Nokia Oyj will soon be renamed to Microsoft Mobile Oy
- ?
- Anonymous
- M4A
- 20 Apr 2014
I am the fist to stop getting any further Nokia/WP. Thanks for past years.
- D
- AnonD-50755
- aaN
- 20 Apr 2014
Worst news in cellphone world history.
So dishonest Finns.
You gave up your honour and legend.. You sold your power and glory symbol.
You must feel ashamed people of Finland.
This is a treason for our dreams and happiness
- D
- AnonD-249161
- HI4
- 20 Apr 2014
Goodbye Nokia!
Goodbye for ever :(
- P
- Pars
- HIi
- 20 Apr 2014
Nokia destroyed because not choose android
- U
- Unlimate
- 3sY
- 20 Apr 2014
This sucks
- S
- Said
- 3H0
- 20 Apr 2014
Can someone tell what does this mean cuz i dont understand this plz reply thanx
- m
- mido
- JEu
- 20 Apr 2014
No way all of Lumia users love Nokia as it is we don't want to change it to Microsoft we are proud Nokia as it is:-(
- I
- Indian
- ut2
- 20 Apr 2014
Peoples buy phone because of Nokia Name...................Nokia name cannot erase from our heart...........Microsoft should not change Nokia name.
- D
- AnonD-58102
- ppj
- 20 Apr 2014
They should also change the "Lumia" branding while they are at it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7Xb
- 20 Apr 2014
hahahah really microsoft "Oy"? hahaha that is the shittiest name you could put on a smart phone, you got a cool name for the gaming console, a very logical name for an operating system, and now the smartphones the only name you could think of is "Oy" HAHAHAHA this will last for a year, aside from the facts that the spec sheet of most of your devices suck! My recommendation give the finns there company back, pay them a big chunk of the microsoft earnings since you just literally destroyed there legacy and stick with your computers! .... "Oy" hahaha what a joke of a name...
- ?
- Anonymous
- PvY
- 20 Apr 2014
no nokia name, watch their sales collapse.
- R
- Rvholdem
- nbj
- 20 Apr 2014
well that's stupid?
The nokia brand name actually looks nice on the top,now there's gooing to be microsoft mobile ? ..or mic mob?
looks stupid ,what do you think gsmarena users?
- ?
- Anonymous
- pM6
- 20 Apr 2014
Is it a smart idea? So now no one will buy that phones. I will not for sure. NOKIA connecting people...
- ?
- Anonymous
- n{5
- 20 Apr 2014
Nokia is slowly disappearing. :(
- A
- Anonym
- Lcc
- 20 Apr 2014
Oy indeed Nokia!
- D
- AnonD-236978
- Jb{
- 20 Apr 2014
Are you kidding Me?!