Nokia 5800 XpressMusic
- D
- Dj Denzil
- mI6
- 12 Jun 2010
go for 5800XM its superb,,,,,,,
- N
- New-USer
- PS6
- 12 Jun 2010
jipsa, 12 Jun 2010hey guys i want new touch screen phone...m bit confused bet... morehello there, at first me also same as you. I love the Samsung corby Pro design. Cute, chubby and trendy. But after i make a survey in many store. The sales person told me the model is lack of ppl interest. By judging its spec and potential, it cannot beat 5800xm. You can use this compare in this website. I bet you will know which handphone is worthy to buy. Dont make it a regretful choice. Think wisely.
- N
- New-USer
- PS6
- 12 Jun 2010
jon, 12 Jun 2010i need a specific and updated price for n5800
can anyone... morewhat region are you in?
Im from Malaysia and i bought it RM730 last 3 weeks ago.
- j
- jipsa
- sSU
- 12 Jun 2010
hey guys i want new touch screen phone...m bit confused between nokia 5800 n samsung corby pro...can anyone pls suggest me or help me?????
- d
- danz
- sEB
- 12 Jun 2010
Donna, 12 Jun 2010QUESTION:
Does the front camera take pictures?hi donna,
the second camera can snap photos at 320x240,and you can record videos qvga@15fps quality by second camera....
- ?
- Anonymous
- wHr
- 12 Jun 2010
Davao girl, 12 Jun 2010hi guys! I'm using this mobile about a yr already. I reall... moretnx for your little inspiring message..
- ?
- Anonymous
- wHr
- 12 Jun 2010
AntiNoki, 11 Jun 2010Had this phone for 6mths & can't wait for upgrade to ge... morei think antinoki.... u buy a cheap n5800 xm phone..
- j
- jon
- wHr
- 12 Jun 2010
i need a specific and updated price for n5800
can anyone can answer my question?
- N
- New-USer
- PS6
- 12 Jun 2010
Andrew, i get what u meant already. Thank you! this is a very cOOOOOll handphone. Mine got a bit lag. But its still a nice handphone. Love it. Til i have to touch the phone once i woke up in the morning. hehe
- ?
- Anonymous
- teu
- 12 Jun 2010
How to hack v50?????
- ?
- Anonymous
- teu
- 12 Jun 2010
Donna, 12 Jun 2010QUESTION: Does the front camera take pictures?Of course it does
- D
- Donna
- w0Q
- 12 Jun 2010
Does the front camera take pictures?
- m
- mer
- tx9
- 12 Jun 2010
I just want to say this s my favorite after the fons i had terms of music,ul be impress..
- ?
- Anonymous
- teu
- 12 Jun 2010
Luke, 11 Jun 2010My dad are about to buy me this phone..i want 5730 cos it l... moreYou'll love the touchscreen gaming experience, their gaphics and also the fun applications!!!! :D
- D
- Davao girl
- RKp
- 12 Jun 2010
hi guys!
I'm using this mobile about a yr already. I really like this phone..wifi is fast..if slow, find a signal/location. superb music..I really like it when playing music in this phone. very loud [you can adjust the volume if u want too].big storage. doesn't hang for me from the 1st time i bought this one till now.and its been a yr already.i can read ebooks from here. podcasts..videos great to watch because of the big screen. you can put a screen protector if u want[available at cd-r king outlets].I haven't tried downloading/transferring games to my cp though. But I'm not really into games so it's ok for me. You can organize your menu. themes downloadable through wifi or you can download it from ur pc and transfer it to ur phone[ trusted sites like ownskin and]. anyway, u can download more applications using ovi store for free..go try it out..=)
my only prob with this phone is with the camera.although it's clear, but when it's in the normal/automatic mode, my face is whiter than my neck [even if I'm not using any makeup]. This is not like in other phones. I don't know why. I tried exploring with the cam settings though. But with the other scenes like grey mode, sepia, etc..i don't have a problem with that one.
hmm, i can't video call too. =( it says that the phone is not supported. i tried it with my brother who's also using same unit like mine. It just won't work.
anyway,i hope this helps to those who are still planning to buy this phone. THUMBS UP for n5800xm! overall, it's worth your money.=)
- N
- New-USer
- PS6
- 12 Jun 2010
thank u Andrew. But i din use Pc suite at all. I copy and paste files like usual. Any idea?
- g
- goron goron
- Khs
- 12 Jun 2010
rhuyt, 11 Jun 2010its a superb phone.A complete all rounder.But if ur plannin... moreGPS nav is free now,u should check for update.
for the people who have trouble with this phone,please update ur phone with v50 firmware it will solve ur problems.
dont forget it is a smartphone so always check for upgrades and please use it like a small PC or netbook and it will be fine.
most of the people having troubles with their smartphone are the one that dont know how to use it not because the phone is bad.
smartphone user have to know bout firmware,apps update,tuning and ETC thats why it is called smartphone bcause u have to smart enough to use it.
and if u feel trouble to use a smart thing just buy a proprietary feature phone like samsung monte,corby,star,cookies or iphone,feature phone doesnt need so much brain power to use it.
- g
- goron goron
- Khs
- 12 Jun 2010
[deleted post] monte not a smartphone its a feature phone so the apps only depend on java apps.
2.5800xm not the best touchphone out there but it have a complete features,more than samsung monte.
like tv-out,handwriting recognition,landscape qwerty virtual keyboard,free nav with ovimap,it can share connection via wifi to other phone or pc,full accelerometer not like monte,and capable to use with symbian apps and java apps.
the minus vs monte are :
-5800xm using resitive type screen
-it is lag but after v50 firmware it is a little bit better,or u can cook ur own firmware like mine.
-image gallery always populate the thumbnails so it is lag in here,but u can use other apps.
-it is hang quite sometimes before update it to v50
other than that 5800 is a better choice from monte.
if u buy it and upgrade the firmware to the lastest,it will be enjoyable.
almost everything u need can be solve by using other apps or CFW.
5800xm may not be the best smartphone and it is alot better out there but it is value for ur money.
- A
- Andrew
- 0Bj
- 11 Jun 2010
New-USer, 11 Jun 2010I want to ask anyone of you in this forum.
Why i cannot vi... moreJust restart your phone.
Dont use PC Suite mode to copy files to phone - choose Mass Storage, Media or Image transfer. Good luck!
- N
- New-USer
- PS6
- 11 Jun 2010
I want to ask anyone of you in this forum.
Why i cannot view my image or video in my handphone(gallery folder) after copying from laptop? Im copying these format. jpeg,gif,swf,mp4,3gp.
I only can view those files under 'application", then "file manager" and "memory card".
Do i have to do this everytime i wan view my files?
Help needed. Currently using ver50 .