European Commission slams Apple for not bringing Apple Intelligence features to the EU

28 June 2024
No Genmoji, no writing tools, no generation of images based on profile pictures, and so on.

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  • C
  • Carol
  • mJ}
  • 29 Jun 2024

And letting aside what i have said before, nobodi needs AI, especially AI from apple Microsoft or Google...

    • C
    • Carol
    • mJ}
    • 29 Jun 2024

    While apple again lies to it's users convincing them that EU forces apple to weaken "apple security" (...what a laughable statement by the way, competition weakens their pockets for sure, but not their security, and if they are as good as they sadly manipulated their customeres to believe into, why are they so affraid of competition?.. ) apple is again forcing anti-competition into EU markets and not only. It is unbeliavable how this garbage company can behave an treat European Laws, i would have wiped their products from EU markets of the shelf and bann their adds, also impose an everyday fine of 100.000 Euros, untill they come out with an appologize statement, for trying to manipulate the law, lie to it's customers and being very anti-competitive, after that to comply with each and every DMA law has brough, also force them to release an statement video explaining to their customers how garbage they were as a company and how will they improve from now on, also force them to make in house repairable devices. Only then i would allow their subbpar products to enter european market again.

      Anonymous, 29 Jun 2024Their AI would actually be compliant but they don't wa... moreWell apple is always late the the party. They first need someone to copy and paste from only then they can start thinking of their own AI features just like with everything else.
      Some people said Apple spending lot of money on their Research and developement area.
      Yes i believe copy and paste is super cheap North Korea doing this for years but implementing it to use with their own IOS system takes some time.

      And when they have noone to copy and paste that will be end for that project just like the Project Titan their own 5G modems and many else.

        Anonymous, 28 Jun 2024Who cares just get a high end Samsung phone and enjoy.mEh a good joke.
        Among all existing phones with Android Samsung is the last one i would pick surpassed by just tiny little by Google Pixel series.
        Many else phones and brands for half the price of Samsung phones gives 50-100% better specced devices with all neccesary accesories in the box.

          In wonder what this means for the UK. Not part of the EU but many aligned laws still...

            I think what is much more telling is that Apple is just yet again claiming the DMA prohibits them from doing something while their competitors are just doing it and sometimes have been doing it for years without the EC coming after them for violating the DMA or even launching an investigation.

            Apple just lies about what the DMA makes them do. And worst of all, especially on Apple-oriented websites, you see that this tactic is working with how openly hostile people are towards these laws and (foolishly) demanding Apple leaves the EU.

            And just to be clear: there is precedent for this statement. Apple did lie about web apps on iOS not being allowed in the EU due to the DMA. They reversed that after users called them out on it. But if it was against the law, user feedback wouldn't have changed that. They reversed it because it very clearly wasn't against the DMA in the first place (again, Microsoft and Google were happily doing it, despite being subject to the very same rules). Or the nonsense they tried to pull with calling Safari on iOS, iPadOS and macOS "3 distinct browsers".

            Apple is just openly hostile to anyone telling them "hey, what if just, you know, tried to suck even a little less" and happily lies to its customers to portray the other parties as the bad guys. In the end, the EU cracking down on this anti-consumer behavior is just the start, and other countries will follow. We already see that in Japan and even the USA.

            Spoiler alert; the DMA is actually pretty fucking clear on what you can and cannot do. Stop blaming the EU for "having written an unclear law" as many in these very comments are already doing. Microsoft and Google both figured it out and released their AIs globally. When Apple is the only one who keeps running into these problems and is the only one that keeps getting new investigations launched while everyone else is just happily moving along, maybe the issue isn't the laws. Maybe the issue is Apple.

              DaFink, 29 Jun 2024So, let me get this straight, Apple is choosing a cautious ... moreWell yes and no. Yes Apple is my problem and no i have nothing against them as long as they keep cooperate with everyone. Since they dont want Apple is my problem and i take it personaly. Results you read and Miss margharette Vestager took em up seriously.
              If you really want to make customers their experimental mouses well no this is not the way.
              They can always hire some people to tell em whether is good or bad.
              Like games for PC, Xbox etc have some testers they can hire several people to test litterary everything and tell the results.
              This never happened.
              Apple always did what they wanted no matter the results and only if the very worst possible scenario happened then they took a very little, bare minimum or almost zero effort to fix it up. I had enough. EU had enough. No matter big or small rules are rules laws are laws do and life or dont and feel the pain.
              Law of the stronger one where stornger units prevailed weaker ones just like in Nature.
              EU is the strong unit and Apple no matter how much they try they cant do whathewer they want. We are not their pawns, nor peons or puppets.
              An uber rich company like Apple can always hire some minions to do the dirty job before the final version is released. End of story.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • I@H
                • 29 Jun 2024

                DaFink, 29 Jun 2024Oh, my apologies, I didn’t realise ‘someone’ had ‘explained... moreReducing the movie to an "Emma Stone period drama" says a lot about your perspective. And iMore, sounds like a website dedicated for Apple products. Yep, of course it is lol.

                The Apple statement, "we are concerned that the interoperability requirements of the DMA could force us to compromise the integrity of our products in ways that risk user privacy and data security" was not at all substantiated by the expert that you mentioned. And that part of Apple's statement wasn't in that article either, not at all used as an argument.

