Apple sued in EU because other music services are too expensive

19 September 2024
Euroconsumers claim Spotify, and the rest unload the App Store charges on consumers.

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Anonymous, 6 hours agoApple can still get sued if those terms and conditions are ... moreOf course, especially when laws are past to make them so……..

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • PZT
    • 6 hours ago

    DaFink, 11 hours ago3rd parties agree to the Apple’s terms and conditions, they... moreApple can still get sued if those terms and conditions are illegal.

      Marorun, 9 hours agoNope you are right. the magic thing is on android the a... moreNope, sorry I do not see the issue. Like I said it’s terms and conditions. I would see the issue if 3rd parties were forced to sign such an agreement. That isn’t the case though, they may not like it, but they still sign regardless.

      I wouldn’t mind if these services banded together, told Apple where to jump and took their services elsewhere, Android for example, at least until Apple become willing to offer a few concessions. They don’t though do they, and apparently people can’t be trusted to think for themselves, so here comes the EU….again 🤷

        DaFink, 19 Sep 2024I think you are getting a bit confused, not helped by the p... moreNope you are right.

        the magic thing is on android the app will give you the option to link out from it to the app maker website to do just that.

        On apple version you don't have that option so its kind of predatory as many ppl are not techy enough to think of going to the website themselve..

        See the issue?

          Lister, 19 Sep 2024How about Apple agrees to reduce their cut, but then they a... moreHow about the part in apple rules for app store that block any app on it from linking to an external website to take a subcription be removed? Google don't do that. It charge the same 30% but many app link to outwise webpage for cheaper subscription no problem.

            Anonymous, 19 Sep 2024this is bias because every other business works like this. ... moreApple will remove your app if in your app you propose to go to subcribe on the website of the streaming music app to save money.

            Google do not do that.

            This is the main issue.

              Anonymous, 19 Sep 2024Do you forget that apple is also a company that needs to ma... moreDont't you think Apple kind of make enough?

                Anonymous, 19 Sep 2024I get what EU is doing here but... You forgot to sue Goo... moreWell Apple forbid the app to have a external link to external webpage for any subscriptions.
                Google do not forbid that.

                Just saying.

                  xPandamon, 16 hours agoGuess what, companies already pay Appls to be part of their... more3rd parties agree to the Apple’s terms and conditions, they do so of their own free will. Sorry I’m not going to feel sorry for these other service providers, especially most don’t exactly have clean records when it comes to moral / fair business practices *cough* Spotify *cough*…….

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 70d
                    • 16 hours ago

                    xPandamon, 16 hours agoApple already get compensated for their infrastructure. You... moreIt's fine as long as the options are clear to the users. For example, users who don't want to support Apple can pay $10, and users who want to support Apple can pay $13. The problem is that Apple forbids third-party developers to inform the users of the alternatives through the apps, which AFAIK violates the EU's DMA.

                      Anonymous, 18 hours agoNo, but why should they earn money on service provided by o... moreApple already get compensated for their infrastructure. You have to pay a fee for them to host your app. The extra fee per subscription is absolutely insane.

                        DaFink, 20 hours agoNo, I don’t think Apple are ‘behaving like scum yet again’ ... moreGuess what, companies already pay Appls to be part of their ecosystem. The fee on subscriptions is scummy, no matter if you like it or not. Apple want to make money of something they have nothing to do with, that is problematic.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 8v6
                          • 18 hours ago

                          Anonymous, 19 Sep 2024Do you forget that apple is also a company that needs to ma... moreNo, but why should they earn money on service provided by others? Apple should be compensated for what they provide: app store that others can use to distribute apps and updates. Their fee should be based on this, not subscription that has no correlation to what Apple offers.

                          Similarly if company wants to distribute app on iOS etc. outside of Apple's app store then Apple shouldn't get a single cent from it, because they no longer provide any service in that case.

                            xPandamon, 20 Sep 2024Wrong reply?No, I don’t think Apple are ‘behaving like scum yet again’ they charge a fee to make use of their services infrastructure, big deal 🤷

                            You can argue they perhaps charge too much, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that these 3rd party services can be subscribed to independently of Apple.

                              Apple has always been for the brain dead hypocrites. It's from the days of Steve Jobs. Just buy an android and almost 80% of your subscription money is saved.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 70d
                                • 21 hours ago

                                AJ, 19 Sep 2024EU be like "We cannot make our own companies, but we c... moreEuroconsumers is a consumer group. It doesn't represent the EU. It's a group of consumer organizations that represent some people in some countries.

                                  DaFink, 19 Sep 2024You can sign up for those services completely independent o... moreWrong reply?

                                    • A
                                    • AJ
                                    • red
                                    • 19 Sep 2024

                                    EU be like "We cannot make our own companies, but we can fine American companies".
                                    Instead of fining American companies, EU should introspect and take a look at the tangled web of regulations it has, stopping its companies from beating Apple or Microsoft. I am confident the GSMarena moderators will not even allow my post, just an example of why very little innovation comes out of the EU these days.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 0cB
                                      • 19 Sep 2024

                                      jindev, 19 Sep 2024Because you either need to jailbreak or do clumsy steps to ... moreBuy android instead of jailbreaking poor ios.

                                        jindev, 19 Sep 2024Because you either need to jailbreak or do clumsy steps to ... moreI think you are getting a bit confused, not helped by the poor wording of the article itself:

                                        ‘The lawsuit read that the companies have to pay 30% to be on the App Store’

                                        30% to be on the App Store? 30% of what exactly 🤷

                                        It makes no sense, unless of course they mean the cut Apple takes for any subscriptions to 3rd party service providers (YouTube, Spotify etc) made through the App Store payment framework. And if so, then as I said it is entirely possible to side step that completely.

                                        I subscribed to YouTube premium through the browser on my Windows laptop. You telling me Google are required to pay Apple a 30% cut of that even though the transaction was directly to YouTube themselves simply because they have an app on the App Store, I do think so somehow.