Nokia 5800 XpressMusic
- E
- Eddy
- wrr
- 05 Dec 2009
I Heard the touch screen is not as good as Samsung it is true????????
- g
- ganze
- 05 Dec 2009
ths phone is 2comman in my class almost 5 guyz hve it...
- u
- unknown
- 05 Dec 2009
Does the this phone have a place to put the stick you use to touch on the screen?
- h
- hernu
- sEK
- 05 Dec 2009
abc, 05 Dec 2009i have heard a roumer that nokia is stopping the production... moreno way...
nokia still promote this phone on many adv.
such like recently on katy perry vid 'waking up in vegas'
- a
- abc
- ut7
- 05 Dec 2009
i have heard a roumer that nokia is stopping the production of it true?
- F
- Fidel
- qJa
- 05 Dec 2009
I recently bought this phone and tried to update the software version via my laptop and in doing so it crashed... it there a way of flashing this 5800xm cause it shuts down?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2At
- 05 Dec 2009
Yes!!! !!! !!! !!!
I think I'm getting the v40 already..
My phone is downloading it now..
- v
- vish
- PEd
- 05 Dec 2009
i should wait for x6 i think..=)
- g
- gayan
- w9L
- 05 Dec 2009
can anyone help me out will a nokia n81 8gb original charger work with a nokia 5800 xm ? thankyou in advance .
- J
- JohnDiaz
- Mfx
- 04 Dec 2009
Hi, is the film maker of the 5800 better than I-phone?
- a
- ahmed
- nt6
- 04 Dec 2009
do you need any other device to use gps? do you get the device with the phone? thinkin of buyin it cuz it looks good.
- r
- ravi
- vGq
- 04 Dec 2009
hi everyone,
i bought this phone 3days back its really good i love it and touch screen is working very good. video calrity is very good and im not facing that wat ur all facing anyhow i love it...
Please dont listen others comment.... if u like it go and buy .....
cheer up guys its really good
- ?
- Anonymous
- j9g
- 04 Dec 2009
Gotcha, 04 Dec 2009Cheer up guys. Spotted 5800 with FW V 40.0.001 RnD with Qt.... moreAre u sure of dis? wen exactly is it comin? does it have a kinetic scroll? pls rply chris.
- M
- Muthu
- utY
- 04 Dec 2009
sun, 28 Nov 2009GILLY ROCKET dont encourage for Nokia 5800 please i had suf... moreDude. relax.
I am answering ur qn coz i too got the phone only on diwali. Sentimental point...
I faced all those problems..
Answwer is simple.. all are software problems..
1. Install all ur software ONLY in mem card.
2. Remove mem card and start.
3. And for shortcuts and dialer missing on front screen (temp soln: u can get them by pressing the green button on any screen other than start screen)
u need to hack ur phone using helloox.sis and u need to access to your C:\private folder in the phone. There are softwares that cando tht... (I have done it 4 5 times now.. simple) Just google it.
4. To install all these software, u need to sign them urself. Get your own developer certificate giving ur imei at some forums... Again google search on how to sign apps.
I hav only shown u the direction... its upto u to search for solution if u really WANT to know ur phone more.
FOR ME, THIS PHONE HAS NEVER LEFT ME BORED, EVEN AFTER 2 MONTHS, which is VERY GOOD. For all my previous phones, everything becomes familiar and boring after 3 DAYS!!!!!!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- vj1
- 04 Dec 2009
after reading opinions from 5800 users, i'll just buy the n97mini instead
- A
- AD
- v{T
- 04 Dec 2009
sun reply tosanjay, 04 Dec 2009The latest 5800s sold in India are manufactured in slums of... moresame here dear.....i also visited 3 times thr. and still my handset is with them.
- G
- Gotcha
- 2SP
- 04 Dec 2009
Cheer up guys. Spotted 5800 with FW V 40.0.001 RnD with Qt.....coming soon to your handsets. Its a Xmas and New Year gift from Nokia.
- A
- Ashik Iqbal
- tjJ
- 04 Dec 2009
sun reply tosanjay, 04 Dec 2009The latest 5800s sold in India are manufactured in slums of... moreSame problem in Bangladesh, All nokia phones comes from China are very low in quality.
- M
- Miren
- Gf0
- 04 Dec 2009
Can anybody tell me if this damn fone has an alhpa numeric dialler. If so how do you access it. I can only get the alpha numeric keypad when sending messages.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vj1
- 04 Dec 2009
plus which has better built/construction quality, 5800 or n97 mini