OnePlus 13 appears on Geekbench with Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 and flexes wicked CPU clock speeds

11 September 2024
The benchmarks reports the main CPU cores could make it the smartphone chipset with the highest clock speed yet.

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jerem06, 12 Sep 2024"My point was, why is Apple able to squeeze out the sa... moreIf you aren't going to get educated by watching actual tests done on these phones then I can't do anything for you. This is like talking with a kid who has the same thought stuck in their brain and can't fathom critical thinking/any opinion other than what they agree with.

Go and watch gizmochina and Geekerwan's videos. Gizmochina will give you an idea of how a large chunk of chinese phones like the X100 Ultra, Pro, Find X7 Ultra, Oneplus 12, etc. fare in Genshin impact and Geekerwan can help educate you on how Apple phones fare in that game. Alternatively you can watch Golden Reviewer's past videos as he doesn't make videos anymore but his past videos can help educate you on how Android and Apple phones compare, only in Golden Reviewer's iPhone 14 Pro test can you see Android matching, if not beating, iPhones in terms of EFFICIENCY. Geekerwan's updated tests are more valuable, latest tests are nearly always the best. Updates can change the game a lot.

    • D
    • AnonD-1171055
    • snc
    • 12 Sep 2024

    Still, majority of people will use their smartphones for basic tasks. Social media, web browsing, photos, messaging, calling.
    What is the reason of all that power?
    How many people are heavy gamers or do heavy tasks on their phones?
    At the beginning of the year I had a 4Gb smartphone (Android phone), I think with 450,000 points in Antutu. Yeah, it had the occasional lag when doing some heavy tasks, but for day to day usage (including casual gaming) it was very much usable.

      Pie, 12 Sep 2024Apple usually has more transistor than snapdragon. Their ca... moreyou basically said what I said/thought haha! I was also thinking that cache might have been playing a bigger role since speaking strictly core-wise, Qualcomm and Mediatek aren't supposed to be so far off.

      And yeah I think it's also the fact that Apple always focuses on single core performance more than others whereas others focus on an overall improvement, for example Apple's getting behind in terms of multi core and GPU workloads.

      But I have to disagree on the cooling aspect, despite android boasting better cooling, they use more power so they have more heat, as a result they tend to throttle just as much as Apple for the most part. Take a look at the heavy workload test by "in depth tech reviews" to see what Samsung's phone has become. Granted the S23 and earlier series were actually the best but I wonder if it's all a software thing or a mix of software and hardware.

      In any case, Apart from I'd say Vivo, I haven't seen anyone actually pull off awesome cooling numbers in big cameraphones. Like I'm not talking about strictly temperature but rather the amount of throttling a phone experiences. Xiaomi seems to be doing great in a lot of tests but they reach a point where they simply don't allow the user to use the phone till the phone cools down, I'd say that's worse than just throttling the phone, so I can't count their cooling performance. Oppo and Oneplus are also extremely good at gaming but the fact that they're always throttling performance in benchmark apps makes me feel a little icky about them. In any case, Vivo, Oneplus and Oppo (in that order) make the best cameraphones for gaming, I used gizmochina's reviews to come to this conclusion for the phones and Golden Reviewers' past tests gave me enough data on Samsung phones to make an educated guess.

      In short, I think Apple's cooling is sufficient for most tasks that are done on a phone considering they use less power than android and only Vivo, Oneplus and Oppo seem to be making cameraphones with sufficient cooling that allows them to sustain performance without either overheating or turning off the phone/not allowing you to use it.

        xslvrxslwt, 12 Sep 2024and if it's as 'good' at it as SD X Elite is... moreme when im making assumptions based off of rumors of unreleased phones and spreading discourse online, just a little tomfoolery.

          jiyen235, 12 Sep 2024yes, AND? I don't understand your point. I never said ... more"My point was, why is Apple able to squeeze out the same fps as Android with far less power? Like I don't get it, I literally said Apple and Android" This is false: high-end Android smartphones are more fast

            • P
            • P C M
            • 6p}
            • 12 Sep 2024

            No way it's running 2 cores over 4GHz(given that other 6 cores running over 3.5ghz).. The numbers are definitely wrong.

              jerem06, 12 Sep 2024I repeat: a 3D game that requires speed cannot run on a sin... moreyes, AND? I don't understand your point. I never said that games are only using 1 core, but rather they're using mostly the power of one core. And even then, it was just my assumption. I was trying to figure out why it's happening. You don't have an answer, you're just going with whatever you "feel" is better.

