Weekly poll results: it's a bad start for the iPhone 16 series as people look for alternatives

22 September 2024
The Pro Max may have gotten too big and the Plus just never got popular. The iPhone 16 Pro and the vanilla 16 have some positives, though.

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Anonymous, 22 Sep 2024You: "I'm not filled with rage or anything and ag... moreim not mad though, just annoyed. and again, im just pointing stuff out and by capitalizing certain words im putting emphasis on stuff. if i were mad i'd have said some bad words. i did not.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • hGD
    • 22 Sep 2024

    jiyen235, 22 Sep 2024i was just pointing out that these fanboys don't see t... moreYou: "I'm not filled with rage or anything and again, I'm just pointing stuff out here."

    Also, you: "What are you talking about? Have you seen how many of these "fanboys" are malicious and go out of their way to harass others? either you live under a rock and you don't know anything about it OR you intentionally are ignoring those in order to paint me as someone who's always mad about fanboys."

    God, your self-unawareness is astonishing.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • Hxq
      • 22 Sep 2024

      jiyen235, 22 Sep 2024asking people on gsmarena about iPhones is just weird man, ... moreYou're right about the poll not being representative, because most of the people who read and write comments on this site are enthusiasts. Normies are interested in the social credit and status that smartphones give them, they really don't care about the phones themselves. In general, unless they have a question, they don't browse such a site, so they certainly didn't vote in the poll.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • Hxq
        • 22 Sep 2024

        pl2rts, 22 Sep 2024I dont hate iPhones or IOS and rest of the Apple devices. T... moreI hate Apple and their products. Come at me fanboys!

          • S
          • Samer
          • at1
          • 22 Sep 2024

          I believe there are many factors for this, one of them is consistent inflation that made people barely able to cover their necessary needs and alter their priorities, also ongoing trend of phones going bigger and bigger to the point that they became uncomfortable to use in first place, phones should not exceed 6.5 6.6 screen size in my opinion, also the focus on the processors and million nits screens every year made customers not feeling any progress in the phones, no battery improvement, no major cameras improvements, im really thinking about skipping 2 generations at least so they can make a real difference, my phone is working fine, only thing that may deteriorate is the battery and that can be solved with 20$ powerbank

            David 040882, 22 Sep 2024I don't think you got the point of his comment. He was... moreI dont hate iPhones or IOS and rest of the Apple devices. These are just not made for me and for my needs. I just dont see a point on wasting 1000 euro on a phone, tablet or 2000 euro on laptop's.

            I like windows phone but as there are none of them anymore i have no choice in the market other then to go with Android phone. While with android phones i have choices in all prices and performance range. Year ago i got android phone for 400 euro that was performing as good as iPhone 14 Pro and when i bought it there was no iPhone 15 out yet.

            It makes no sense for me to buy over priced product and also that it be very locked environment. Accessories need to be based on Apple so these will work well and so on.

            Never mind that spending 400 euro is already too much for a phone.

            I like to mock apple products cause they deserve it and it's like karma to them as they all started with this with all their patent wars with rounded corners and home button under the screen. That other brands copy them all the time and so on while Apple was the new guy in the market with brands that were decades before them and basically evolved to a point Apple can make their iPhone in the first place

              Anonymous, 22 Sep 2024Here's the thing: you can't change people or the ... morei find it funny, i think that's as good a reason as any.

              and im not saying im necessarily the best guy of all time but when the bar is so low with these fanboys then yeah im better, if only just slightly. i welcome critical thinking and level headed discussions. but these fanboys love spewing hate and triggering em is fun to me. im not "acting" like im better, i KNOW im better than the bottom of the barrel. im just the average guy that's all.

                Apple still trying to sell 60hz displays for 800+ dollars. Good joke!