                He did say, "Apple just wants to err on the side of caution here and first find out from the EU what its expectations are for DMA compliance in the AI context.” And EC VP basically said that Apple not releasing these AI features is practically an admission that bringing them would've been a DMA violation or an anticompetitive practice. So, Apple seemingly just wants to keep doing its thing without getting fined, if they can keep getting away with that. Your expert also said,
                “Apple's vision of AI being deeply woven into the fabric of its software is antithetical to the EU idea of making everything subject to defaults that users can change."

                Apple could have really collaborated with the EC first to work on these features to comply with DMA but they don't really seem keen on loosening their grip on their users but they don't want to be blamed for that either so instead, they put out a statement with the excuse they came up with to shift the blame (it's the law's fault that I don't want to comply with it).

                  • R
                  • Rosso
                  • d%y
                  • 29 Jun 2024

                  Apple once more proving to be greediest company out there, at least in tech.

                    • F
                    • AnonF-1061058
                    • txG
                    • 29 Jun 2024

                    User935, 28 Jun 2024Is there really someone who cares about any of these useles... moreI mean, some people really do care about the gimmicky animated black bubble above their screen (read: dynamic island), so why don't you think the same people won't care about it?

                      Anonymous, 29 Jun 2024I wouldn't call it "ever agressive" when oth... moreOh, my apologies, I didn’t realise ‘someone’ had ‘explained it’. And your reference to an Emma Stone period drama only serves to hammer home your attempt at a point, right 🤷 🤦‍♂️

                      Well, I’m sure this won’t compare to some random ‘someone’s’ explanation but for some actual context there is a good article over on iMore where an antitrust and litigation expert named Florian Mueller explains some of the problems with this whole affair.

                        • 4
                        • 4o
                        • XSM
                        • 29 Jun 2024

                        Degener8, 29 Jun 2024Agreed. EU should ban Apple… but then where would they get ... moreThen Apple is right in their action and Android and Windows should follow Apple and treat EU same as Pakistan is treated by vehicle manufacturers (by giving leftover lackluster devices since they are not obliged to provide the latest tech).

                        EU can't make all tech companies leave EU. So companies should take advantage of EU just like Apple that there is no EU competitor company.

                        BUT nothing like above will happen because of EU and corporate greed.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • I@H
                          • 29 Jun 2024

                          Reality..., 29 Jun 2024Cover up or not, the thing is EU isn't tackling the mo... moreSo just because they're not addressing a certain issue right now (perhaps not just yet), they shouldn't address any other issue? It's not like it's only one or the other. We can hope for all issues to be addressed one after another.

                            • R
                            • Reality...
                            • IWT
                            • 29 Jun 2024

                            Anonymous, 29 Jun 2024Apple spends huge amounts of money to make their stuff acti... moreThe thing is it's their money, the money that they earned, on a product/ecosystem they spent money on and developed over the years...

                            I despise apple's greedy practices such as charging surplus amounts for simple memory upgrades or soldering wear items like ram and SSDs to the motherboard on all of their new macs except the mac pro thing.

                            However, here they are actually trying to stay within and comply with the laws, and still they are penalised and criticised for it??

                            Looks like the eu had gotten into the habit of poking apple whenever they're short of cash.

                              • R
                              • Reality...
                              • IWT
                              • 29 Jun 2024

                              Anonymous, 29 Jun 2024I wouldn't call it "ever agressive" when oth... moreCover up or not, the thing is EU isn't tackling the more harmful/ threatening problems that Europe has atm (you know what right ?)

                              Instead they're going after 'soft targets like this, just to impress the not so subtle, to look relevant....

                                • R
                                • Reality...
                                • IWT
                                • 29 Jun 2024

                                Anonymous, 29 Jun 2024LoL 🤣🤣 told you people. EU is fill with bunch of lobbyist. ... moreYou hit the nail on the head with the JSO point, well said 🍻.
                                All that madness towards nett zerro and the boat arrivals and the crime that comes with it are much more harmful to the Europeans than Apple not bringing their aaI features to iPhone.

                                I'm sure ppl will pay double the price and still buy phones without AI features if EU took action to stop all the boat landings and deport the ones who cause crime while eating out of the taxx payers hand. But,no. They need that trouble casuing sector to keep on imposing more draconian laws and regulations. Soft actions like this are just to impress the softies (ex swifties) who are easy to impress and manipulate...

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • YUU
                                  • 29 Jun 2024

                                  LoL 🤣🤣 told you people. EU is fill with bunch of lobbyist. You all think they want to fine sued Apple because of those misconduct? They're actually doing it for the $$$$. Why EU doesn't want to prosecute the Just Stop Oil movements? Instead they just let it go. You all should know that the Just stop oil movements is control by some organization right? Poor Apple, trying to avoid getting slam by the hammer, yet the hammer still want to find it way to bash Apple. And the haters here all clapping hands. There is something wrong with your brain until you can't see the bigger picture 🤦🏻‍♂️

                                    K...and lol honestly if i were apple i wouldnt care. If i chose not to i chose not to lol.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • tuh
                                      • 29 Jun 2024

                                      AI now everywhere
                                      0 days since last AI topic
                                      Whatever AI, I don’t like AI. On windows, iOS and Android I disable it build in feature

                                      AI surely helpful things, but can be dangerous too.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • I@H
                                        • 29 Jun 2024

                                        DaFink, 29 Jun 2024So, let me get this straight, Apple is choosing a cautious ... moreI wouldn't call it "ever agressive" when others have no problem complying lol. "cautious approach"? Someone already explained how this is just a coverup reason smh. Reminds me of a scene from the movie, The Help. Apple baked the cake and their users merrily indulge.