Buyers of the 256GB OnePlus 12R are now entitled to a full refund

16 February 2024
If you picked up a 256GB OnePlus 12R thinking it had UFS 4.0 storage, you have until March 16 to return the device and get your money back.

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DarlingYext, 16 Feb 2024So why claim that it has UFS 4.0 in the first place? It... moreImo it's probably a regional mistake. Lots of 12R users on reddit say they have UFS 4.0 speeds so in certain regions it might be 4.0, and others it's 3.1. I don't like regional variants but it would make sense if this was the case

    Good move from them but most people won't care. It makes zero difference to the average person and chances are if you care, you're using it for work purposes. And if that's the case, you should be buying something higher quality/more dedicated to your usage case.

      Fair play, that's a good move from them. Realistically no-one buying this phone will notice 3.1 vs 4.0 but it should appease the tech reviewers and they've acknowledged their own error publicly.

        • e
        • elmarcello
        • 0p}
        • 16 Feb 2024

        Not that i am displeased, not at all, but is that misleading information about ufs 4 - is that a serious fault ? I mean, yes, that is a mistake, but surely not a vile intention of any kind, isn't it?

        And is there any chance that a customer would somehow even feel/notice that mistake of characteristics?

          Limited offer?
          Oh my, how can it be described an offer?
          Basically the vendor deceived the customers, and when it was caught in the wrongdoing says 'ok guys here you have, an offer'. Is that it?
          Or is it you that are confusing terms?
          I lost faith in companies like that when my redmi note 5 turned out to be made of butter instead of steel as advertised.

            Anders, 16 Feb 2024The 3 people who bought one must be furious.nah the 3rd one cancelled the order so only 2 people actually bought it

              The 3 people who bought one must be furious.

                • J
                • Joojoo
                • sg4
                • 16 Feb 2024

                What can I say?

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 3SI
                  • 16 Feb 2024

                  Give every phone 512GB base storage already 😫 don’t care if it’s UFS 4.0 or 3.1 or 2.2

                    SMYasir, 16 Feb 2024How much of a difference does the UFS 4.0 make? It's a straight up 2X difference in both read and write speeds

                      Just buy edge+ 2023, it has 512gb for same price

                        • H
                        • Hiten
                        • sUU
                        • 16 Feb 2024

                        since someone raised it they came out and accepted that they falsified the information. Don't know what ekse they must have falsified like camera clarity, ram management..

                          DarlingYext, 16 Feb 2024So why claim that it has UFS 4.0 in the first place? It... moreThe Oneplus of late has been just that...

                            wait... his name is Kinder? what a Surprise!

                              • S
                              • Sax
                              • swf
                              • 16 Feb 2024

                              SMYasir, 16 Feb 2024How much of a difference does the UFS 4.0 make? Read speed 2100MBps and a sequential write speed of up to 1200MBps for UFS 3.1
                              UFS 4.0 boasts a sequential read speed of 4200MBps and a sequential write speed of 2800MBps.

                                How much of a difference does the UFS 4.0 make?

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • fCC
                                  • 16 Feb 2024

                                  For an average user, there will be hardly any noticeable difference between 3.1 and 4.0 in daily use

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • Iby
                                    • 16 Feb 2024

                                    I'm incredibly shocked that they're doing the right thing by offering refunds here. Most companies would tell you to pound sand or wait three years for your $1.37 class action settlement.

                                      DarlingYext, 16 Feb 2024So why claim that it has UFS 4.0 in the first place? It... moremarketing to raise the price

                                        So why claim that it has UFS 4.0 in the first place? It's not like UFS 3.1 is slow, or even bad for the price, but false advertising is bad for any price, especially if, and when it's so easy to find out the truth.