Nokia Q3 report shows 8.8 million Lumia sales

29 October, 2013
This time all three divisions report an operating profit, while the same quarter last year saw a sizable loss.

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  • D
  • AnonD-197784
  • N9@
  • 29 Oct 2013

darknite, 29 Oct 2013Blah...blah ...blah... Yawwwnnn, the more you rant the more... moreYeah! And you're reading all my comments! Lumia is a failed brand!! Sales are at loss and no continuity

    • D
    • AnonD-134497
    • sSP
    • 29 Oct 2013

    Anonymous, 29 Oct 2013Sorry. But I couldn't really understand your English. Try p... moreNo! It didn't post a shameful lost. Again, last year, same quarter, the loss was near 1 billion USD. Now, it's hardly near 118 million USD. S, comparing these two state of losses, Nokia improved very well. I am hoping you are intelligent enough not to seriously consider a company which was last year posting loss nearly a billion dollar would post profit in the same quarter, current year.

    In my opinion, it's a great victory and hopefully, if Nokia would be still alive by next year same quarter, it will finally overcome this 118 million dollar loss and post profit.

      • D
      • AnonD-134497
      • sSP
      • 29 Oct 2013

      Anonymous, 29 Oct 2013they are happy with only 56M lossBecause the loss is not near to 1 billion USD previous quarter same year. Significant decrease, ain't it?

        • D
        • AnonD-134497
        • sSP
        • 29 Oct 2013

        AnonD-197784, 29 Oct 2013Mind you, there had been Windows Mobile all that while, b... moreWindows Mobile, Windows Phone 7 and Windows Phone 8 are entirely different from each other. In Windows Phone, kernels are not that much easy to change like Android and it's not even in users hands to change it. Windows Mobile and Windows Phone 7 are on KE kernels which can't support processors over a single-core. Windows Phone 8 is coded on an entirely different language with an advanced kernel, 'NT'. Windows 8, Windows 9, Windows Sever 2008 and other advanced upcoming Windows won't be changing the kernel anytime soon due to it's compatibility of supporting even higher processing powers so Windows Phone 8 will be upgraded to Windows Phone 9 without any issue. Therefore, Windows Phone 8 is entirely different from Windows Mobile and Windows Phone 7. Even the apps which are coded for Windows Phone 7 and Windows Mobile needed to be recoded to work on Windows Phone 8.

        Second part! Yes I agree at Microsoft's stupidity of killing it's own brand and making other OEM(s) to post losses with Microsoft but at Windows Phone 8, things are totally different.

        Again, I would say, the failure was Windows Phone 7, Windows Mobile but Windows Phone 8 "is not" a failure. It's still growing and possess pre-mature state. If Microsoft would have been acting like Apple lately, they can lure a lot of developers to build apps and other basic and important stuff for Windows Phone 8 but oh well! Let's wait and see.

          AnonD-197784, 29 Oct 2013Nokia is a failed brand. They had failed since right after... moreBlah...blah ...blah... Yawwwnnn, the more you rant the more the sales of Lumias...u know that fear drives criticism. If u hd never thought wp8 / nokia is a threat...u wont troll here ;P

            • D
            • AnonD-134497
            • sSP
            • 29 Oct 2013

            AnonD-197784, 29 Oct 2013Nokia is a failed brand. They had failed since right after... moreNo! Nokia was and is not a fail brand. It's still the most innovative brand in the market considering Lumia 920, 1020, 1520, 808 PureView, N8 and other N series.

            The failure should be blamed to Microsoft. Microsoft, being lazy, didn't catch up the pace which Nokia had from it's beginning. Microsoft, at the time of Windows Mobile and Windows Phone 7, was still lazy and sleeping but now, during the era of Windows Phone 8, it has shown some belief in its own brand 'Windows Phone 8'. Keep in mind, Windows Phone 8 GDR3 was set to debute in early Q1 2014 but I have already installed GDR3 successfully in my Lumia 920. Microsoft, previously, never learned from it's mistakes but now it's learning but again, with slow pace.

            Nokia's downfall was not due to the end of communicator based series but it was due to Symbian didn't catch up with Apple and developing Android. Symbian didn't catch up iOS in it's early days and just the battle went so far that it's out of Nokia's hands to catch it up. That was the time when the downfall of Nokia started.

