Nokia 5800 XpressMusic
- f
- vpY
- 12 Jan 2010
YEAH I LOST my Tube... PhP12,900 it's way too expensive for me...I do always sweat out my brains and my juices to the maxXx to save money! and buy my gizmo/gadget of knew... tracing it is way too impossible... I think blocking it is the best way so to render it unusable... those thriving thieveries will never spend a dime just to unblock it... they can just easily move on to pry for the next victim...
I DO HOPE THAT NOKIA... will truely connect people! and install a MOBILE TRACKER (like SAMMY's)
BUT... I will wait a few months (a couple or so)! and buy AGAIN my TUBE... tnx for the threaded comments...
- b
- bose-india
- 2SR
- 12 Jan 2010
Rajiv, 11 Jan 2010Yes, I too have the same problems which I bought in May2009... morenokia replaced my faulty display free of cost during the guarantee period(one year of purchase)
- k
- kohu
- w9L
- 12 Jan 2010
cool phone
- ?
- Anonymous
- utb
- 12 Jan 2010
gsm arena u r one of the best mobile review site ever i like dis site very much gsmarena rocks!!!!!))))))))))))
- g
- ganze
- 12 Jan 2010
i hve plugged tv output cable in 5800 and while plugging i hve sleceted tv output option...but i cant c anything on tv nor i cant listen anything.... :((
- ?
- Anonymous
- NQ{
- 12 Jan 2010
Anonymous, 11 Jan 2010To all those who want to know that does it support tv-outpu... moreTO THE PERSON POSTED THE BELOW MESSAGE.....
"To all those who want to know that does it support tv-output function...Yes it does support, but you have to buy a tv-output cable. Just a proof :- Whenever you insert any headphone in the jack you will see the different option in which one of them is tv-output."
MY QUESTION is "have u plugged a proper tv out cable and connected to tv and made sure the picture & sound gets transferred to TV?." [Many people belive that it works just by seeing the menu option. But there are also people who say this menu item is dummy and doesn't work!!!] what do you say?
- a
- alem
- PS6
- 12 Jan 2010
same price?
- w
- www
- Mf5
- 12 Jan 2010
- S
- Steva
- LHg
- 12 Jan 2010
Buy 5800 its the best phone u can buy for that kind of money, only htc has better models at the moment for 100-200 bucks more, so nokia 5800 got it all matte
- N
- NaZiM
- fua
- 11 Jan 2010
Anonymous, 07 Jan 2010I have z 5800 for almost 9 months. it is a great one. but s... more$67 for new screen ! It sucks man!
- N
- NaZiM
- fua
- 11 Jan 2010
Ha Ha ! My Firmware Version iz " 11.0.009 "
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mfx
- 11 Jan 2010
To all those who want to know that does it support tv-output function...
Yes it does support, but you have to buy a tv-output cable.
Just a proof :-
Whenever you insert any headphone in the jack you will see the different option in which one of them is tv-output.
- W
- Waza
- f4L
- 11 Jan 2010
Doughnut, 02 Jan 2010Nope... just funky touchscreen... non flickered for me... m... moreThanks Mate. Will Do
- g
- gayan3000
- w9L
- 11 Jan 2010
Rajiv, 11 Jan 2010Yes, I too have the same problems which I bought in May2009... morei dont understand why u guys are so upset on prize dropping of a phone its like that in every mobile model (i'd say specially with s.e. phones lol) they give higher prizes when the phones get released then the prize drops down compared to the customer satisfaction and selling rate . its ok i guess eventhough the prize drops down we get the same quality phone that came at the first time with same performance . and free handsets are just a joke these days every single phone gets a free handset i dont know whats wrong with it . and theres no way that u wont be getting a free handset with a phone like 5800 . plus most of the touch screens are resistive look at samsung / s.e. / motorola they are all depending on resistive touch screens most of the time plus only apple i phone is the only phone model that only depends on a capacitive touch screen . there are reasons for companies to use such touch screens cuz each got there own ups and downs . so face it . welcome to mobile world .
- R
- Rajiv
- 11 Jan 2010
rillu, 28 Dec 2009this 4n very bad...have display problems....dammmmnnnn...Yes, I too have the same problems which I bought in May2009.Its really frustrating as Nokia is not ready to give free replacement of the display.Till date,I was Faithful Customer of Nokia.A user since 1997 ,only NOKIAs. But henceforth I will never ever use NOKIA. My 10 friends bought this phone because of me and out of them, 6 friends have the same problems with phones bought in even October-November 2009.All of us are planning for legal action against NOKIA fo r free replacement of phone or price refund.I bought it for Rs.19,200-00.Now the price is just Rs.15000 with Free Stereo head phones..
- R
- Roar...
- S1x
- 11 Jan 2010, 11 Jan 2010WE WERE INSEPARABLE! she was my OWN WIFE... but alas! havin... moreIf you block the phone, they will use the salvageable
parts and throw away the rest, just like what they do
with the car-napped vehicles. It's better if you just
asked them to trace the phone back when it goes online
with your provider's network...
- H
- Hossein
- 3Yc
- 11 Jan 2010
Anonymous, 11 Jan 2010Shashi, Many people said "it supports tv out" b... moreYes Shashi, it's support TV out & working. I've no idea about package u bought; and usully it's auto detect ' if doesn't work set it manually.
- J
- JW
- MtB
- 11 Jan 2010
Hi, I live in the UK and have just checked for a firmware update using software update, phone now using V31.0.101, anyone else found this ? anyone got any news on the updates ? will this make camera shots in the dark any better as some have previuosly stated after updates ?
- K
- Killersmith
- vQf
- 11 Jan 2010, 11 Jan 2010WE WERE INSEPARABLE! she was my OWN WIFE... but alas! havin... moreWhat do you gain after blocking the phone. The guy who stole it will simply throw it away, both will be at loss.
Instead, let him use your phone, just file a police complaint. That way, there will be atleast a small ray of hope of getting it back.
- f
- UD}
- 11 Jan 2010
WE WERE INSEPARABLE! she was my OWN WIFE... but alas! having a sexy and functional wife is A GREAT ENVY to ANYONE... everybody's gawking at you if you have the TUBE!
I LOST HER... GONE TO SOON to a thief...
buying an attractive phone is just so DANGEROUS because the lucrative CP SNATCHING industry is just lurking around! lo and behold very LOW cause our TUBE don't have a built in anti-thief /snatcher-proofing mobile-tracker/explode-in-your-face-if-you-are-not the-user-mechanism (SAMMY's do have it)
SO! If you are unkind to the thriving just want your CP to be BLOCKED! and DEACTIVATED just go to your nearest NTC for the BLOCKING transaction FOR FREE
just bring with you: (yeah personal appearance needed!)
a) the IMEI sticker, it is with the orig box (CP serial number);
b) receipt from the cell shop where you bought it; and
c) two valid ID's
REMEMBER! your CP will be USELESS (they say so, as of now!) after blocking it! so be sure to LOOK for your CP if you just accidentally misplaced it...
meantime:... can anybody point me to the URL for the bereaved/emotional the TUBEless man? tnx