Nokia 5800 XpressMusic
- S
- Shaan
- utv
- 04 Nov 2010
frnds this fw 51.2.. is for rm-428 nothing new
- ?
- Anonymous
- Khs
- 04 Nov 2010
i love my iphone killer
- d
- danz
- sEB
- 04 Nov 2010
anurag, 04 Nov 2010guys is v51.2.007 really available acc to morehi available..last 3 months ago....
- a
- anurag
- 04 Nov 2010
guys is v51.2.007 really available acc to because my phone is not showing any available update.
- f
- fathur
- v3D
- 04 Nov 2010
how to update my 5800? o new version
- a
- ashu walia
- wdM
- 04 Nov 2010
i think that nokia x6 8gb is better chose than nokia5800express music
- S
- v0X
- 04 Nov 2010
my 5800 is working good its really good i upgrade my firmware to v21 to v51.0.0.06 october 2010
- e
- evo
- 04 Nov 2010
it's exelent.
this my style..
update you firmware now!!
feel the magic experience
apik tenan lah poko.e..
- R
- Rhishav
- 04 Nov 2010
Hi!! Everybody.
I am using this phone for the past 6 months. I want to know something. Can anyone tell me how can i write in other languages like hindi, bengali or any other language? Does It only lets us to write in english and pilipino? I have another question. Can anyone tell me how i can use graphical smileys? It doesn't appear normally.
- S
- SRC Nokia 5800
- ttY
- 04 Nov 2010
Shaan, 02 Nov 2010From where Did u got this news...??? it seems fake or u'r ... moreI think im not mistaken. New FW will definitely come out by mid November.
- ?
- Anonymous
- iAd
- 03 Nov 2010
SAMIR, 03 Nov 2010HELP HELP HELP smbody plz tell me does the imei change af... moreyour mobiles imei never changes. don't worry
- S
- Y}x
- 03 Nov 2010
smbody plz tell me does the imei change after firmware updation. plz answer. and is der ny method of changing imei. as i hav lost ma mobile and police is tracking it via imei. i frm mumbai
- ?
- Anonymous
- uNV
- 03 Nov 2010
new update for 5800 visit
- r
- raj
- uCn
- 03 Nov 2010
damn nice phone!!!! using it almost 6 months n no probs.....
- d
- devgan
- 03 Nov 2010
wmv videos is not play
- t
- tata
- vaN
- 03 Nov 2010
What app can i use to hide my files..
Like for example, my videos and pictures?
- t
- tul
- IWa
- 03 Nov 2010
gul, 02 Nov 2010poor camera quality. 5233 camera quality is better than 580... moreits good if the cam is better than 5800...but i want to surf the internet thru wifi or 3G..can u help me?
- a
- azm
- IWa
- 03 Nov 2010
hi everybody...
the build in task manager doesnt show any hidden task running on your phone. therefore the your RAM of 128mb are still occupied by apps thats not being 100% closed.. this resulting the phone to hang or restart
(restart will released the ram ie by closing all running apps)
3rd party task manager are...
2)best taskman (my favourite)
3)swiss manager pro (my favourite)
download the trial version for gsmarena software store
and u'll understand more..
i ve used this for almost 13 months n everything is working good (the batt is okay for almost 48hours thanks to swiss manager pro)
so far i dont need to do hard reset. i only done a factory reset once after fw v50 update. i'm still running on v50 now..
for me this phone performs well and fulfill my needs.
no need for me to urgently upgrade my phone although lots of new mobile pouring into the market...
- a
- azm
- IWa
- 03 Nov 2010
Mario Naoum, 02 Nov 2010I have one 5800 XpressMusic ... Its color is red. But I alw... morehi mario....
(my suggestion is in capital letters)
i have one 5800 xpressmusic ... its color is red. but i always get angry from it though its a good phone. it always freeze and restart automatically
(i've used 3rd party task manager ie best taskman & swiss manager pro to settle this matter and my mobile seldom hang or restart)
(and it clicks on everything alone without touching it
(perhaps you did not set auto screen lock)go to "setting"->"phone"->"phone mgmt"->"auto keyguard"
, and it's gps takes more than an hour just to put you postion
(its easier for the satelite to detect your phone when u in the open air otherwise there maybe a faulty on on your gps hardware)
... the things i like about is the sound , camera , and applications and videos
hope this helps dear.... cheers
- X
- Xaifi
- U3x
- 03 Nov 2010
awsome mobile :) specially battery time is very good.