Nokia Q3 report shows 8.8 million Lumia sales

29 October, 2013
This time all three divisions report an operating profit, while the same quarter last year saw a sizable loss.

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  • D
  • AnonD-179722
  • Kid
  • 02 Nov 2013

These clowns are hilarious. Seems like they are getting paid by both companies to argue. Spare us the lecture and history lessons.

We are consumer. We bought the gadget and then comment how we feel in the forum.
You guys like you're ready to shoot each other to defend the manufacturers.


    • D
    • AnonD-134497
    • bJ9
    • 30 Oct 2013

    AnonD-197784, 30 Oct 2013You don't own a Note 2!Yes I do. I own an iPhone 4S. Lumia 920, Lumia 520, Lumia 1020(tomorrow), Note II(bought 2 weeks ago, real cheap). Your point?

      • D
      • AnonD-109818
      • w9K
      • 30 Oct 2013

      AnonD-197784, 30 Oct 2013Wake up Gelvin! Don't confuse a dark rom in progress with ... morehey Tech.Chief hw r ya man...:) ... just a quick question bro....I assume given the trail of comments, that you prefer Sammy over NOKIA due to the shortcomings in NOKIA as per your view and also due to the plus points of Sammy. Is that correct?

      (btw yes i love Nokia products as well as Sammy cz i use both types of devices on a regular basis)

        • D
        • AnonD-197784
        • N9@
        • 30 Oct 2013

        AnonD-134497, 30 Oct 2013There were none leaks for Lumia 800 and 900 for Windows Pho... moreYou don't own a Note 2!

          • D
          • AnonD-134497
          • bJ9
          • 30 Oct 2013

          AnonD-197784, 30 Oct 2013Wake up Gelvin! Don't confuse a dark rom in progress with ... moreThere were none leaks for Lumia 800 and 900 for Windows Phone 8. I am already awaken and made my choices. I own a Note II for your information. I am more aware than you in my choices. I don't take decisions based on my emotions. My preferences always takes the front seat.

          Now you claim Blackberry destroyed Nokia? Don't be more hypocrite please. You are running out of points. There is absolutely no relevancy of Blackberry with the downfall of Nokia. You sir are just dragging things here for no reason with intentions to make valid points. Quit living in fantasy that the company Nokia is still on a downfall. It is not.

          I have seen much more changes in the technology and can take mature decisions. You need to quit bringing up points which are not even on-topic.

            • D
            • AnonD-197784
            • N9@
            • 30 Oct 2013

            AnonD-134497, 30 Oct 2013Leak means it's being tested on the phone. Therefore, the c... moreWake up Gelvin! Don't confuse a dark rom in progress with reality! You know how many wp8 leaks there were for Lumia 800 and 900?

            Maybe 8.1 will let you have BBM. I mean on the 1520!

            The truth is that BlackBerry killed Nokia, not Android. They smartly at first brought the BlackBerry messaging to Nokia phones and it almost made people ignore high end BlackBerry phones, then they stopped it and that was the end!

              • D
              • AnonD-134497
              • bJ9
              • 30 Oct 2013

              AnonD-197784, 30 Oct 2013Leak? , 520?, running 8.1? When even the 1520 doesn't have... moreLeak means it's being tested on the phone. Therefore, the chances are more than 90% that we will see it inside the device in future.

                • D
                • AnonD-134497
                • bJ9
                • 30 Oct 2013

                [deleted post]Oh Please! The best thing you can do is to counter-argue with him. Becoming a troll yourself won't get you anywhere. Seriously! Stop being so much upset about "Smartphone brands".....

                  • D
                  • AnonD-197784
                  • N9@
                  • 30 Oct 2013

                  AnonD-199490, 30 Oct 2013Go away troll. Seriously go away. Galaxy s4 now sells at 0$... moreLeak? , 520?, running 8.1? When even the 1520 doesn't have 8.1 yet!

                  That must be a leak! Get it? Leak! ;)


                  Microsoft really has you on a Q

                    • D
                    • AnonD-199490
                    • rJs
                    • 30 Oct 2013

                    AnonD-197784, 30 Oct 2013We know the 1020 prices are slashed globally to move them o... moreGo away troll. Seriously go away. Galaxy s4 now sells at 0$ and is price slashed by half in India.
                    your comment is invalid.
                    also a nokia 920 leaked with 8.1 was found and even a leaked image shows Lumia 520 running 8.1.

                    just stop telling. At least justifie your words

                      • D
                      • AnonD-134497
                      • bJ9
                      • 30 Oct 2013

                      AnonD-197784, 30 Oct 2013We know the 1020 prices are slashed globally to move them o... moreThe prices are slashed due to the poor sales. Of course, the sales would be poor because the prices was insanely high but that doesn't make me not want to buy it. The 1520 is not as same as 1020 which you said as "dead". It's a phablet with it's own class sales. Lumia 1020 is a smartphone. Again, your knowledge over here is lacking. 1020 won't be dead until the successor or 1020 came out. Wrong there again mate.

                      "Did i mention the WP8.1 update will be coming to 1320 and 1520 only? Them guess which gets the wp9??"
                      Yeah, you mentioned it in each and every of your post and I proved you wrong each and every time with sources. You don't got any source to prove yourself. BTW! Here you go.


                      The notification center which is gonna make its debute in Windows Phone 8.1 update is being tested on Lumia 925.

                      Read this too:

                      You are so so much wrong.

                      Edit: By the way, you were saying which phones will be getting Windows Phone 9? let me make a list for you.

