Nokia 5800 XpressMusic
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGA
- 20 Sep 2010
Anonymous, 19 Sep 2010hello at last week my phone down in water ,it can prepare... morei would let the phone go and buy a samsung corby pro
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGA
- 20 Sep 2010
the 5800 is a good phone for music and touch screen lovers but if u ask me i would go for a samsng pro.
- k
- kamran
- uWB
- 20 Sep 2010
best phone ever!!! There's so much u can do which others simply can't even dream off... I modded my phone with c6 cfw by pnht, n its working like a charm, got widgets on the home screen, more ram n flash memory available, faster performance, better newer browser... I just can't help keeping this phone for a long time... The moment u think u get bored with it,something new n exciting comes up :) thankyou nokia thankyou pnht team
- B
- Bulla
- uWx
- 20 Sep 2010
larry, 19 Sep 2010please answer dis question i just got ma n... more@larry
the flick switch is durable, and so is the phone. I've been using it since it was launched, and no regrets so far. The music playback is awesome, provided, you use high quality head/earphones (get some with low impedance). The only disappointing aspect is phone's camera, but the rest of the features cope up with that. All in all, a great phone.
Peace bro :)
- p
- pino
- ubf
- 20 Sep 2010
wow, this phone has a lots of opinion almost 26000 opinion
- ?
- Anonymous
- teu
- 20 Sep 2010
larry, 19 Sep 2010please answer dis question i just got ma n... moreGo Ahead, it's very durable! :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- teu
- 20 Sep 2010
fufu, 19 Sep 2010this phone is too slow ..i'm using it last 10 ... moreDUH! That's obvious, look at the difference between cpu speeds! But given the price difference, it's acceptable!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 20 Sep 2010
fufu, 19 Sep 2010this phone is too slow ..i'm using it last 10 ... morephone that produced 2 YEARS after this 5800 was born should be faster (better) cos they are using new technologies...your one cent opinion ha ha ha
i bet in year 2012 even a china made phone will be better phone than your wave waka ka ka
- P
- fu7
- 20 Sep 2010
larry, 19 Sep 2010please answer dis question i just got ma n... moreplz how much did it cost u to buy de fon i mean de 5800xpressmusic
- f
- fufu
- t4Z
- 19 Sep 2010
this phone is too slow ..i'm using it last 10 i have samsung wave and wave is much more faster than this..
- a
- azm
- veS
- 19 Sep 2010
arjun, 19 Sep 2010i have been using this phone for almost one year and l just... moreme too... no regrets in buying this phone
- a
- azm
- veS
- 19 Sep 2010
larry, 19 Sep 2010please answer dis question i just got ma n... morehi larry, i've the same worry last i use nunlock developed by thinkchange. Try it u'll love it. Cheers
- l
- larry
- w9K
- 19 Sep 2010
please answer dis question i just got ma new phone 5800.. i want to know wedar there r any serious problems and wedar da lock and unlock switch in the right side is durable
- a
- arjun
- 2Z4
- 19 Sep 2010
i have been using this phone for almost one year and l just LOVE this handset.
- ?
- Anonymous
- uN%
- 19 Sep 2010
at last week my phone down in water ,it can prepare a good condition in service.please can i let me known?
- s
- sykretts94
- v35
- 19 Sep 2010
im about to change my 5800 xpressmusic to nokia e5.but im really confused especially when i knew that e5 doesnt have secondary camera.but still i want to change to new mobile phone that have diff shape than mine right now.. T_T
- d
- danger man
- t7X
- 19 Sep 2010
0085, 19 Sep 2010can we create new word ,powerpoint,pdf,excel files? or can... moreNo. Those files are not supported anymore in 5800.
- 0
- 0085
- tU3
- 19 Sep 2010
can we create new word ,powerpoint,pdf,excel files?
or can we just open and read these files?
are these files editable also?
plz let me know?
- d
- danger man
- utk
- 19 Sep 2010
[deleted post]i do have xperia but its sucks..
i love my nokia 5800.
below post of danger man is of walkman.
- h
- hollowman
- s89
- 19 Sep 2010
danger man, 19 Sep 2010google it buddy. u will get alot of games for nokia 5800.
... morei saw a stand for dis mobile in one of da pictures dat r available in gsmarena bt i didnt got dis stand wid my dis stand available as a accessory.....currenly m using my fathers e72 stand bt it doesn have a gud grip on 5800