              • D
              • AnonD-186952
              • LBa
              • 29 Oct 2013

              Anonymous, 29 Oct 20138.8 million phones? That's peanuts compared to how many uni... morehaven't you read compared to last quarter of previous year that it's much better, geez

                • D
                • AnonD-134497
                • sSP
                • 29 Oct 2013

                Anonymous, 29 Oct 20138.8 million phones? That's peanuts compared to how many uni... morePlease re-read the article. Last year, same quarter, Nokia posted a loss of 925 million dollars. This year, the loss is just 118 million dollars. It's quiet an insane decrease in loss of a company which had posted almost a billion dollar loss.

                Of course, the sales of Lumia compared with the Galaxy and Note brand would be nothing but keep in mind, Galaxy and Note series are enjoying their golden days. They are being sold in millions while a struggling company, Nokia, is still trying to find its way out in this heavily saturated market filled with Android devices. Despite of having the lowest shares if compared with Android and iOS, Nokia still posted it's record 8.8 million sales.

                I don't know why would you have missed such an important point and wrote full of hatred....

                  • D
                  • AnonD-197784
                  • N9@
                  • 29 Oct 2013

                  AnonD-199012, 29 Oct 2013This 1 is d best. Nokia without Android still growing ....... moreI see the pain!

                  Sorry Bro! This ain't the movies, real people buy real stuff here.

                  Oops I forgot, Camaro cars don't actually transform into robots in real life!!!

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • IWQ
                    • 29 Oct 2013

                    AnonD-199012, 29 Oct 2013This 1 is d best. Nokia without Android still growing ....... moreDo you know what you have posted? Simply put it, other manufactures uses Android except for Apple.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-199012
                      • ib4
                      • 29 Oct 2013

                      This 1 is d best. Nokia without Android still growing ....imagine other brands without Android...close shop rite away??? Or sell what?? Wp8??? Peanuts also can't afford.

                      Microsoft + Nokia = The most powerful software company in d world + 1 of the biggest m/phone manufacture.

                      Oops just 4got, 12 of my desktop & notebook r on windows...!!!

                        • x
                        • xtel
                        • 9xc
                        • 29 Oct 2013

                        when was launched endroid in nokia

                          • D
                          • AnonD-197784
                          • N9@
                          • 29 Oct 2013

                          Anonymous, 29 Oct 2013Sorry. But I couldn't really understand your English. Try p... moreIt's not his English! It's his Windows Phone going Gaga!!

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • IWQ
                            • 29 Oct 2013

                            Anonymous, 29 Oct 2013So how was thw feeling when nokia sold 200 million 1100? Yo... moreSorry. But I couldn't really understand your English. Try posting with slightly improved English.
                            Stop bringing the past. Ermmmm... Yup, Nokia was successful then but now considered a failure. It's mobile phone division didn't profit and made a shameful lost.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • J5s
                              • 29 Oct 2013

                              they are happy with only 56M loss

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • w0P
                                • 29 Oct 2013

                                Anonymous, 29 Oct 20138.8 million phones? That's peanuts compared to how many uni... moreSo how was thw feeling when nokia sold 200 million 1100? You dobt like the product why bother click the article, oh, a hater. Grow up. Stop being a fanboy? What would you do if someone trolls in your,so,called samsung? Youbreally need to,grow,up.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-197784
                                  • N9@
                                  • 29 Oct 2013

                                  AnonD-94869, 29 Oct 2013same was android in the first two years of its existence, a... moreMind you, there had been Windows Mobile all that while, building up a market of and for professionals, competing with Nokia communicator.

                                  Nokia became a home when they left the communicator and went all sisi, with its n97 and the following. Microsoft on the other end killed win mobile and threw OEMs into all kinds of losses. Now a few OEMs started out with the wp7 and managed through wp7.5 investing in matching hardware only for them to come up with the wp8, condemning millions in investments of the OEMs and millions of users with handsets.

                                  Now the two coming together means only one thing;


                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-197784
                                    • N9@
                                    • 29 Oct 2013

                                    AnonD-27765, 29 Oct 2013This is called progress. Samsung did not achieve their curr... moreNokia is a failed brand. They had failed since right after E90. Their stopping the communicator series killed them and if they have any shot at coming back to life, a communicator (rt based) with physical keyboard will be the key!

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-94869
                                      • pqy
                                      • 29 Oct 2013

                                      Anonymous, 29 Oct 20138.8 million phones? That's peanuts compared to how many uni... moresame was android in the first two years of its existence, and the market was totally different in 2008. android finds the market like a dry sponge. now is very difficult to breaktrough.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-197784
                                        • N9@
                                        • 29 Oct 2013

                                        [deleted post]Imposter :))))))))

                                        I'm a star now and Nokia tangos are posting as me!!!
