Huawei Mate XT listed on company's online store, tri-folding design and storage options revealed

07 September 2024
It will be unveiled on September 10.

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  • R
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  • 7s4
  • 14 Sep 2024

Moj, 09 Sep 2024What mombo jumbo is this? You think TCL wouldent sold them... moreSamsung have developed a prototype of this kind of phone years ago as well.A prototype is one thing but a commercially available device is another.In any case,its great to see tgese phones have finally hit the market. Ive been waiting for them for years

    Moj, 09 Sep 2024What mombo jumbo is this? You think TCL wouldent sold them... moreTCL haven't even sold a decent phone, so my guess is that they have no money to spend on a commercial foldable rollable phone. STILL. They developed them first, no matter how many dual-foldable phones Huawei is willing to sell 4 years later.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • LfV
      • 10 Sep 2024

      Nibol Young, 10 Sep 2024In 2040, scroll screens have already emerged, while the ref... more*iPhone 32

        • v
        • vladm
        • srr
        • 10 Sep 2024

        Nibol Young, 10 Sep 2024In 2040, scroll screens have already emerged, while the ref... moreIphone 32 would have 144 hz option with subscription, nickname: apple fluidity

          In 2040, scroll screens have already emerged, while the refresh rate of the iPhone 22 screen is still 60Hz.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 0p}
            • 10 Sep 2024

            3 million pre-orders now.

              • G
              • GuiSiRen
              • C@V
              • 10 Sep 2024

              2.6million has pre-order and ended now.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • q{@
                • 09 Sep 2024

                Moj, 09 Sep 2024The operating system was initially based on code from the A... moreIt was but already improved from scratch...not exactly Linux anymore but rather a hybrid between Unix and Linux.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • q{@
                  • 09 Sep 2024

                  Cpt.Power, 09 Sep 2024It does not matter in Huawei phones US will not spy on you. Even if, may take some time for NSA or CIA to figure it out before it got to find a way to buy a few copies and figure out how the Harmony OS works and exploit it weakness search for holes.

                    • F
                    • Fanadez
                    • q{@
                    • 09 Sep 2024

                    Wonder if there's any opportunity to buy a copy of this tri-fold Huawei phone?

                      Moj, 09 Sep 2024The operating system was initially based on code from the A... moreIt does not matter in Huawei phones US will not spy on you.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • IVQ
                        • 09 Sep 2024

                        Moj, 09 Sep 2024Funny calling this junk bleading edge! Also the device bei... moreTalking about junks, you certainly are talking like a junkie that havent got his fix for a while

                          Moj, 09 Sep 2024The operating system was initially based on code from the A... moreLinux is not android...
                          Huawei has removed the Android components out Harmony OS Next

                            • N
                            • Nickname
                            • e$t
                            • 09 Sep 2024

                            Leanzazzy, 09 Sep 2024How would you pack this up and put it in your pocket? If yo... more:D :D :D :D
                            tri-fold wallet is more than 5 times ticker than this phone.
                            This phone will not be (or at least not much) thicker than a regular phone. So no issues to fit in your pocket.

                              Leanzazzy, 09 Sep 2024How would you pack this up and put it in your pocket? If yo... moreThe mechanism is friction. The hinges on these things aren't that loose

                                • M
                                • Moj
                                • arb
                                • 09 Sep 2024

                                Cpt.Power, 08 Sep 2024I considering having Harmony OS thus Huawei phone as my nex... moreThe operating system was initially based on code from the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) and the Linux kernel so it is still android!

                                  Moj, 09 Sep 2024Funny calling this junk bleading edge! Also the device bei... morehaha you're a funny guy. Wait, it was all a joke right? Ain't no way you're being serious lmao if yes then you have a 2 iq brain

                                    • M
                                    • Moj
                                    • arb
                                    • 09 Sep 2024

                                    Stranno, 08 Sep 2024Foldables are 99% for reading mags, comics and books. They ... moreWhat mombo jumbo is this?
                                    You think TCL wouldent sold them if it had?

                                      • M
                                      • Moj
                                      • arb
                                      • 09 Sep 2024

                                      jiyen235, 08 Sep 2024Look at the teardown of an Honor Magic V3 and tell me where... moreFunny calling this junk bleading edge!
                                      Also the device being thinner doesn't necesirlly means it is better it's just trand which is alive because stupid people like you.
                                      imagine hloding a 200-300 gramish device that is thin like knife!

                                        Give me a Pixel 9 sized one from Google without costing 3K please.