European Commission slams Apple for not bringing Apple Intelligence features to the EU

28 June 2024
No Genmoji, no writing tools, no generation of images based on profile pictures, and so on.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • mg0
  • 28 Jun 2024

the article is informative as always but the super clickbait title... I could've gone without to be honest

    • U
    • User935
    • gEb
    • 28 Jun 2024

    Is there really someone who cares about any of these useless "AI" gimmicks?

      • H
      • Hubi
      • 0@A
      • 28 Jun 2024

      Sometimes I like being an European and sometimes I don't

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • Q%m
        • 28 Jun 2024

        Anonymous, 28 Jun 2024Apple is Apple, they make nice stuff but this was to be exp... moreHow does this even relate to Apple not bringing their AI stuff to EU? What? The article isn't even about them being maliciously compliant following the DMA on this one.

        Apple decided not to release it in EU in it's current state because of security and privacy issues it may arise due to DMA compliance set by EU. Now that they did, EU still has a bone to pick with Apple. For what? For deciding NOT to compete for the time being to take time for compliance? The feature hasn't even released anywhere, yet they're already being called anti-competitive for not competing? What and who are they competing to over there if they don't have the feature in the first place?

        Make it make sense lol

          A job well done dear Miss Marghrette Vestager European Commission's Executive Vice-President for a Europe fit for the Digital Age and Commissioner for Competition.
          Finaly someone who can say i am the law and you have to obey and do as i want and as is my bidding othervise a big punishment waiting for you at the end.
          Do whathewer it cost marghrette vestager this company does not deserve any kind of mercy.
          Those imposters and fraud people will keep pushing until someone does not beats em up dearly.
          This is the very first time where i think a single person can win a 12 round boxing ring battle VS Mega or Gigacorporation as is Apple.

          hey Apple i hope it hurts and hope you wil learn how to pay and how to play on a non american grounds. Keep ypur filthy shady dark woodoo practicies for US market and citizens which lowes to eat even a dead straws marked with Apple logo. Here in EU we are not your rubber training pawns for boxing.
          Pay and keep paying.
          Fight and Keep fighting Mrs. Margharet Vestager European Commission's Executive Vice-President for a Europe fit for the Digital Age and Commissioner for Competition.

          Many thanks.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • Tsr
            • 28 Jun 2024

            BigDisplay, 28 Jun 2024Errrr aren't you a consumer or are you a shareholder o... moreThere are always some people that don't care and are fine when a company like Apple, Google, Microsoft and so on do something heavily anti consumer.

            They will stand for them even if they would treat that same consumer poorly.

            Meanwhile same people still expect "service", which they should not get in my opinion, because being pro anti consumer behaviour from a company, means such person should not deserve it.

            Yet they still expect it.

            Irony at it's best

              DarlingYext, 28 Jun 2024So Apple has finally decided to comply with certain rules, ... moreYou’ve said it all, no more no less.

                • S
                • Sean
                • gDC
                • 28 Jun 2024

                Good. The EU deserves it.

                  DarlingYext, 28 Jun 2024So Apple has finally decided to comply with certain rules, ... moreYou’ve said it all, no more no less.

                    BigDisplay, 28 Jun 2024Errrr aren't you a consumer or are you a shareholder o... moreNot the CEO, not a shareholder, not a customer and not even a fan of Apple, but this time I side with them.

                      • R
                      • Reality...
                      • IWT
                      • 28 Jun 2024

                      BigDisplay, 28 Jun 2024Errrr aren't you a consumer or are you a shareholder o... moreThat's not what he said??
                      Here apple is getting blamed for delaying bringing the AI part to European iPhone until they figure out how best to comply with EU laws.
                      Isn't that creating a lose lose situation?

                        DarlingYext, 28 Jun 2024So Apple has finally decided to comply with certain rules, ... moreErrrr aren't you a consumer or are you a shareholder or even a ceo in Apple.
                        If you are a consumer you should never set your vote on a brannd/firm like Apple, Samsung or anything else. This is part of the problem, people are fan of a firm.

                          I love how the EU does more to protect consumers all around the world more than America's FTC, the state of California, China, Russia, combined...

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • AVw
                            • 28 Jun 2024

                            Apple is Apple, they make nice stuff but this was to be expected, because just like other US tech companies they think they stand above law.

                            EU did messup with multiple things in the past and present, like most govs do.

                            But that is not a excuse for Apple or any other US tech company to go against, but with the attitude Apple has this is blasphemous in Apple their opinion, they think they stand above all.

                            And yes other US tech companies do the same, but Apple thinks they live in a own made utopia of some sort.

                              • R
                              • Reality...
                              • IWT
                              • 28 Jun 2024

                              DarlingYext, 28 Jun 2024So Apple has finally decided to comply with certain rules, ... moreThat was my exact thought too!
                              This is like a lose-lose situation for Apple. At this point, it looks like the EU bureaucrats are just going after Apple to milk their money as much as possible before they get kicked out.

                              Secondly, as someone who is very skeptical about all this AI gimmickery, I was happy to hear that those AI features won't be shoved down our throats at least in Europe.

                              Enter EU and there goes all my hope of any (relative) privacy...

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • Tsr
                                • 28 Jun 2024

                                Apple makes some amazing products...

                                but, the attitude this company has is on it's own worse than all other US tech companies combined.

                                Disgusting to say at least.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • X{n
                                  • 28 Jun 2024

                                  bro the eu and their regulation is just too much. at first they were fine but now they are getting out of hand

                                    So Apple has finally decided to comply with certain rules, and now that's a problem according to the EU, because they know that the reason behind them not bringing these AI features to the EU is that then they wouldn't be able to comply with EU's own rules, and that's somehow illegal.

                                    Sorry EU, I side with Apple on this one.