                  • J
                  • Jeffrey Kyle JACKSON
                  • MDf
                  • 22 Sep 2024

                  The only way to beat Iphone is Making Better Photo and Video Camera on Android Phones...
                  Like 8K 60 Fps OIS Video Recording and Nikon's DSLR Photograph Machines Quality Photographs...
                  May, Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 will do it... Because, currently better CPU than Apple A18 Pro...
                  Well, we will see...

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • YUU
                    • 22 Sep 2024

                    jiyen235, 22 Sep 2024asking people on gsmarena about iPhones is just weird man, ... moreWell... This world ain't perfect and most of the people in this world are confined to social suicidal norm. They (people) will follow whatever loud voice out there without thinking about it first. So, yeah.. I guess I'm the 2% of the population in the world who always goes against social suicidal norm. Don't follow the crowd and always take different paths. Some people here even called me "nuts" for my very very privacy things I'm doing with my digital footprint 🙄

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • hIh
                      • 22 Sep 2024

                      jiyen235, 22 Sep 2024i was just pointing out that these fanboys don't see t... moreHere's the thing: you can't change people or the world, you can only change yourself. And when you talk with fools, you're letting yourself get dragged into the same boat as them.

                      Stop trying to act holier-than-thou and you won't win any prizes from policing random strangers' comments on the internet. That's all I have to say.

                        Better buy vivo oppo oneplus or realme
                        Iphone they sell the same product every year nothing is new with their products

                          cockynuts, 22 Sep 2024there is no such thing as iphone hater, more like iphone observeryou can hate iphones and you can love others, there's nothing wrong with that. i just find it funny when scamsung fanboys get their knickers in a twist when i point out that their fav brand is actually worse than Apple.

                            • c
                            • cockynuts
                            • 39y
                            • 22 Sep 2024

                            jiyen235, 22 Sep 2024asking people on gsmarena about iPhones is just weird man, ... morethere is no such thing as iphone hater, more like iphone observer

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 3SI
                              • 22 Sep 2024

                              You make a poll about iPhones on this site and are surprised about bad results?

                                Anonymous, 22 Sep 2024And what's exactly your problem with those people that... morei was just pointing out that these fanboys don't see the deficiencies in their own things yet are quick to point out others' problems and make their whole argument on that basis. THAT is incredibly childish and it is incredibly annoying to always get annoyed by people when pointing out basic, common sense ideas.

                                I understand ignoring them is the best but i'm passionate about tech since i was 5, it's difficult to always ignore what the community of the thing you like talks about and says, especially considering the general consensus is still "samsung/apple gud china bad".

                                Besides, I only find them annoying, I'm not filled with rage or anything and again, I'm just pointing stuff out here. Letting the talks of fools get to me would be quite foolish of myself, I just listen to what they say, think about it and sometimes laugh about it or add those talks to my list of "things fanboys say" and that's it.

                                Also, just let the fanboys be? What are you talking about? Have you seen how many of these "fanboys" are malicious and go out of their way to harass others? either you live under a rock and you don't know anything about it OR you intentionally are ignoring those in order to paint me as someone who's always mad about fanboys. im not mad at fanboys for being fans, im mad at them for being fanboys and always ridiculing others but also getting mad when someone does the same thing to them. They're all childish and that's annoying.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • hIh
                                  • 22 Sep 2024

                                  David 040882, 22 Sep 2024I don't think you got the point of his comment. He was... moreI know, I was just referring to their first paragraph where they refer iPhone, Samsung, and Google buyers as "normies", "scamsung fanboys", and "asylum escapee". It all looks like something a stuck-up 12 year old would write.

                                  I'm a Xiaomi user, but I never call iPhone users "normies" just because I don't like iPhones. People should be allowed to like whatever they like without being insulted and called names. It's basic human decency.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 4BT
                                    • 22 Sep 2024

                                    Also no phone cooling work unless sacrifice water resistance

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 4BT
                                      • 22 Sep 2024

                                      David 040882, 22 Sep 2024I don't think you got the point of his comment. He was... moreNo iPhone user used this site we got Reddit

                                        I'd rather take the flagship of the last couple of years than the newer iPhone.