Apple June quarter reported: 31M iPhones and 14.6M iPads sold

23 July, 2013
The company sold a record number of iPhones for this particular fiscal quarter.

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  • yeah
  • j8w
  • 24 Jul 2013

AnonD-161820, 24 Jul 2013 ”Phones are meant to be phones and not to be treated as co... morea smartphone isnt a portable PC. A smartphone is just a phone which has the capabilities of running a stripped down version of software of a computer, and makes it easy to complete tasks without requiring another equipment (camera, computer, calculator, calendar, etc). A smartphone was never meant to replace a computer... i dont know where you get that idea from. You may be able to do some stuff on your phone where you could skip the use of a computer, but the computer will never die nor will be replaced by a smartphone like you imply.

btw. You need a computer to create the smartphone software... Since a "smartphone IS a portable PC" (yes, you actually said that)... try creating a mobile app straight up from a smartphone... imposible lol.

    • M
    • MdN
    • 6tS
    • 24 Jul 2013

    Anonymous, 24 Jul 2013Android is a poorly coded piece of software originally inte... moreAgreed on all but one point - Android was meant to compete with Symbian which runs native (.sis), Java and QT apps. Only feature phones run Java apps. Also, Android is basically Java. :-)

      • D
      • AnonD-8044
      • nEq
      • 24 Jul 2013

      Anonymous, 24 Jul 2013So? Windows is unstable and 90% of the world's population u... moreI am going to agree with your statement from me and my family and friends real life experiances..Apple products are far to proprietary/restricted for any real mainstream use.

      Can you imagine the cost (even though it will not happen)if banking/weather system/war system/UK oyster card system/stock exchange etc ran on Apple products they would be bankrupt..Windows can do anything and has to do everything on this planet hence the massive 90% variable market share.

        • S
        • SWIFT FROM BDM
        • mCN
        • 24 Jul 2013

        Anonymous, 24 Jul 2013Android is a poorly coded piece of software originally inte... moreThanks for all that jargon guys but in truth and reality - globally Android runs the roost and probably will do for sometime.... not everybody who has a smartphone neccessarily needs a smartphone if you see where am coming from. Android is good for what i use my phone for and i am sure it is for the 100's of other millions of users too. AMEN

          • D
          • AnonD-4697
          • 8}N
          • 24 Jul 2013

          Anonymous, 24 Jul 2013Android is a poorly coded piece of software originally inte... moreTotally agree with this

          - Android is a poorly coded piece of software originally intended for digital cameras. (Agree thats was the original idea)
          - Has very bad memory management. (The worst if me I say so)
          - Garbage collection abilities. (Not all, but theres many some gimmicks from others)
          - Its only method of increasing performance is through hardware improvements. (Totally Agree, this hardware madness cames from Android)

          Android users cant be blind on this, is sad but true. And theres so many examples for this, nothing to be proud of.....

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • SvC
            • 24 Jul 2013

            Anonymous, 24 Jul 2013I mean, a smartphone is made for productivity, i.e., do a l... moreAndroid is a poorly coded piece of software originally intended for digital cameras, not phones. It has very bad memory management and garbage collection abilities, and its only method of increasing performance is through hardware improvements. Hence the ridiculous marketing of quad and octa core processors when laptops and PCs get better performance out of processors with increasingly lower clock rates and wattages these days.

            Android has no future beyond mobile phones, and Goole knows it (Chrome OS anyone?), because it will never match the efficiencies available to natively coded software such as iOS and Windows. It was developed to compete with the so-called smartphones of ten years ago which ran Java apps. So it was baby software made for baby smartphones.

            There will come a day when Google will stop supporting Android due to its deficiencies. With their mobile ad revenues already falling and iOS users still a far more lucrative market for them (they even paid Apple $1 billion to keep them as default search in Safari), Google will likely go back to the drawing board or get stuck in the midrange market as Apple and Microsoft continue to scale up their better engineered operating systems.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Kxu
              • 24 Jul 2013

              Anonymous, 24 Jul 2013How many Galaxy owners run two apps at once on a tiny 5 inc... moreDisagree. Chances are, most people who don't use it prolly don't know they exists. seriously, who wouldn't want to have the ability to run two apps at once? I, find the feature rather handy. Quite a handful of my friends don't know some of the 'gimmicks' their Android has, until I told them, and they absolutely love it.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • Kxu
                • 24 Jul 2013

                Anonymous, 24 Jul 2013How many Galaxy owners run two apps at once on a tiny 5 inc... moreDisagree. Chances are, most people who don't use it prolly don't know they exists. seriously, who wouldn't want to have the ability to run two apps at once? I, find the feature rather handy. Quite a handful of my friends don't know some of the 'gimmicks' their Android has, until I told them, and they absolutely love it.

