Nokia 5800 XpressMusic
- K
- Kumar
- w49
- 01 Jul 2010
does nokia5800 supports
browsing with tabs?
while browsing in a window if a popup opens.Does the popup opens in a new window?
while browsing a webpage can i see flash content, some kind of moving ads?
while browsing a webpage can i see java content?
i am basically looking like how i see a webpage in internet explorer. can i have same experience in 5800 also!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 95b
- 01 Jul 2010
DISPLAY PROBLEM, horizontal lines when m using slidelock. I went to nokia care they gave it back in 1 hour with sw update. Problem solved. BUT IS THIS PERMANENT SOLUTION?
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGt
- 01 Jul 2010
It is the MOBILE of the Century.......
- r
- rishabh
- vbx
- 01 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 29 Jun 2010Will the n97 be a good upgrade for 5800??? Reply pls( i nee... morem using dis phone 4 abt 8-9 months now...n i hav always been expectin 4 a beter firware .everytym it cum wid tones of bugs....dis phone was caled iphone in d beginin....all shit...its a bucket full of bugs....yesterday i was takin pics at ma bro's wedin..n i found 5235(Rs.8*00\-)bter than dis 1..vry high response n camera was far btr dan 5800 even though 5235 has 2mp without flash camera n 5800 hav 3.2mp wid pics were no where in front of hell wid all d features in 5800....its harwar config r gud but its s/w makes dem worst....!!!!!!
m still expcting somethng in d nxt firmware v60.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Md%
- 01 Jul 2010
Aruna, 01 Jul 2010How is the video quality and camera quality of this phone, ... moreCamera is not good still pictures doesn't look good. But yes the Videos are good not bad at all.
- A
- Aruna
- tev
- 01 Jul 2010
How is the video quality and camera quality of this phone, compared to other phones with 3.2MP/ carl zeiss optics??
- ?
- Anonymous
- fXS
- 01 Jul 2010
how can i get smartmovie on my 5800
- ?
- Anonymous
- kPm
- 01 Jul 2010
thank you for recommending SPB mobile shell.
nice UI...
- A
- fvC
- 01 Jul 2010
there is some people who says that this mobile is bad and usles but i used this phone and it is good and i am saying to every one to buy this mobile cuz all the people who says that this mobile is bad and usles must not have used it well and couldn't use it
- A
- fvC
- 01 Jul 2010
my N95 has been destroyed and not working becaus it has fallen in the sea while i was in Matrouh but i think i will get this mob cuz of all the resons i had said before
- A
- fvC
- 01 Jul 2010
My Fried had this Mobile 5800 XM for a year Now and I used it for 1 or 2 months it was the best mobile i have ever used and i am going to buy this mobile one day realy this mobile is the best But i had N95 8GB and i liked it the N95 but i also liked this phone for reasons:
1 high sound
2 camera is good
3 vedios
4 Inter net
5 E buddy
6 has a key board
7 Touch
so for this resons i liked this mobile but no one can say than it is better than N95 but this Mobile is good and the best for me
- 5
- 5800 XM lover
- v0X
- 01 Jul 2010
sholud i buy this koind of device????because there are many blogs about it's so many defects.please need answer immedietly...
- K
- Krish
- wdK
- 30 Jun 2010
Abhijit S, 30 Jun 2010to play mp4 use inbuilt video player, it supports HD mp4 fi... moreThanks play avi in smart movie we need to convert the original file right...i want play the movies which i download in the phone, can i do it without converting in smart movie....correct me if i am wrong...
- ?
- Anonymous
- teu
- 30 Jun 2010
5800fanboy, 30 Jun 2010hi, how do you know symbian^3 is ported to nokia 5800?Check!!!!
Search and see, it's an 86 mb rar file. I tried to download but it failed! =((((
Anyway give a try and see ....
- ?
- Anonymous
- kPm
- 30 Jun 2010
to all nokia 5800 owners if you are a UI lovers,get the SPB mobile SHELL...very good UI
- p
- peter
- fje
- 30 Jun 2010
hw do i stop online certificate check anyone
- 5
- 5800fanboy
- ib4
- 30 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 30 Jun 2010Yey, symbian3 is ported to nokia 5800!!!!! hi, how do you know symbian^3 is ported to nokia 5800?
- ?
- Anonymous
- K1A
- 30 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 30 Jun 2010E63 or 5800 ?? I had E63 for 9 months & now 5800 frm p... morewhat is this guy taking about? are u sure u know on how to use d 5800.
- p
- ppl
- 30 Jun 2010
hello plz help me
i want to change the firmware of my 5800 XM including chinese language.
Can i change?
if i can plz tell me how can i change
- s
- sion
- mCN
- 30 Jun 2010
bea, 30 Jun 2010can you view youtube vids with this phone?Yes you can watch you tube videos, download the app from the ovi store.:)