App developers in EU can begin testing iOS apps for third-party marketplaces

09 February 2024
The company adds new tools to App Store Connect its API to set up marketplace distribution and apps.

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Anonymous, 10 Feb 2024Keklivesmatter is the type of person who can only write com... moreWhat are you yapping about?

    Carol-, 11 Feb 2024They actually are dominant making billions in after maket a... moreWow, you have quite the dumb outlook on matters don’t you. You should have stuck to sticking little x’s next to comments and left it at that. No consumer has ever been forced to buy apple’s product as you so clumsily insinuated, and no developer has ever been forced to develop for iOS. Sounds like you are the one not quite familiar with the concept of a free market.

    Also, Apple are not a monopoly, why’s is this so hard for all to get through your heads. iOS has a 33% market share in Europe!

      DaFink, 10 Feb 2024True, and if iOS were the only game in town you might have ... moreThey actually are dominant making billions in after maket after selling devices, forcing customers and developers to pay money for things they do not want to pay for. Android might be the most spreaded but their is a very large competition in android world, while apple has none. Not only it's dominant, it is also monopolistic, and they push further to an even more stiff monopoly, that is why EU decided to slap them, and is actually very good that EU does this, reminds them who the rulling party is, the people and the guverments chossen by them, and not a greedy company.
      Next stop: force apple to allow other hardware manifacturest to install their crappy OS and sell. Only after this is their illegal Monopoly crushed, or well at least half of it.

        DaFink, 10 Feb 2024I agree it’s their rules. The EU has full authority to move... moreTalking about free market and having no ideea what that is. Typical apple fan. A lot of biased and religion like following made 80% of them blind to reallity.

          • C
          • Carol
          • swE
          • 11 Feb 2024

          Anonymous, 10 Feb 2024Apple is afraid of EU government. Yesterday applying USB C ... moreYou have no idea what you're talking about. Europe is one of the greates markets for apple, Asia and Africa together do not throw so much money on apple Products as europeans, they also do not have the finace power to do so like Europeans, apple will d9 anything to stay on this market.

            • C
            • Carol
            • swE
            • 11 Feb 2024

            q, 10 Feb 2024It's practically a duopoly in the market and apple cor... moreYou just said that it is ok to mock people and sell Bread how you want to because in this Utopia you are the only one making Bread, and already killed any competition, so you just sell it on your terms with a price tag of your own greed. Also it is ok for a Farmacy to sell at whatever price they want too, because in this Utopia they are the only ones selling. So they just rob the mass of their money, if not the mass should die, who cares? It is also ok to sell 1 Liter of fuell at 300 $ per galon because well, in this Utopia you are the only one doing it, and you already distroyed the competition through missconduct and forced bancruptcy.
            I do not know in what democracy you live, for sure not a real one, as democracy does not mean, everyone can do whatever they want to even if it affectes all others or perticular others. Let me emphesize that for youu:Democracy ends when you disturb /agress /rob /misstreat /and so on...the person near you. So nope, apple should not be allowed to do whatever they want to just because they can and have the will. They should acutally be broght in fron of the court and thrwon into jail, well allot of their employes anyway.

              • C
              • Carol
              • swE
              • 11 Feb 2024

              DaFink, 10 Feb 2024‘Side Loading should have been available for everyone.’ ... moreBecause monopoly is illegal, and Apple runs under monopoly for years now. This is not about choosing android and be done with it. It is about developers who are forced to pay a bucket of money to apple everytime they release an app, beeing blocked to sell their apps in other ways and means, beeing crippeld to actually properly develope apps, on the contrary to what apple claims. Apple should be fined for not adopting usb c when they were told to, also should be fined for missleading it's users to believe that side-loading is bad, but also for mocking european laws. Their implementations of what EU wants is a mockery to free-will and sideloading.l and is still monopolist as it gets. In the name of fairness if i were in the EU Parlament, i would force apple to allow it's OS to be installed on other devices then apple devices, just because.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • va4
                • 11 Feb 2024

                Just hurry give us RCS ….

