European Commission slams Apple for not bringing Apple Intelligence features to the EU

28 June 2024
No Genmoji, no writing tools, no generation of images based on profile pictures, and so on.

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4o, 28 Jun 2024Instead of Apple leaving EU, EU themselves should remove Ap... moreAgreed. EU should ban Apple… but then where would they get free money from? They would then blame Google for having a monopoly and get free money from them. Then do the same to Microsoft.
Said it before, I’ll say it again: EU can make these rules because there is no EU company that has to follow them. It’s a win-win for the colonizers.
EU should take that free money and subsidize development in Nokia or Ericsson.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • sXH
    • 29 Jun 2024

    Count the fingers 😨

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • xjH
      • 29 Jun 2024

      Abo King, 28 Jun 2024The Apple have been spending huge for their research and de... moreApple spends huge amounts of money to make their stuff actively not work with non apple devices so they can scam customers with a 50% profit margin rather than compete.

        Anonymous, 28 Jun 2024There are always some people that don't care and are f... moreSpot on 👍🏻

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • vaS
          • 29 Jun 2024

          4o, 28 Jun 2024Instead of Apple leaving EU, EU themselves should remove Ap... moreApple is not at fault here. Their AI might violate a gdpr law lmao.

            Cpt.Power, 28 Jun 2024A job well done dear Miss Marghrette Vestager European Comm... moreSo, let me get this straight, Apple is choosing a cautious approach given the the recent maulings they have received by an ever aggressive EU, and yet they are still somehow at fault 🤷

            Jeez is there a move they can make at all that would meet with your approval, or is your problem with Apple, simply Apple?

              Anonymous, 28 Jun 2024How does this even relate to Apple not bringing their AI st... moreWell said

                The Apple have been spending huge for their research and development, and the EU want them to share their own technologies to other companies who spend zero, for free.

                By this perspective, of course Apple would rather block their product from selling to the EU market.

                Yet the EU's greed is the one instead who's slamming here...

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • Ib5
                  • 28 Jun 2024

                  Who cares just get a high end Samsung phone and enjoy.

                    DarlingYext, 28 Jun 2024So Apple has finally decided to comply with certain rules, ... moreIt's funny watching you stoop this low.

                      EU just ban Apple in EU and we good

                        • 4
                        • 4o
                        • XSM
                        • 28 Jun 2024

                        Instead of Apple leaving EU, EU themselves should remove Apple from EU for good. EU will be saved from this constant headache.

                        After that there will be Windows and Android which are highly open systems and almost everything works with each other. Android is already ahead of iPhones and windows is already powerful than a mac and efficiency is also surpassed with the snapdragon x elite chips. We already have better devices than what Apple will ever bring (The latest Surface pro - a TABLET with full windows 11 OS, which iPad Pro can never be).

                        Just imagine in some year a Samsung Tab with dual boot Andoid and full windows OS complete with cellular connectivity 🤯.

                        More importantly EU should keep an eye on those android and windows device manufacturers that brings some kind of artificial exclusivity to a feature.

                        iPhone Mirroring, SharePlay Screen Sharing enhancements, and Apple Intelligence - these features work only with Apple products that's why Apple is not launching in EU because then they have to make it work from Android and Windows devices as well.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 05e
                          • 28 Jun 2024

                          Apple admiring to use software for planned obsolescence. Let's see the usual influencers get to work, hyping corporate greed.

                            • R
                            • Reality...
                            • IWT
                            • 28 Jun 2024

                            User935, 28 Jun 2024Is there really someone who cares about any of these useles... moreNOT me...
                            I was happy to 'miss out' on the said AI features.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • AVw
                              • 28 Jun 2024

                              Anonymous, 28 Jun 2024Kinda ironic how this article uses a horribly AI-generated ... moreFinally someone noticed it.

                              My previous comment about it was removed.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 8vt
                                • 28 Jun 2024

                                User935, 28 Jun 2024Is there really someone who cares about any of these useles... moreKinda ironic how this article uses a horribly AI-generated thumbnail of a hand with 6 fingers and gibberish on the screen.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • Tsr
                                  • 28 Jun 2024

                                  notafanboy, 28 Jun 2024There's no such thing as "pro consumer" or &... moreIt wasnt about pro or anti consumer companies.

                                  But the consumers themself being a problem too

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • Tsr
                                    • 28 Jun 2024

                                    Anonymous, 28 Jun 2024Privacy and security concern is a façade. The real issu... moreA certain example comes to my mind.

                                    It reminds me of a cousing of mine, he never let friends come into his house because he claimed it is against his privacy.

                                    Truth was his house was a mess.

                                    Apple hides behind "security and privacy", which are just their coverup reason.

                                    Giving others the option to provide services at same level as apple does means they get access to stuff apple wants to keep for themself, not for privacy or security because that is indeed a façade, but they don't want to share all the data they collect with others.

                                    A lot of people believe in apple their privacy of not collecting data or selling it, and that is true, apple collects anonimised data at best, and they don't sell it.

                                    But that is enough, data is data even if it lacks details, and earning money from data can happen in multiple ways.

                                    People think you can only sell data for money and earn money that way, but you can used that data, even is undetailed and anonymous to earn money from that, if you know how to use the data collected, you can cater your devices, OS and services around that data.

                                    And earn more money while claiming "you are privacy friendly and safe", and technically not lie.

                                    But nobody thinks about it that way, Apple knows that too btw.

                                    Anyhow that is why they are so heavily against what EU does, Apple has a exclusivity right to hoard all the data even if anonymous, but what EU wants to do is to destroy Apple their biggest cashcow (because knowledge is worth a ton of money, even if you don't share it, but use it yourself)

                                    Even while EU only wants a fair market competition.

                                    Simple truth.

                                      Anonymous, 28 Jun 2024There are always some people that don't care and are f... moreThere's no such thing as "pro consumer" or "anti consumer company". You're delusional if you think ANY company in this world doesn't put profit first. They exist for the sole reason of MAKING MONEY! "Pro consumer" lmao give me a break. They are all out there to get your money. No company is on "your side". They are doing business, and trying to convince you to give them your money. If you think some companies are "pro consumer" compared to others, it's just another tactic to get your money.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • AVw
                                        • 28 Jun 2024

                                        Anonymous, 28 Jun 2024How does this even relate to Apple not bringing their AI st... morePrivacy and security concern is a façade.

                                        The real issue for Apple is having to open it at all, and not be the sole one earning data from it.