Nokia Q3 report shows 8.8 million Lumia sales

29 October, 2013
This time all three divisions report an operating profit, while the same quarter last year saw a sizable loss.

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  • D
  • AnonD-134749
  • U@k
  • 30 Oct 2013

AnonD-197784, 29 Oct 2013That's a very nice and intelligent write up and i respect y... morebro you are paid android troll by samsung. you neither reason or argue and you comment are baseless.
i can say android will die in 2015.
a free os cant last long. look at linux and ubuntu. they are near dead. need to ask and beg for money to continue development.

    • D
    • AnonD-197784
    • N9@
    • 30 Oct 2013

    AnonD-134497, 29 Oct 2013In case of N9. It was just a joint project of Intel and Nok... moreWell according to you; N9 was a "project" between Nokia and Intels. Projects are supposed to remain in laboratories or given out to developers for trials; this your "project" ended up in people's hands, people, (customers) bought it at a high price and some on pre order even. And just like that it was shut down!

    So you want to tell me that company is stable??, it shows in their wp7 to wp8 flow and how many handsets have been killed and now to wp9 (transiting through 8.X)

    People cant and wont be fooled all the time you know!

      • D
      • AnonD-134497
      • bJ9
      • 30 Oct 2013

      AnonD-197784, 30 Oct 2013RIP NokiaWhy don't you respond to my replies?

        • D
        • AnonD-197784
        • N9@
        • 30 Oct 2013

        Metaph, 29 Oct 2013Nokia died in 2010, when they decided to hire Elop. They so... moreRIP Nokia

          • D
          • AnonD-197784
          • N9@
          • 30 Oct 2013

          Anonymous, 29 Oct 2013"the fact is that we have different uses for our "... moreYeah! They used to make smartphones

            • D
            • AnonD-109818
            • IWU
            • 30 Oct 2013

            AnonD-134497, 29 Oct 2013No! It didn't post a shameful lost. Again, last year, same ... moretotally agree with you on this... for a company that is stable, to make a significant profit is a great job. BUT... for a company who almost died, making a profit is an amazing achievement... Then again these words mean nothing to people who fail to see the same.
            Nokia is a company with immense potential and they decided to partner up with MS for better or worse. RIGHT NOW, in my eyes it has been a good decision as they have been able to overcome their dire financial state and produce some amazing mobile devices.

            First it was the camera, then the processor and then even to the RAM, but now since NOKIA is slowly bridging the hardware gap, these trolls need a new topic to bash NOKIA. So everyone is telling about being confined by the "closedness" and lack of apps on the Windows eco-system. Also many people thrash NOKIA for not getting Android on Nokia phones.

            In my eyes, the people at NOKIA are really courageous and determined to go for Windows. Rather than sticking to what everyone is doing they alone had the "balls" to stick with Windows (although sammy and htc did try it). Some years back, SE, Sammy, HTC were pretty much next to nothing but they took the mobile phone market by storm with the help of android. There was so much negative feedback against this when they initially started going for android. NOKIA did something which other people dared to do by going for Windows.

            So instead of bashing NOKIA phones I actually salute them. You have prevailed through tough times and are showing signs of success with your bold decision. Only time will tell what the future holds for you and not some of these Trolls!

              AnonD-197784, 29 Oct 2013And by the way, what I'm saying about the Lumia and is pro... moreOne single statement from Nokia's old boss sums it up all..."we missed the smartphone bus" u cannot brood over the past...just move on. Android is not in the list bcos Sammy and LG and Chinese phones already encroached everything...see HTC and Sony struggle despite their appealing builds... You need to create your own market, then wp was the way... Finally it had started to come up! MS definitely manipulated Nokia into its way, but its an economic jungle out there...u r eaten out for ur mistakes. But we are impressed with Nokia's blend with wp...a true business phone with no complications. We have no worries...for after all we are buyers ;P

                • D
                • AnonD-109818
                • IWU
                • 30 Oct 2013

                AnonD-197784, 29 Oct 2013And by the way, what I'm saying about the Lumia and is pro... morelol...