                  Anonymous, 10 Feb 2024If apple allow side load that didn't mean you have to ... moreTrue, and if iOS were the only game in town you might have something resembling a point. But it isn’t, hell it’s not even the dominant platform in the market in question.

                  So not sure what you mean by monopoly here 🤷

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • CbE
                    • 10 Feb 2024

                    DaFink, 10 Feb 2024‘Side Loading should have been available for everyone.’ ... moreIf apple allow side load that didn't mean you have to side load.
                    Have less monopoly is better for consumer.

                      • V
                      • Vindicator
                      • CbE
                      • 10 Feb 2024

                      DaFink, 10 Feb 2024‘Side Loading should have been available for everyone.’ ... moreHmmm.. makes you think

                        Cekehhh, 10 Feb 2024The fact that the side load thing is only available on EU i... more‘Side Loading should have been available for everyone.’

                        Well that’s just the thing, it always was, all you had to do is use Android of your own ‘free’ will and bang, side load all you want.

                        But why must Apple be forced to implement such a feature on their own IP if it runs contrary to their own policies?

                          Cekehhh, 10 Feb 2024The fact that the side load thing is only available on EU i... moreWhy?

                            Anonymous, 10 Feb 2024Keklivesmatter is the type of person who can only write com... moreThat some creepy stuff you are saying there!

                              Anonymous, 10 Feb 2024I am really happy that Apple is afraid of EU government and... moreI agree it’s their rules. The EU has full authority to move the goal post on anyone at any time and in anyway. Apple should be afraid, I know it worry’s the hell out of me that EU feels it should be interfering in what should be a free market in this way.

                              And I don’t think the score is going to stay at 2-0 either, no having got the inch the EU are going to want the mile and beyond, so I’ll bet there is more of this to come. And it’s my hope that Apple continues to make as much of a mockery of this they can.

                                • C
                                • Cekehhh
                                • KLU
                                • 10 Feb 2024

                                The fact that the side load thing is only available on EU is absurd Side Loading should have been available for everyone.

                                  • q
                                  • q
                                  • pE7
                                  • 10 Feb 2024

                                  It's practically a duopoly in the market and apple corp is free to do anything they want even if they would be a monopoly. EU regulates too much. Consumers should be the ones who decide. If apple products satisfying consumers than it's okay. For example if consumers are okay with thunderbolt, closed app store, closed data on their devices, all sorts of strange limitations, it's just okay, it's consumers choice.Devs also are free to choose, why would anyone complain that developers need MacBook for developing iphone apps?They just can pass extra costs on consumers, it's free market. If consumers are okay with apple products, they will get aware sooner or later that they pay more not only for a beloved device but for other services too. It's their right to choose apple!
                                  Same with app, web devs, it's their right to make higher prices for apple users knowing that costs are higher...For example some web shops reads user agent and if detects apple user it higher-up prices and it's free market, but somehow they get prosecuted for that..I don't understand this, it's freaking hypocrisy..If apple production is so special that dev costs for apple users are higher, it's normal to pass all that extra costs to users...If you buy and use Lamborghini you pay extra for services and maintenance. It's not right to enforce anyone deliver luxury Lamborghini maintenance, services for a Toyota Corolla's price. It's not a free market.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • UUJ
                                    • 10 Feb 2024

                                    Solun1, 09 Feb 2024Don't you think it's bizzare a few EU officials h... moreNo thanks I have

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • CbB
                                      • 10 Feb 2024

                                      keklivesmatter, 09 Feb 2024Government forcing a company to create a product is wrong o... moreWhy don't you tell your favorite company to pull out entirely from smartphone market. Problem solved.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • wr3
                                        • 10 Feb 2024

                                        Apple is afraid of EU government. Yesterday applying USB C port, and now letting 3rd party app store.

                                        I always thought Apple had enough money to leave the EU market.