Q3 Samsung Galaxy S5 orders down 25% in iPhone 6 anticipation

06 June, 2014
25% of all Samsung Galaxy S5 orders have been cut due in anticipation of Apple's upcoming iPhone 6.

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  • D
  • AnonD-263433
  • vxR
  • 07 Jun 2014

AnonD-263433, 07 Jun 2014Hey Bleh, seems no phone sgonna ever be the right one 4 U ... moreSorry should read sg3 in my hand

    • D
    • AnonD-263433
    • vxR
    • 07 Jun 2014

    Hey Bleh, seems no phone sgonna ever be the right one 4 U
    ...maybe it's a good idea to make a list of what benefits U want to get out of your mobile to make life easier and more fun
    ...personally, had iPhone and found them very limiting for pleasure and most importantly for work. The screen sizes of iPhones are a joke and so are the utilities. Found then a lot cheaper phones (mainly Chinese made) with lots more capabilities and lots more fun

    ...finally, had the sg3 in my hand and WOW -

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 33Z
      • 07 Jun 2014

      BLEH, 07 Jun 2014Huh? I've gone through 4 phones so far this year.... I d... moreEither you bought a chinese copy of the S5 or you have not actually used it at all.
      It's camera is great,best one i have seen so far on smartphones (have not tried yet the xperia z camera though)

        • D
        • AnonD-259899
        • 3Yg
        • 07 Jun 2014

        BLEH, 07 Jun 2014Huh? I've gone through 4 phones so far this year.... I d... moreYou are trying to talk sense into a mindless coward who hides behind the name "Anonymous". You should expect the trollage.

        I know perfectly what you are talking about with regards to the over hyped S5 camera abilities. Those abilities are only visible/experienced when you use special rose tinted glasses.

          • m
          • man
          • tVu
          • 07 Jun 2014

          their s5 prime and s5 activ also playing a big role in killing the s5

            • B
            • BLEH
            • THh
            • 07 Jun 2014

            [deleted post]Huh?

            I've gone through 4 phones so far this year.... I do have an iPhone 5, but the Xperia is my daily driver.

            I tried the S5, even though I had doubts about the camera, because I dropped my other phone and it broke.

            But the S5 has a much cheaper feel than either the Xperia or the iPhone and its camera has a poor dynamic range and overall the pics are worse on a big screen even than the iPhone 5.

            You probably had to save up for your chintsy Samsung, so you cannot bear to hear anything bad about it, LOL. Enjoy it.

              • B
              • BLEH
              • THh
              • 07 Jun 2014

              I returned a S5 after 3 days for an Xperia.

              The Samsung has a crappy camera (narrow dynamic range) and generally chintsy feel. The fingerprint sensor is a joke, it is not nearly as reliable as the fingerprint unlock on the current iPhone.

              The S5 is the best Samsung so far, but I honestly don't know why anyone would buy the Samsung when the iPhone 6 is around the corner. The iPhones are generally better designed and better built, with overall better balanced cameras.

              BTW, the Xperia is so much better built than the S5, it's not funny. The camera is better balanced as well. But I am excited to see what Apple will bring out in a couple of months.

                • D
                • AnonD-263433
                • vxR
                • 07 Jun 2014

                ...be it in anticipation of several potential factors, expectations of an iPhone 6 could very well be amongst them.
                ...no surprise really, as the HERD will always be big (brain washed) enough to sell inferior products to

                ...at THIS STAGE however, the gnote3 is the absolute super phone ...but how can a brainwashed herd ever find out with an IQ - wait a minute, can't find the number lower down

                take it easy, am only joking

                  • B
                  • BlazyB
                  • 9J{
                  • 06 Jun 2014

                  Haha some of you people crack me up. Some of you are plain ignorant.

                  1. Samsung knows the marketing game pretty well and on top of that they know Iphone releases an Iphone every year around September.

                  2. Keep in mind that the Note 4 is coming around that time as well in which it should be targeted at cripling the iphone 6 sales wise.

                  3. Sales will always deep when it comes to flagships cause of competition, fast changing hardware and software and this advances come at a huge cost.

                  3. Please LG fanboys and the rest of the people praising LG unnecessarily. We all know that the G3 is a good looking phone but beauty is only skin deep. It doesnt have so much features to stack up against the S5 and just because its pretty and you guys love it doesnt mean it would sell platinum.

