Weekly poll results: the Xperia 1 VI is promising but pricey, Xperia 10 VI gets the cold shoulder

26 May 2024
Many voters showed interest in the Sony Xperia 1 VI flagship, however, most of them were scared off by the high price tag.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • gXJ
  • 26 May 2024

There is absolutely no way you'd get a 17:27 Active Use score if you had anything higher than FHD+.

    All of these would've been okay but the price just can't.

      LosEstupido, 26 May 2024I mean, They could've given the phone a 1440p or even ... moreMy logic exactly.

        DBS, 26 May 2024"the people who insist on such things are in the minor... moreWell, they are in the minority on this site (as ironic as that sounds).

        But I'm willing to bet that on a global scale, there are in fact more people in the world who want headphone jacks than those that don't/don't care. The headphone jack practically still exists for most people in 3rd world countries (cus low-end phones).

          xslvrxslwt, 26 May 2024Whoever buys Xperia for the "cameras" is worse th... moreNow I'm not too up-to-date with the camera quality of the current Xperias, but I remember seeing a video that showcased the first Xperia 1's camera capabilities, and it looked very good.

          I believe it was UnboxTherapy's video. Yeah yeah that guy's a joke, but the photo and video samples showcased in that video were not.

          If I recall correctly, the photos and videos looked incredibly unprocessed. Like, it lacked the usual sharpness and contrast that OEMs like to add, but it was still damn good in a natural DSLR-esque way. So I don't know what you're on about when you say "let's not even talk about processing", because last time I remember, there wasn't much processing on Xperia phones to begin with. And that's the main reason why you'd buy one.

          Yes, the smaller sensors are indeed a shame, no need to repeat yourself. Pick your poison, I guess. Remember, even phones with 1" sensors can still look quite artificial.

          Sony's lesson for next year is to incorporate those 1" sensors that THEY own. I don't know whether the LYT-900/IMX989 is under some exclusivity contract, but it certainly seems like it.

            Well nothing new.
            Didi you ever sw a cheap Sony phone???
            Not possible.
            At least known Japanese quality is far greater than those of Samsung, Apple, Google etc.

              I want smartphone cameras to be even more compact versions of premium compact cameras - Fun to use, yet reliable and versatile at the same time. This is why I'm much more attracted to the offerings from Xiaomi, Oppo and Vivo - Reliable auto cameras that can shoot JPEGs with a wide selection of tones and looks. All of them are also capable of shooting stacked RAW (both in 12.5MP and 50MP), so just in case I need a decent looking high-res/low-light photos on the go and want to apply custom presets on them in Lightroom, I could just do that on these phones too.

              While I do see the possibility of Xperia 1 V being a fairly decent miniature videography camera (I've seen one person using it to record an event footage in real life), I don't believe I would be able to enjoy using it for shooting photos personally. I don't particularly like Xperia's JPEG processing, and they would be still nowhere near as flexible as a dedicated camera if I truly treated it like one. After all, I simply don't need a phone camera that is simply an inferior version of my a7IV.

                NOK6600, 26 May 2024Xperia Oled display quality always on top of the list. No ... moreIt's made by Samsung the same grade (M) as the S series it's just tuned differently and the S series use AMOLED instead Xperia is almost on top when it comes to color accuracy

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 7R{
                  • 26 May 2024

                  xslvrxslwt, 26 May 2024Whoever buys Xperia for the "cameras" is worse th... morejust becaust your phone can take overprocessed fake photos doesnt make it better.

                  this phone is overpriced too.

                    Whoever buys Xperia for the "cameras" is worse than the average apple fanboy. A goddamn crippled iphone has better sensors than this overhyped BS. let's not even talk about processing.

                      I'm really excited to have the successor to my 1 V, the 1 VI in 2 weeks (Platinum Silver since the Red will remain in Japan or reduced number of countries). Probably only 2 models this year, with a rumor of an Xperia name surge next year and perhaps the return of a Pro, I can imagine that 2025 will be a turning point. Either a very different new range or the slow disappearance of the last Japanese smartphone brand in Europe.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • E4T
                        • 26 May 2024

                        NOK6600, 26 May 2024Xperia Oled display quality always on top of the list. No ... moreDo you realy think that Xperia OLED display is any special and made by Sony and any bettery than Samsung one?

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 39x
                          • 26 May 2024

                          NOK6600, 26 May 2024Xperia Oled display quality always on top of the list. No ... moreReally? Is that why the previous Xperias had green tint at low brightness?

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • E4T
                            • 26 May 2024

                            Anders, 26 May 2024For the Xperia 1 VI the 1080p display, only 3 years of andr... moreCompletely agree. Sony smartphones department is on its way out. That's why we see this madness and crazy prices for very little. Sony just doesn't care.

                              Xperia Oled display quality always on top of the list. No doubt about that.

                              No need thousand nit marketing gimmick bs like some brand brag about

                                • T
                                • TReality
                                • mFd
                                • 26 May 2024

                                DBS, 26 May 2024"the people who insist on such things are in the minor... more Go outside, ask as many people you can how badly they want a headphone jack on their phones. Record their answers, and think back; how many actually care it is being removed?

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • Iby
                                  • 26 May 2024

                                  LosEstupido, 26 May 2024I mean, They could've given the phone a 1440p or even ... moreThat's what Samsung did this year.

                                    • D
                                    • DBS
                                    • nqK
                                    • 26 May 2024

                                    "the people who insist on such things are in the minority."

                                    Says who? Not any sort of data, that's for sure.
                                    You can't claim people who want that are in a minority when you don't give consumers options.
                                    And yes, consumers do NOT have an option for phones with or without those basic things. They're being FORCED into not using them because there's no offerings.
                                    That's like saying "most people want oversized phones" when you offer them ZERO alternatives to these oversized cricket bats.

                                    And when I say "give them the option", I meams GIVE them the option. These Xperias aren't an option for most people because they can't even buy them in theid country.

                                      For the Xperia 1 VI the 1080p display, only 3 years of android updates and the €1,400 price are unacceptable.

                                      For the 10 VI the Snapdragon 6 Gen 1, the 60hz display and €400 price are unacceptable.

                                      Who the hell do Sony think they are?? Their disgusting hubris won't allow them to improve their specs and lower their prices. Instead they'll do an LG/OG Nokia and just exit the smartphone market altogether.

                                        • i
                                        • ikek
                                        • GBh
                                        • 26 May 2024

                                        Seems to me like Sony wants to close doors on their mobile devices division.

                                        No low-end device
                                        No good midrange (even Sharp did a better midrange with the Aquos Sense 8)
                                        Their flagships got a huge hit and downgrade
                                        No tablets

                                        I wonder where they are aiming for. Last year the 10 V was a sales disaster even in Japan. I can't imagine how they will fare this year.

                                        Having a 3.5mm jack & microsd card can only do so much for them if the rest of the package is pretty poor. What hurts the 10 VI the most is that they are using the same sensors of the 10 V, and the main 48MP sensor is from 2018! It was used by a Redmi device in those years. They could have at least put the old 12 MP sensors from the 5 III on it, to at least make it a good upgrade.