Touchscreen Nokia N97 is the next step ahead with full QWERTY

02 Dec, 2008
The Nokia N97 is most definitely one of the most loaded N-series devices out there, but that's not it's all about. The N97 is the first high-end device powered by the latest touchscreen Symbian S60 OS...

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  • A
  • Anonymous
  • wce
  • 04 Dec 2008

Why is there a need for fanbois? Why the need to diss another company?

Anyway, the Xperia slides in an arc, but it still slides out FLAT.

While N97's one goes up at an angle, provides a better viewing angle, which is way better.

    • D
    • David Perel
    • Nxs
    • 04 Dec 2008

    I think this thing will be a success. I for one cannot wait to upgrade my N95 with this beast. There is no ways Nokia is going down, not by a long shot.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • v}2
      • 04 Dec 2008

      Tobin. P, 03 Dec 2008Sony Ericsson X1 Xerpia rip off anyone?Sony Ericsson didn't design X1 Xerpia. HTC did.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • ibX
        • 04 Dec 2008

        SE FANS n APPLE FANS don't have other excuse but keep saying N97 copy it,

        so cheap, just know a word "COPY" , why don't they say xperia front button copy NOKIA 7500 PRISM ???

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • vCT
          • 04 Dec 2008

          looks very laggy and very similar to xperia

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • ibX
            • 04 Dec 2008

            N97 make a new history

              • N
              • ND
              • uC3
              • 04 Dec 2008

              ravi kumar, 04 Dec 2008Nokia, SE, LG, Samsung, HTC making rip-off Apple Iphone, bu... moreYES!! U r saying totally rite!

                • r
                • ravi kumar
                • 2SQ
                • 04 Dec 2008

                Nokia, SE, LG, Samsung, HTC making rip-off Apple Iphone, but O/S interface nobody is making different like Apple Does..!

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • PSk
                  • 04 Dec 2008

                  looks a lot like all the other wm devices that are out such as x1 and htc, but with plastic looks. The only advantage is that it has a huge 32Gb memory, all other stuff, it fails miserably. Plus the S60 platform it uses is just unacceptable! this really is JUST a phone, a dumb one at that!

                    • N
                    • Nokia Fan South Afri
                    • NaW
                    • 04 Dec 2008

                    N97. . . .

                    Inch by Inch other competitor's a pinch. Yard by by yard Nokia gona make competition hard. Cuz its goin all the way in pure 97 style.
                    Makes u think? N97% only 3% short comings.:) lol.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • ibX
                      • 04 Dec 2008

                      the video on youtube prove that N97 hotter than crap xperia

                      got 2 video added at 02 December 2008, you know what happen?? today it got 512k & 400k people view it!

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • wY5
                        • 04 Dec 2008

                        SE fanboys is too jealous about this phone!!!

                          • P
                          • Pinoy_Apple_Hater
                          • RKp
                          • 04 Dec 2008

                          LOL @ the fanboys saying the N97 is a "rip-off" of the SE Xperia X1 or the hypePhone. The Xperia has a circa-2003 65K-only color screen, while the hypePhone is a mere overhyped, overpriced, under-spec'ed, fancy but impractical touchscreen Ipod with pedestrian phone functions. Who cares if it runs OSX? It's as buggy and slow as Windows Vista, only you don't get to hear as much whiners because the 2% of the market that uses it would buy anything encased in a shiny white plastic case made in China. ROTFLMAO!!!111onehundredeleven

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • R55
                            • 04 Dec 2008

                            Anonymous, 04 Dec 2008after seeing the video all i can say is bad its go... moreWhen they say Q2 most probably mean Q4 or later.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • R55
                              • 04 Dec 2008

                              [deleted post]I like Nokia phone at first. I just don't like the way they use 1,200 votes to pull down their rivals's rating.

                              I don't have any prove of that. But who can explain why in one night there are 1,200 votes to pull down the innov8 rates when this phone is annouce? Co-incidents? don't think so...

                              Sorry, if i am wrong. But shame on Nokia if i am rite.

                                • M
                                • Milciades
                                • PuA
                                • 04 Dec 2008

                                I do not like the telephone, for anything, is a copy or to the HTC Xperia. What I find absurd is that there are fans of boy who said that the Nokia N82 has the best camera phone that the 8-megapixel, like the C905, Samsumg or LG, so far there are debates about who is the best among the 5 megapixel, if is the N95, N82 or the rare K850, which some units are insurmountable and the photos are terrible in others .. Long way for Nokia, when removed from its 7.2 megapixel N98, the other brands like Sony, Samsumg and will be battling in the 12 megapixel ..

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • ibX
                                  • 04 Dec 2008

                                  hey, this phone so hot!!!

                                  got 2 video at youtube just 2 days become

                                  Nokia N97 Demo-518212 views
                                  Nokia N97 Demo-the great fondle Video -401784 views

                                  just 2 DAY ADDED ONLY!!!

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • ib6
                                    • 04 Dec 2008

                                    nah i dont'll still be a cracker

                                      • k
                                      • kenneth
                                      • ibn
                                      • 04 Dec 2008

                                      first of all.. do not compare nokia to xperia .. cuz is both different thing.. winmo and symbian, and if everyone talking about copying.. y cant xperia copy tytn 2? famous sliding device came from side kicks and dopod 838 pro.. xperia just change to 10 to 20 degress curve thats all. Sony is totally no strength to build any smarts phone thats y they request for WinMo on it. they have no principal idea and concrete concept for a smart phone. But what can i say? xperia is not a bad phone, nokia just have their own concept and they build with it.

                                        • N
                                        • N97_rulee
                                        • uEx
                                        • 04 Dec 2008

                                        Anonymous, 04 Dec 2008basically nothing compares to OSX - and i mean the iphone. ... moreNot all of us will think that were matter. I don't really care if apple slightly better. I do admit I adore my sister's iphone. But as I said, to me iPhone is uselless because of the provider lock. I travel outside my home country a lot.