vivo confirms X100 Ultra will remain exclusive to China

14 May 2024
The phone will not be launched internationally.

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  • s
  • shongohan
  • HEL
  • 14 May 2024

Anonymous, 14 May 2024Vivo: We're not selling outside China People here: ... morewith increased prices and without warranty of price... if the customs department check you will need to pay the vat taxes then... 1390 is transformed in 1670 euro

    • k
    • kekma
    • nyf
    • 14 May 2024

    Notafanboy-Fanboy, 14 May 2024I don't see a huge problem. It is purchased online... moreKinda true, i enjoy OriginOS more than, unoptimized FTOS..

      • B
      • BobsterFreshman
      • TdD
      • 14 May 2024

      So Global ROM or nah?

        • s
        • shongohan
        • HEL
        • 14 May 2024

        what is better tradingshenzhen or wondamobile to buy it? thanks

          Anonymous, 14 May 2024Vivo: We're not selling outside China People here: ... moreName those "people" who said both of those things and link their contradictive comments. I'll wait

            kekma, 14 May 2024And if it would, people would complain about it being price... moreTrading Shenzhen Hongkong offers the Phone with Tax 15€ extra and Shipping to Germany, Austria and EU overall
            1247€ for 256/12
            1397€ for 512/12
            1497€ for 1TB / 12

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 0p}
              • 14 May 2024

              Vivo: We're not selling outside China
              People here: 🤬🤬🤬🤬

              Vivo: We're selling outside China, it costs XXXX,XX.
              People here: WTF? Why not same price of China or at least 20% cheaper than iphone?

                Welp, yet another beast of a phone that only the Chinese will have the possibility of playing with

                  • H
                  • Heyhh
                  • 7k4
                  • 14 May 2024

                  What about the Vivo x100s , will it also be exclusive to china?

                    • D
                    • AnonD-1153580
                    • aw4
                    • 14 May 2024

                    When you run a business your primary objective should be to make sure the product gets purchased by the customers and i dont beleive thats happening here
                    Thats not a good price point

                      To release it global and cost 1500 no thanks, keep it in China haha

                        Noooooo 😭😭😭😭😭

                        Honestly, though, I was expecting it.

                          I don't see a huge problem.

                          It is purchased online and it has Chinese firmware so the software updates arrives sooner.

                          It supports multiple languages and carries Google Play Services and Play Store.

                          The only problem is the warranty, which is only valid in China.

                            kekma, 14 May 2024And if it would, people would complain about it being price... moreExactly it's a lose lose

                            Stays in china complains about exclusivity

                            Goes global complains and don't buy it because price increase

                              • k
                              • kekma
                              • nyf
                              • 14 May 2024

                              Mobilemaster, 14 May 2024Lol! So much hype, and they choose to not release this mons... moreAnd if it would, people would complain about it being priced at 1.5K EU or sum, it's paradoxal

                                That was already known!! Let them keep it and not release lite versions later... I don't touch a phone no matter how good it is with a Chinese rom or crazy... thank you, stay in China

                                  Lol! So much hype, and they choose to not release this monster globally?