              You didn't really get my point either way. My point was, why is Apple able to squeeze out the same fps as Android with far less power? Like I don't get it, I literally said Apple and Android phones get a similar result. You're getting defensive over nothing. I also asked you to look at Geekerwan's videos to understand my point better. You didn't do that either. This is disrespectful and a waste of my time. I don't wish to waste your time by further arguing over pointless stuff I don't know about nor do I want to joke around and waste your time so unless you have something productive to say, buzz off.

                jiyen235, 12 Sep 2024i think you're arguing for the sake of arguing, you�... moreI repeat: a 3D game that requires speed cannot run on a single core.

                  jerem06, 12 Sep 2024If games ran on only one core, you wouldn't even be ab... morei think you're arguing for the sake of arguing, you're ignoring everything i said.

                    jiyen235, 12 Sep 2024idk what you're on about. I'm not trying to incit... moreIf games ran on only one core, you wouldn't even be able to reach 60 fps.

                      Can it run whatsapp, instagram, youtube? I think we need 5000 on geekbench single core and 20000 for multi core for that right?

                        Anonymous, 11 Sep 2024Seriously, "Scamdragon"? I mean, that works fine... moreI have a better one but it needs to be reviewed by the mods of this website haha

                          Kaotik, 11 Sep 2024You can't assume temperatures or power consumption fro... moreand if it's as 'good' at it as SD X Elite is (which is Oryon too) - Snapdragon is doomed.

                            • P
                            • Pie
                            • Kxb
                            • 12 Sep 2024

                            jiyen235, 12 Sep 2024idk what you're on about. I'm not trying to incit... moreApple usually has more transistor than snapdragon. Their cache per core is also bigger. Although generally developers optimize their games more for IOS (which has an apparent result in terms of efficiency), due to the lack of cooling system iphones usually can't sustain heavy games use for a longer time than android does. Oh while yes Mobile games are usually CPU bound than GPU, if the game decide to have higher res (like FHD for example) snapdragon 8 gen series would be more stronger than bionic due to better GPU performances.


                                Anonymous, 12 Sep 2024Software has to be there. Only usb 3 is not enough. Software is there already, and usb 3.1 is not about video out only.

                                  Eduard33, 12 Sep 2024It's just this generation that Android cpus will have ... moreyeah but apple's efficiency cores were clocked far lower as well to compensate. Android has moderately high clock speeds for efficiency cores compared to Apple.

                                  But yeah now that you mention it, it makes sense. Apple's chips are clocked higher and so they get better single core speeds. Thanks for that I didn't look into it that much, I was thinking it might've had something to do with the cache or something at one point.

                                    jiyen235, 12 Sep 2024my point is, this requires significantly higher clock speed... moreIt's just this generation that Android cpus will have such a high clock speeds and it's presumably because of the new design and architecture. Just look at previous years, Apple was always the one with the highest clock speeds in any phone

                                      Anonymous, 12 Sep 2024Suppliers sell what clients want. Nothing is pushed. ... moreAnd guess what clients want?

                                      Why do chinese phones use 1" sensors instead of 1/2"? Were they forced to do it? Were they also forced to increase charging speeds instead of remaining at 10w forever? That's how dumb you sound 🤦‍♂️

                                        jerem06, 12 Sep 2024So how do you explain to us that Android smartphones are fa... moreidk what you're on about. I'm not trying to incite an Apple vs Android debate in which is faster. I'm just asking why Android needs to have a significantly higher clock speed to achieve a similar result and why Android seems to always have lower single core numbers.

                                        I think it's down to Apple always prioritizing single core numbers and efficiency with that and also geekbench being more FOR Apple. Android manufacturers are more well rounded, they care about all aspects, for example the GPU and multi core scores are higher.

                                        Anyways, what game are you talking about? Apple and android are I'd say just basically neck and neck overall. I don't think Apple is ever particularly slow at a dedicated mobile game because developers always tend to support iOS better and optimize better for them. Look at Geekerwan's tests for the A17 Pro, look at the Chinese channel's tests for the Dimensity 9300 and 8 Gen 3. You'll see that Apple requires far less power to get a similar result. My question is, why? Oh and btw most phone games for some reason seem to be CPU bound, NOT GPU bound, and I always assumed that's why Apple phones fared better, cus their single core performance is better and games are somehow single core focused. Just my hypothesis. I'm really curious to know why things are the way they are.