                      Nokia Lumia 520
                      Nokia Lumia 525(coming soon)
                      Nokia Lumia 521
                      Nokia Lumia 620
                      Nokia Lumia 625
                      Nokia Lumia 720
                      Nokia Lumia 820
                      Nokia Lumia 920
                      Nokia Lumia 925
                      Nokia Lumia 928
                      Nokia Lumia 929
                      Nokia Lumia 1020

                      I hope know your misunderstanding about how many devices getting Windows Phone 9 is corrected.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-197784
                        • N9@
                        • 30 Oct 2013

                        AnonD-134497, 30 Oct 2013We know what's next but at certain extent. It's future. No ... moreWe know the 1020 prices are slashed globally to move them off, it's slashed to a third in China and just $99 in the US on AT&T. It's arriving some countries just now, and of course is dead already because their immediate future is the 1320 and 1520.

                        Did i mention the WP8.1 update will be coming to 1320 and 1520 only? Them guess which gets the wp9??

                          • D
                          • AnonD-134497
                          • bJ9
                          • 30 Oct 2013

                          AnonD-197784, 30 Oct 2013Yeah! Its called business, and we know what's next :)We know what's next but at certain extent. It's future. No one can exactly predict it. There can be a lot of things done right now but who knows. I am hoping after the deal, Microsoft just won't abandon the Nokia brand. I still won't stop buying a Microsoft-Nokia even if the brand is removed because I know the device is being made by the people of Nokia. It'll just be a sad moment but as time passes, things will be forgotten.

                          I have heard, tomorrow, Lumia 1020 will arrive so I am getting one. Even, I was informed the very first 10 customers of Lumia 1020 will get special discount and other deals on the upcoming Lumia 1520. So, chances are, I will have a Nokia 1520 too in my hands next year.

                          So much excited for tomorrow. Gonna have some super fun with the ultimate beast Lumia 1020 :D

                            • D
                            • AnonD-197784
                            • N9@
                            • 30 Oct 2013

                            AnonD-134497, 30 Oct 2013Thank you! For me! Thank god I didn't buy a Windows Phon... moreYeah! Its called business, and we know what's next :)

                              • D
                              • AnonD-134497
                              • bJ9
                              • 30 Oct 2013

                              AnonD-197784, 30 Oct 2013I totally understand you now; It's their fault they bou... moreThank you!

                              For me! Thank god I didn't buy a Windows Phone 7 device which had almost no continuity after Windows Phone 7.8 but I am glad I bought a Windows Phone 8 Nokia Lumia 920. The best value of money and continuity.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-197784
                                • N9@
                                • 30 Oct 2013

                                AnonD-134497, 30 Oct 2013You took it wrong. When I wrote project, it means they both... moreI totally understand you now;

                                It's their fault they bought it!! (No concern for their hard earned cash).

                                Thank God there is Samsung and Android! People can get value and continuity for their money!

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-134497
                                  • bJ9
                                  • 30 Oct 2013

                                  AnonD-197784, 30 Oct 2013Every Lumia device is a developer unit! Why won't you guys ... moreIn that case, I got a news for you mate. You feel fun to watch. Watch what? Windows Phone 7 getting abandoned? Yeah! That was fun to watch. Windows Phone 8 getting abandoned? Just proved you only came here to bash Nokia and Microsoft.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-134497
                                    • bJ9
                                    • 30 Oct 2013

                                    AnonD-197784, 30 Oct 2013Well according to you; N9 was a "project" between... moreYou took it wrong. When I wrote project, it means they both were working on a device, "Meego" which was later turned out to be an experimental test in markets to see the response of consumers. It was an "experiment".

                                    The N9 wasn't abandoned on the day one. It was abandoned in favor of Windows Phone. Furthermore, read the history. You are dangerously lacking knowledge here.

                                    "So you want to tell me that company is stable??, it shows in their wp7 to wp8 flow and how many handsets have been killed and now to wp9 (transiting through 8.X)"
                                    Don't you understand simple English? For the love of god, I cleared myself in each and every response to you why Windows Phone 7 didn't make it's way to Windows Phone 8 while Windows Phone 8 will make it's way to a fully featured Windows Phone 9 with the exception of some features due to hardware limitations. You don't seem to understand English here or perhaps, it's your ego which is not letting you understand some simple words in a sentence.

                                    "People cant and wont be fooled all the time you know"
                                    Who said they are being fooled? Their money, their choices, their devices. They can buy whatever they want. You just contradicted yourself here, sir.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-197784
                                      • N9@
                                      • 30 Oct 2013

                                      AnonD-199490, 30 Oct 2013N9 was just a developer device and they sold it to try how ... moreEvery Lumia device is a developer unit! Why won't you guys get it?


                                      Every user in this case is a developer! Just that here, you pay Nokia (Microsoft) to have a go and give a feedback m then they kill it and throw you another one :))))))

                                      Its fun to watch!!!!

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-199490
                                        • U@k
                                        • 30 Oct 2013

                                        AnonD-197784, 30 Oct 2013Well according to you; N9 was a "project" between... moreN9 was just a developer device and they sold it to try how people will react with meego. And Intel was not associated with. It.

                                        and stop saying wp devices were left out. Wp7 devices got updates for 3 year. 2010 to 2013 as promised by Ms.
                                        and what did Samsung did? S2 of 2010 is still stuck at 2 year old update of ICS.

                                        MS SUPPORT WP MORE THAN ANY OTHER ANDROID OEM DO TO ANDROID.

                                        you comment is baseless