                  • M
                  • MdN
                  • ScK
                  • 24 Jul 2013

                  Anonymous, 24 Jul 2013How many Galaxy owners run two apps at once on a tiny 5 inc... moreMultiscreen is a gimmick but real multitasking isn't and iPhone still doesn't have it.

                    • M
                    • MdN
                    • ScK
                    • 24 Jul 2013

                    Anonymous, 24 Jul 2013Awesome! this proves that samsung is not a threat at all Actually Samsung made more profit this quarter, also sold more S4 than i5. First time ever. But why a threat? Just buy what you want, I own neither of those nor I am interested.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • SvC
                      • 24 Jul 2013

                      Anonymous, 24 Jul 2013very well said..that is why ios users cant seem to accept t... moreHow many Galaxy owners run two apps at once on a tiny 5 inch screen? Something close to zero, I'd say. Multiscreen mode is a gimmick along with all the other S bloat Samsung throws on its high end phones.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • ajU
                        • 24 Jul 2013

                        Anonymous, 24 Jul 2013I know right? iOS should totally have more useless gimmicks... moreSo? Windows is unstable and 90% of the world's population using computers doesn't care. Productivity is key in an OS. Apple can't understand this. They've been lowering the market's standards and badly altering the consumers' preferences for years with their propaganda.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • H5D
                          • 24 Jul 2013

                          Anonymous, 24 Jul 2013very well said..that is why ios users cant seem to accept t... moreI know right? iOS should totally have more useless gimmicks, personally my favourite gimmick is instability. Pretty swell when you think about it. Lag is a pretty nice feature too, but then again high piracy rates leading to horrible Android ports and anti-consumer business are just what mobile needs.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-36622
                            • pXG
                            • 24 Jul 2013

                            AnonD-27765, 24 Jul 2013Phones are meant to be easy to use and hassle-free devices ... moreAnd that's why you don't understand the evolution of technology! How long do you think the word "phone" will stand until it vanish? "Get a computer"...don't know if you are trolling or being sincere...but you're right, if I want smartness on my iPhone, I have to buy all apple products...hummm, that's a smart thing to do ;) *cough *cough

                              • S
                              • SonyBoy
                              • mnS
                              • 24 Jul 2013

                              [deleted post]Buy Sony he is better!

                                • l
                                • lawrence
                                • vxN
                                • 24 Jul 2013

                                buy iphone

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • mws
                                  • 24 Jul 2013

                                  Anonymous, 24 Jul 2013LOL... android fanboys are confused and in denial. Tsk tsk. hahaWell, considering that the Google's revenue and profit are both higher than last year and the revenue of Apple is flat and Apple's profit is sharply down, I see only reasons for the Android fans to rejoice and for the Apple fans to cry :-)

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-161820
                                    • nxu
                                    • 24 Jul 2013

                                    AnonD-27765, 24 Jul 2013Restrictions ain't a thing if you have a pc. That's why iPh... more ”Phones are meant to be phones and not to be treated as computers” You could say that if iPhone was considered simply a phone! But many of you call it a SmartPhone. So YES, it should do things that a PC can also do! A smartphone actually IS a portable PC! That is why it is called a SmartPhone. With your statement you showed that I am right: iPhone is only a dual-core feature phone very much overpriced which cannot replace a PC, so it cannot be a SmartPhone! Period! By the way, Apple's PC are also very restrictive, so your words: ”get a computer” are not applicable for Apple products! Have a good day!

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • v0q
                                      • 24 Jul 2013

                                      Anonymous, 24 Jul 2013I mean, a smartphone is made for productivity, i.e., do a l... morevery well said..that is why ios users cant seem to accept that is far more superior in features, multi tasking and productivity,no limitations or whatever. can your ios run 2 apps at the same screen at the same time? that is multi view in galaxy phones. even in ages ios cant do that.

                                        • S
                                        • SWIFT FROM BDM
                                        • mCN
                                        • 24 Jul 2013

                                        Am a HTC user but do enjoy apple products (more so on the desktop computing side of things) but congratulations all the same! wont make me switch to the iphone but good going!