Weekly poll results: the Asus ROG Phone 9 and 9 Pro are too expensive

01 December 2024
The Asus ROG Phone 9 Pro proved quite a bit more popular than its vanilla sibling, but even it is going to struggle to find an audience.

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Anonymous, 01 Dec 2024The problem with the rog phone is it looks too much like a ... moreI agree with last statement. S25U will be good choice this year at 1500USD.

    Anonymous, 01 Dec 2024Of course, I just answered that guy's question, tho he... morePoco F7 Ultra and iQOO 13 is your choice.

      NikCal88, 01 Dec 2024The biggest problem for me is the 2 years of software updat... moreiQOO 13 is good mainstream phone I believe. Good camera as well in three companies.

        RushGamer, 01 Dec 2024RedMagic users are honest unlike the paid ROG fans you'... moreThey just need to make their screens more and more efficient that's it. Software support also needed(3 years of software support).

          Anonymous, 01 Dec 2024Paying so much for no unlockable bootloader is stupid. Whet... moreGet Poco F7 Ultra/Google Pixel 9 Pro XL whenever it launched globally.

            NeonHD, 01 Dec 2024I have never been a fan of the ROG Phone way before it was ... moreEven Samsung doesn't have it.

            Asus should have focussed on only three things.
            1. Better software support. Atleast three to four years OS updates.
            2. Bring price down to 999-1099 for 512GB.
            3. 1.5K or 2K display

            It would have sold well everywhere.

              Anonymous, 01 Dec 2024That is honestly very dumb argument and doesn't make a... moreWorst answer ever.
              If a phone have flagship grade specs and only 1-2 years of warranty whats the purpose of making it if price is 1000 or 2000 euros.
              A phone that have 5-7 or even 10 years of updates should have 5-7 or 10 years of warranty.

              Yes anyone will or can keep such phone for 5-7 or 10 years or sell it after his warranty goes off to avoid unexpected costly repairs and buy a new phone.
              You can have flagship grade hardware but nowhere is written it will last such long time.
              In worst cases it can breaks first day after your warranty goes off saw that happen many times in our cell phone stores across Slovakia.

                DeepIn2U, 01 Dec 2024You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about ... moreNo friend i exactly know hwat i am saying and why because i have that phone.
                And is far from crap.
                But stick to whathewer toy makes you happy as horny bull.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • I0Z
                  • 01 Dec 2024

                  Anonymous, 01 Dec 2024Apart from the prices being increasing every year, the phon... moreExactly! After the ROG 7, it is only ROG in name. The standout features are gone and the price is higher; now it is just another (mediocre) flagship. Xperia or Red Magic are maybe the only ones left for a "full" screen.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • fI%
                    • 01 Dec 2024

                    Serve them right... That's what you get when try to gatekeep the bootloader and all the false promises in the past.

                    Asus is way worse than sony.. Sony is indeed overpriced for the same amount of software updates but at least they will let you unlocked the bootloader without any hassle.

                      • J
                      • Jimmy Wonderful
                      • mpM
                      • 01 Dec 2024

                      Totally agree about Speakers 😍😍 Rog 7 is that last from old school😎 If, Rog 10 will go back to usual form factor, I will buy it. But, 8 and 9 didn't catch my attention 😩👋

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • xjH
                        • 01 Dec 2024

                        Apart from the prices being increasing every year, the phone itself has lost all it's charm, after Asus removed all the things that set it apart from other phones

                        The front speakers are gone, the bezels are gone, the display now has a hole in it, the battery is decreased especially when other phones have even bigger batteries and now the camera island looks weird. ROG design till the 7 was best, but starting from 8 it's not a ROG anymore, it's just another boring looking overpriced phone

                          Cpt.Power, 01 Dec 2024Ye and will cost 600+ For that price i can have Motorola e... moreYou have absolutely no idea what you're talking about with this post!

                          Buy that crap Motorola play Genshin and see the difference in how it performs vs 9 Pro! Both production models you purchase fresh out of both same spots same game levels!!!

                            rizki1, 01 Dec 2024No, I don't want it that way, that way you have to dow... moreThen THAT is the developers fault NOT Asus!

                            You're shitting on Asus for something they do NOT make nor have control over! The same damn thing would effect the RM 10 series!!!!

                            Give them a pass then you're a paid shill!!!!

                              Way too expensive, no other gaming phone (which is arguably just as good or better) cost this much

                                • G
                                • GoodMind
                                • HJ2
                                • 01 Dec 2024

                                Anonymous, 01 Dec 2024How can you call someone a kid and then immediately use the... moreSimply because that user is a kid among many, who is absolutely not interested in the world of Gaming (Console-PC-Retrogaming), but who likes to waste time in the various comment sections with essentially useless and counterproductive answers to the specific context. (aka making air with your mouth) From my point of view, I really appreciate what the editor of the news-reflection wrote. It makes clear the level of intellectual dishonesty of certain companies. Of how deception is more 'creative' than real everyday life, of the concreteness of things and their specific usefulness. From this, the following reflection: - children (those who grow up in a similar type of society) should be guided and sensitized. Those kids will become the adults of tomorrow.


                                  • F
                                  • AnonF-1061058
                                  • txG
                                  • 01 Dec 2024

                                  Anonymous, 01 Dec 2024Of course, I just answered that guy's question, tho he... moreYeah I understand. Ngl switch or any handheld emulation on phone feels okay for me because, well, a phone has a similar aspect ratio compared to those handhelds.
                                  But Windows or PS emulation? Idk man, with the same pricing those things seems better to do on an Android tablet. But yeah, to each own, I guess. This phone also support display out so it might works, I guess?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • atq
                                    • 01 Dec 2024

                                    AnonF-1061058, 01 Dec 2024Do you know that with the same pricing you rather get a lap... moreYou could if you had the time..but you could also get top of the range ipad with its M class chipset that's fully optimised for mobile games and use claw style. No messing around waiting hours to play with other emulator players plus if I owned pc I wouldn't be playing mobile games on it anyway.. Quite sad actually.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • atq
                                      • 01 Dec 2024

                                      The problem with the rog phone is it looks too much like a regular phone but with a flagship price tag. Looks wise the redmagic has killed it. The redmagic hasn't got the hdr screen of the rog and it's cameras could be better but it's price reflects this. The rog doesn't look gaming phone enough.. Especially with that price and it doesn't look flagship enough either. 2 years of software support on such an expensive device just isn't good enough. Samsung phones are expensive but you get years more software support. Rather get an s25 ultra than a rog or a redmagic and a console.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • n2y
                                        • 01 Dec 2024

                                        rizki1, 01 Dec 2024Do I sound like I'm complaining to you? I'm compl... moreI don't think I've ever said I love emulators, I said I find them intriguing in another post, certainly switch emulation is something I might use on my phone because I like the last 2 zelda games that came out and have already completed them on pc(cause I'll never give nintendo my money) and would not mind being able to play them on my phone. Now to me you did appear like you were complaining with how you replied to my first comment, I don't know maybe it's just my autistic brain misfiring like always. But I do agree with your point, that would make for a good reason to pay more for one of this sort of phones, but as is they're not, and in my eyes, have never been worth getting, I'd rather buy a cameraphone than this. All these gaming brands are overcharging for their stuff really, Asus for example sells overpriced and bad peripherals, their laptops used to suck up until they got with the norm and put mux switches in them and stopped blocking the fans in the lower end models(like seriously why?), their pc compontents are decent and so are some of their monitors, but the rest is just trash with gaming slapped all over.