                  Lastly you people should learn to stay with in the subject of the article and not to flood this page with irrelevant comments and battles.

                  Battle only on comparison reviews please.

                    • G
                    • Goliath
                    • 33Z
                    • 06 Jun 2014

                    In anticipation of iphone6...
                    What about the other great phones, such as LG G3, xperia z2, s5 prime,galaxy note 4 and so on
                    What about those?
                    They have no effect?
                    I think most of the sale drop is due to these phones and not in anticipation of an iphone 6 which is nothing but a rumor.

                      • d
                      • darkraver
                      • akv
                      • 06 Jun 2014

                      Or the reason might be just that Samsung shipped out milions that are just not selling too well...therefore a drop in orders, ha?

                        • a
                        • aSHWIN
                        • srY
                        • 06 Jun 2014

                        Pathetic to see a lot of Samsung fans like A.M.H who are even reluctant to even accept the fact that the demand for S5 went down because of the upcoming iphone 6, why the hell should people wait for something that is not even official, if the S5 prime is real, then S5 would have been the worst buy of the year. Its either becaouse of the new iPhone which is almost certain or people started realizing that Sammy phone are not worth it.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-259899
                          • 3Yg
                          • 06 Jun 2014

                          AnonD-52738, 06 Jun 2014S5, M8 & Z2 all same price RM 2,399.00 in my country. ... moreCheck on lelong.com.my you'll find cheaper prices with the same warranty. I have bought many phones from vendors on there. You can also go in-person if you have the means to reach some of their warehouses.

                            • q
                            • qatar one
                            • m1P
                            • 06 Jun 2014

                            but Samsung needs to change battery to be built in .

                              • A
                              • A.M.H
                              • d@A
                              • 06 Jun 2014

                              Saying its because of iphone is absurd. It could be caused by rumors of Galaxy S5 prime.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • tha
                                • 06 Jun 2014

                                LG G3 is the reason

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-52738
                                  • vV5
                                  • 06 Jun 2014

                                  AnonD-183042, 06 Jun 2014With that skyhigh price tag it`s no suprise that S5 is not ... moreS5, M8 & Z2 all same price RM 2,399.00 in my country.

                                  In fact S5 is the only drop to RM 1,899.00 now.

                                  S5 not selling well main reason is it design.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-55045
                                    • N9x
                                    • 06 Jun 2014

                                    So this doens't have anything to do with the fact that almost all the other big Android players (HTC, Sony, LG) have announced new models, the fact that the S5 wasn't the best Samsung release and the g.rowth of WP in developing markets and Europe?

                                    Concluding this is because of iPhone 6 anticipation is utter nonesense. In the US perhaps, but most people in the world (even those who would buy an iPhone) don't know or care when the next iPhone will be announced.

                                    Only tech news followers (like this site's audience) care about launch dates. Most people don't even think about them.

                                      Why on earth someone who uses Android should be waiting for Apple or Apple users should be waiting for..Android? That's..so dumb to believe so! The OS are so different and each one has its fans..you'd rather find them fighting here than buying one of the archenemy's phone!
                                      If there is any dip in orders id due to the fact that most of those who waited for it had already got it and others are, maybe, expecting QHD smartphones. And the truth is that the market is over-saturated by good smartphones! Heck, even a Android dual-core as HTC EVO 3D, SGII...not even talking about better models, are getting the job very well done. And if you think about SG3, HTC ONE X, LG G2..you are wondering why should you upgrade!?!? I mean for a real reason, not to follow the hype or to have the latest and greatest...

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-52738
                                        • vV5
                                        • 06 Jun 2014

                                        Actually the sales previously good as shop taken a lot, but now they notice it can't really sell, so it start dropping.

                                        This S5 is freaking ugly, not much said it is actually nice, in my country it drop price fast like hell and promote here and there still can't sell.

                                        In Malaysia Samsung Galaxy S5 official initial is RM 2,399.00 but now you can anytime get at RM 1,899.00

                                        Others phone like HTC ONE (M8) and Sony Xperia Z2 still remain strong at RM 2,399.00 until now.

                                        But this article is somehow nonsense, anticipation on iPhone 6 ??? Hahaha! lol