                  • c
                  • criss
                  • PUm
                  • 30 Oct 2013

                  Personally, the only thing that's holding me back from switching to WP is apps. Because when it comes to hardware and innovation, Nokia delivers. I hope the Microsoft acquisition will be finalized, I think this would make the OS grow.(:

                    • N
                    • Nekko
                    • PTG
                    • 30 Oct 2013

                    AnonD-134497, 29 Oct 2013In case of N9. It was just a joint project of Intel and Nok... moreWhoa.. I had to reply since you mentioned N9.. N9 was developed single-handedly by Nokia.. No microsoft involvement although it is said to run on Meego, it is actually Maemo 6.. Nokia had to take its course because developing Meego with Intel is too slow.. Hence you find no resemblance between the Meego 1.0/1.1 to Meego Harmattan aka Maemo 6.. Therefore Nokia had everything they needed to continue develop N9 derivatives but sadly the management's decision shut them down.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 9La
                      • 29 Oct 2013

                      AnonD-197784, 29 Oct 2013That's a very nice and intelligent write up and i respect y... more"the fact is that we have different uses for our "phones"."

                      There you go,you admitted it yourself,your needs are different from ours so please stop preaching about how your Samsung trumps our Nokia

                        • M
                        • Metaph
                        • mEJ
                        • 29 Oct 2013

                        Nokia died in 2010, when they decided to hire Elop. They sold more smartphones with Symbian even when stupid Elop said Symbian is dead...deliberately killed MeeGo, he know with that system they can easy get 2-3% market WP :D Ofc they should make money, but they make in on Windows Phone ? If yes why they sell phone part ? If they want make money they should start selling phones with Android around 2011, even 2012 will be good, and in addition with WP/MeeGo.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-197784
                          • N9@
                          • 29 Oct 2013

                          darknite, 29 Oct 2013You know why we think u r comments r paid..,u don't seem to... moreAnd by the way, what I'm saying about the Lumia and is prospects is because I've used the N9, the 920 and a Samsung Omnia 7. And experienced the limitations of the series as a true business mobile.

                          I'm not surprised at what is happening to the newly released 1020 process being slashed globally because it's only s matter of time. Same way i understand it's going to be that way for the 1520 and 1320.

                          Cameras and maps don't make a true mobile companion, communicators do!

                          When you throw a toy at a target market of professionals and business users, and they look beyond the colors and actually put it to work, then you get it thrown right back at you!

                            • D
                            • AnonD-197784
                            • N9@
                            • 29 Oct 2013

                            darknite, 29 Oct 2013You know why we think u r comments r paid..,u don't seem to... moreThat's a very nice and intelligent write up and i respect your views, but the fact is that we have different uses for our "phones". The Nokia i just was purely a business tool. I used the communicator series from 9110 to E90. That defines what i used the phone for and it served nicely.

                            The thing now is that, an average Android device gives me that same tool and Samsung happens to provide the best in that range for me with extra enhancements and innovations.

                            Some how, the thing just left Nokia and is looking impossible for them to get that status back wasting away resources on a fancy limited OS.

                            That's just my issue.

                              AnonD-197784, 29 Oct 2013Still wonder why anyone would think I'm paid to write! Why... moreYou know why we think u r comments r paid..,u don't seem to understand and ur comments r varied and android. If it is pro Samsung and Android it is PR and sorry it is not your views alone...;P sorry for being direct...ur arguments are indecently pro Samsung against ms and Nokia...blatantly visible! By the way i own a nokia Lumia 720 and have three android devices, 1. Google asus nexus 7 16 Gb, odys xelio tablet and point of view hdmi smart tv... But nothing matches fluidity and simplicity of my Lumia...but multimedia capability is unbeatable in Google nexus and smart tv stick...but my cheap android tablet is simply a waste...laggggsss a hell...i had an htc wp7.8 radar with the same hw as my tablet, but blazing fluid!!! Simply android is a resource muncher and the tablet is still with body cared...!!! So don't argue with me and in the forum on devices...abd tried its best on wp7,5 but kernel needs a change...wait until android 5 and let us see which devices will get it...just google out and see technical articles, you will find it will not support current fleet of android devices..,fragmentation and continuation is an android issue and not update for all devices!!! Screen size limits one extra column .,.it is ok we will live with it ... Don't worry :P

                                • D
                                • AnonD-197784
                                • N9@
                                • 29 Oct 2013

                                darknite, 29 Oct seems u were very much affected and made a pauper ... moreStill wonder why anyone would think I'm paid to write! Why would you think that?? Sincerely I'm not!!

