Samsung Spain denies a change to Galaxy S24 vivid mode is coming

02 February 2024
The change in color saturation is intentional and will not be altered for now.

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Tbf that vivid mode was awful and disgusting to see. Glad they got rid of it 🤢🤮

    Akarius, 02 Feb 2024Oh well, I guess you win some, you lose some.Well to correct you Samsung is the one who always winning and customers and consumers are the loosers ones.
    Hence the fact nobody can change it because nobody carry m ore money than Samsung to fight samsung.
    And even if they do try Samsung lawyers will always win.
    People cant hire Ben Matlock or someoe like that to fight Samsung and Win against Samsung.
    So dodge is best option, skip and live with what you get is the worse one, lastlyone can always whine on samsung but from a company that pours over 4 billions in marketing and advertising nobody will hear you not even your closest friends and family unless they will experience the absolutly same.

      Oh well, I guess you win some, you lose some.

        Where exactly did they say that a different option isn't coming? They just explained their reasoning for the change and nothing else

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • bJb
          • 02 Feb 2024

          No way im going for less saturated dull and pale display. In fact is it very inaccurate in color reproductions..xiaomi iphone sony lg is the best when it comes to display colour accuracy..shame on Samsung couldn't calibrate accurate saturation/contrast/gamma from their own amoled technology.

            Anonymous, 02 Feb 2024Clients should be glad this mode is not working. It is ze... moreMy thoughts exactly. "B-b-but the colors r too dull! Hurr-durr, muh washed out colors!! Need moar saturationz googoo gaga"
            Use natural preset because it's the only one that makes sense. Get used to it and stick with it.

              If it's not actually vivid and there isn't a change coming, don't call it "Vivid", simple as that.

              What happened suddenly, the king of software updates can't/doesn't want to fix the simplest thing with an update? How weird.

                • t
                • tuvalu
                • Kxe
                • 02 Feb 2024

                damn, i regretted for not getting the S23U last year if this is true. what's the point having two options Natural and Vivid while the output is 95% the same? (I noticed tiny change in saturation)

                C'mon give us choices, Natural for professional use/prefer high accuracy, Vivid for customers who love popped up display/images.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 8Np
                  • 02 Feb 2024

                  Clients should be glad this mode is not working.
                  It is zero accuracy mode.
                  Should not even exist.

                    LoL haha funny reading.
                    Grab the popcorn and cola guys.
                    Samsung guys at Spain thiks the phones are alright we consumer does not use good enough lenses and our eyes and vision is impaired and needs to be polished with care.

                      There's no way this is a feature.
                      If Vivid and Natural mode are 99% same, then what is the point of having these options then?