... moreWhy should it when you can already do it on Android? Isn't that called choice? Don't buy iPhones.

                LOL, Microsoft? So can I run my PS5 games on Xbox One? Can I install a different game store on the console?

                  • R
                  • Raky
                  • g8r
                  • 30 Jan 2024

                  Spanky, 30 Jan 2024Leave it to the fruit logo company to STEAL money from the ... moreYou see, my problem is that Netflix (for example) need to set up prices for everyone to make for the part they are loosing at Apple.
                  Let's say they would charge 10€ for their services...
                  If apple takes 3€ from them for each subscription, and they have let's say 10M users, it would be 30 000 000€ that Apple takes (and not pay any taxes on it) and 30M each month, or 360M that Netflix is missing.
                  So, what they can do???
                  Make prices at Apple store higher for let's say 4€ to make same money at Apple as they do from customers that pay directly to them...and that seems obvious to do, but have their own service that they sell for 10€.
                  And Netflix loses customers.
                  Other option is to sell their services for everyone for 12€ and hope that customers won't be to mad about that extra 2€.
                  So, basically, no matter do I use Apple devices or not, I need to pay for what they are doing

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • Iby
                    • 30 Jan 2024

                    toukale, 30 Jan 2024No, this is call business. You want access to their custom... moreSince the dawn of the computer era, you have been able to run whatever code you want on your own devices. Why should Apple products be any different? Developers have been able to write software to match hardware and distribute it through whichever channels they choose. Why should Apple products be any different? Apple has no ownership interest in your iPhone or Mac once you've bought it, they should have no say it determining what you do with it.

                    This isn't about reverse engineering, that is perfectly legal to do on devices you have lawfully purchased. If you don't believe me, look up the story of how the original BIOS chip was reverse engineered, saving us from IBM holding a monopoly on the PC market.

                    This isn't about security either. If that were true, why would Apple send out specially modified devices with FEWER security protections to researchers, if the vulnerabilities they found would never exist in the wild?

                    This is solely about Apple believing themselves to be a special company, inspired by God (Jobs) to reshape the world of technology in their vision, at the expense of all who dissent. Once upon a time, Apple claimed to be fighting the forces of market dominance, now much of their business is structured around actively making life difficult for people who don't use their products. Just look at iMessage if you need another example of this behavior.

                    And since you mention that Spotify/Microsoft/EGS charge developers for access to their store front: Yes, they do, but none of those are monopolies. You don't have to get your music from Spotify, you're PC software from Microsoft, nor your games from Epic. You have options. You can run Linux with Libre Office (and it will be free, as in both beer and speech), buy games from GOG (DRM free I might add), and get your music from Apple. Apple fundamentally disagrees with the very premise of competition, and that is why their behavior must be stopped.

                      • R
                      • Raky
                      • g8r
                      • 30 Jan 2024

                      Actually, the real question is when will apply pay any VAT????
                      They could start with smaller steps, let's say that they could pay for using other companies taxes inn all the countries they are selling their phones and services

                        The fact they are criticising Apple shows they're most likely not going to contribute anything to the Apple Vision Pro.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 0p}
                          • 30 Jan 2024

                          Is Xbox a separate company to Microsoft? I'm getting confused.

                            linux, windows, android, even macos let you download apps for free online no fees so why IOS?

                              toukale, 30 Jan 2024No, this is call business. You want access to their custom... moreandroid on the other hand:
                              all of them let you download apps online for free? why not ios? even macos lol apple is just being crapple

                                • J
                                • JLC
                                • pa7
                                • 30 Jan 2024

                                toukale, 30 Jan 2024No, this is call business. You want access to their custom... moreNo, it is not!
                                It is more like this: Tesla asks Uber for a cut of each ride with a Tesla although Uber has already paid for the cars.

                                  You have to hand it to Apple, they are masters of ecosystem building and maintaining the complete control of it.

                                  Apple granted all these companies their wish, like the Wishmaster would.

                                    ". The US company is facing "strong action" if it doesn't comply with requirements, meaning the battle for an open app market is far from over."

                                    What type of strong action? The EU is doing gods work, sticking it to Apple

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • Q9x
                                      • 30 Jan 2024

                                      toukale, 30 Jan 2024No, this is call business. You want access to their custom... moreits diabolical and wrong on so many levels, but I have to agree its just business. Every company in the end just wants money and they dont give a rat's ass about consumers

                                        Leave it to the fruit logo company to STEAL money from the developers by ANY. MEANS. NECESSARY.

                                        As long as the obsessed fanboys and ignorant consumers keep pumping money into their overpriced gimmicks, they will continue the arrogant and bullying tactics.