                                I use a registered user name with my actual email address, and i only write what i feel from experience with mobiles and OEMs.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-134497
                                  • sSP
                                  • 29 Oct 2013

                                  AnonD-197784, 29 Oct 2013Continuity is what failed when N9 was released and Nokia st... moreIn case of N9. It was just a joint project of Intel and Nokia. Even, it was an experiment Smartphone so it tends to be discontinued. Developing Meego was one of the hardest tasks for both Nokia and Intel. As stated by Nokia, they will be able to develop only 3 Meego devices till Q3, 2013. This is the reason why it was discontinued.

                                  I already defined you why none of the Windows Phone 7 devices went to Windows Phone 8. I don't know why you are skipping this point each and every time and bringing up the same thing over and over again. I don't want to repeat if further but I will just repeat for one last time. Windows Phone 7 was developed on KE kernel which "cannot support processors over a Single-core and the Kernel can't be upgraded with a firm-ware update". Therefore, Microsoft is forced to abandon Windows Phone 7 brands and none of them make their way to Windows Phone 8.

                                  Moreover, Microsoft has never stated that their Windows Phone 7 devices will make their way to Windows Phone 8. In case of Windows Phone 8, it is said that each and every single device running Windows Phone 8 will be advanced to Windows Phone 9 with the exception certain features due to hardware limitations.

                                  Once again! We are on the same topic which we left days ago. Full GDR3 can't be implemented on any Windows Phone 8 device which is running on a lower screen sizes. Even, if it would be allowed to installed on devices with smaller screens, I would and moreover, each and every single person owning a Lumia equal or less than 4.5" screen won't be upgrading it to the third column. It's unnecessary too. The third column cannot fit on a narrow small screen. Why don't you get this?

                                  I am not even going to mention Android here as I am not a fanboy, neither a troll.

                                    AnonD-197784, 29 Oct 2013Yeah! And you're reading all my comments! Lumia is a fail... seems u were very much affected and made a pauper bcos of Nokia !!! Listen no, matter whatever happens, mobile oses are a cycle...symbian -> ios -> android -> and now wp...u cant adjust this cycle with empty words bcos u neither controlled any before too. If it is a business for u to write ( paid comments) then v wont bother...else i love to pin u down with sensible arguments...and counter cheap marketing tricks...which obviously dint stop the sales of 8 million phones!!!

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-197784
                                      • N9@
                                      • 29 Oct 2013

                                      AnonD-134497, 29 Oct 2013Considering Symbian, N series, E series, Yes! Lumia is a fa... moreContinuity is what failed when N9 was released and Nokia stopped support for it just weeks after. Continuity is what failed when one of the best Windows Phone communicators Dell Venue Pro was killed because it won't make the wp8. Continuity is what failed when Lumia 800 and the Newly released 900 died at the door steps of wp8. Continuity is what has been murdered when the still on pre-order Lumia 1020 fails to get the Full GDR3 update due to a screen resolution that the 1320 (unavailable) has (after they claimed it was a mis tweet) and blamed it on screen size.

                                      Watch continuity buried when the wp9 capable devices are non of those in existence now!

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-134497
                                        • sSP
                                        • 29 Oct 2013

                                        AnonD-197784, 29 Oct 2013Yeah! And you're reading all my comments! Lumia is a fail... moreConsidering Symbian, N series, E series, Yes! Lumia is a failed brand but considering Windows Phone 8, it's the most successful brand. Can you tell me what do you mean by continuity?