Samsung announces update to fix the bland displays on the Galaxy S24 series
- R
- Rareart1
- jZ$
- 29 Apr 2024
raditz594, 14 Feb 2024People compare a new AMOLED to displays that have aged for ... moreI'm keeping my S23 at least until the S25 series arrives.
- D
- AnonD-641645
- U}}
- 18 Feb 2024
Elrondolio, 18 Feb 2024If you think looking "good" means an oversaturate... moreI'm not the one who used the word 'bland'
- E
- Elrondolio
- kWT
- 18 Feb 2024
AnonD-641645, 16 Feb 2024It your phone screen doesn't look good out of the box,... moreIf you think looking "good" means an oversaturated Fisher Price toy like appearance out of box, then that explains a lot about you... not the S24 line.
- 5
- 555Bee555
- BpM
- 18 Feb 2024
Is the screen problem only occured on the vanilla or all.models ? I just wondering coz i dont have any issues on my s24u.
- L
- Legend
- y6V
- 16 Feb 2024
AnonD-641645, 16 Feb 2024It your phone screen doesn't look good out of the box,... moreThe display is already perfect out of the box, some minority just want their oversafurated colors and is crying non stop.about it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- pq@
- 16 Feb 2024
I hope the brightness isue on ooutdoor they fix to
- D
- AnonD-641645
- Kxe
- 16 Feb 2024
It your phone screen doesn't look good out of the box, in default settings, something is wrong.
- S
- S23U user
- nE2
- 16 Feb 2024
Hanif Fikri, 15 Feb 2024Also pwmPWM (Pulse-Width Modulation):
S24U= 492Hz which slightly beats iP15PM @ 480Hz, & more than doubles my S23U @ 240Hz.
- D
- DBphoney
- nw}
- 16 Feb 2024
Just got a reply from Samsung on the grainy/mura effect. Its not good news.
Hi [X]. Thank you for your patience while we investigated your Error Report. The AMOLED display applied on the Galaxy S24 series devices uses the self-lighting of each pixel, and it displays the screen by adjusting the current flowing on each pixel. It has a characteristic (benefit) which allows it to display very dark areas that LCD can’t express.
Recently, some feedback that noise or stains are visible on some Galaxy S24 series device is a phenomenon that appears according to the difference in brightness occurring in some pixel areas when displaying the screen in very dark environments, and it is a unique characteristic shown in most AMOLED components. This is not a product defect.
In particular, some areas of the AMOLED display may show differences in brightness and colour depending on the characteristics of fine currents flowing through each pixel when using the device in a low-light environments, and this may cause the appearance of noise or stains. To reduce the phenomenon, please try changing the display mode to ‘Light’ mode. (Settings > Display > then select the ‘Light’), or adjust the display brightness via Settings > Display > Adjust the Brightness slider to your preference.
We hope this helps, however if you should require further assistance then please hit Ask Again to get back in touch. ^AL
- ?
- Anonymous
- m0x
- 15 Feb 2024
AlienNextDoor, 15 Feb 2024The truth is out guys. S24 has a faulty screen.
There... moreThe mura effect /grainy image is cause by a lack of brightness uniformity between pixels It could be an hardware issue but we still don't know for sure.
Could you please explain what "...Samsung boosting whites and lowering rgb colours" means since the screen it's not a WOLED but RGB Oled creen ?
- A
- AK
- X$w
- 15 Feb 2024
AlienNextDoor, 15 Feb 2024The truth is out guys. S24 has a faulty screen. There... moreYeah, hopefully the Galaxy S25 won't disappoint.
- V
- Vitruvian
- sk8
- 15 Feb 2024
I have just send back my new S24+ and ask for refund, because screen looks like shit when I compare it with my S20+ screen.
Compared to the s20+ the whole phone feels kind of cheap. Unfortunately, I think Samsung is going in a wrong direction with the price-quality ratio. 👎
- ?
- Anonymous
- fI%
- 15 Feb 2024
Testing s24u in store recently.. Seem like nothing wrong with the display, look great in person.
- ?
- Anonymous
- IbI
- 15 Feb 2024
Hanif Fikri, 15 Feb 2024Also pwmAll OLEDs have PWM sadly. We'll need to wait for MicroLED to see an improvement on that front.
- jiyen235
- 15 Feb 2024
[deleted post]laziness and greed, it's easier to not do much and not allow anyone to f*ck up. Additionally it's easier to make it seem like newer things are better as old ones can't be recalibrated since inevitably they'll lose their calibration as time goes on.
- C
- x}$
- 15 Feb 2024
As a fan of the old AMOLED Cinema and Photo modes I think that this is perfect. I hope that they bring this slider to other phones so we can have an middle option between natural and vivid.
- R
- Rareart1
- jZ$
- 15 Feb 2024
jiyen235, 15 Feb 2024YES! We should be able to alter the algorithm so as to chan... moreCome to think of it, why aren't today's phones screen displays able to be
adjustable like today's TVs and computer monitors?
- A
- AlienNextDoor
- d@9
- 15 Feb 2024
The truth is out guys. S24 has a faulty screen.
There's mura all over it. The oled pixels don't uniformly lower brigthness, hence it causes the dreaded mura effect. It's a physical defect and can't be fixed via update.
The "new natural" colours are due to Samsung boosting whites and lowering rgb colours. This can be fixed via update. Another issue is banding, but that can also be fixed via update. However, there's yet another issue, 3 green lines being presebt under microsocope and for some to the naked eye. It's yet to be determined whether it's the flat cable or graphics driver.
S24 is a flop.
- jiyen235
- 15 Feb 2024
Anonymous, 14 Feb 2024Display colors are great, more natural, but some people lik... moreYES! We should be able to alter the algorithm so as to change how much sharpness, saturation, contrast, shadow boosting and exposure the camera usually defaults to. If not such granular controls then at least something like Vivo's Zeiss Natural, Vivid and Textured would be much appreciated.