Nokia 5800 XpressMusic
- z
- zack
- kbd
- 03 Nov 2009
this phone is awesome wish i had millions of them
- K
- Kibet
- fuw
- 02 Nov 2009
For tha guys wth tha bat ths,tha clips on tha bat tht touch tha pins on tha 4ne r loose'..mayb due to chukn tha batt manytmes..luk 4 a sharp object n squeeze thm so that thy lyk touchn each otha..n ur 4ne wount go of again..once u return tha bat..
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3Y2
- 02 Nov 2009
3.15 MP! -Half the fun is gone!
Who would ever want to buy this P H O N E?
- a
- amit
- wdP
- 02 Nov 2009
a fiveway navigation key is missing in nokia5800 for scrol
- l
- luna
- 0FZ
- 02 Nov 2009
hi can i install adobe flashplayer on my mobile??? Can i work the fullsite of facebook on my mobile????? Pls answer!
- m
- marcrix
- P9m
- 02 Nov 2009
PRABHURAM, 02 Nov 2009Some tips... Change the scene modes to " Night Portrait"... moreHi man, I'm having problem with the battery too. My phone is switching off on its own without a reason. I'm gonna try with the piece of paper....I hope it works.
- m
- mat
- veT
- 02 Nov 2009
haloo i,m just buy dis pon...overall its good,but so dispointed about tv out.i cannot use tv out.when i ask nokia distrubuter there said new phone realase not having tv out funtcion in m,sia.any1 cant explain to me about dis case
- o
- obBi0
- m}9
- 02 Nov 2009
firmware v31.0.008
firmware v31.0.101
Does anybody knows what changes between these two?
- o
- obBi0
- m}9
- 02 Nov 2009
PRABHURAM, 02 Nov 2009Some tips... Change the scene modes to " Night Portrait"... moreYeah dude me too, I also use a small piece of paper between one of the sides of the battery and phone body to prevent battery from moving... if I remove the paper the battery becomes a bit loose, loose enough to turn the phone off... This is a design problem so I believe there are a lot of other 5800 users facing similar problems... so if you wanna solve your problem quiclky, use a small piece of paper that should fit perfectly.. don't use too much paper.. just use the necessary ammount to prevent movement of the battery and in a way to not prejudice your back cover ofc... or else you'll have the cover a bit lifted without being necessary.
- L
- Lucky Nr 7
- nw9
- 02 Nov 2009
Nokia user-5800, 02 Nov 2009Yeah of course man! U can change the disply of the front p... morethanks mate :)
- l
- law
- PSk
- 02 Nov 2009
i got mine with newer firmware!!!! complete with all acc. and im very very contented with it!!! love the phone
- N
- Nokia user-5800
- 02 Nov 2009
Lucky Nr 7 , 02 Nov 2009Hey ppl,can anyone please tell me if we can put any image a... moreYeah of course man!
U can change the disply of the front page, like the links to people or widgets, or nothing for more space to show off your front pic!
- N
- Nokia user-5800
- 02 Nov 2009
Anonymous, 02 Nov 2009camera is bad in dark places only. in day light it good. u... moreOmg neva get lg cookie!
1.It has the same as 5800 3.2 pixels
2.It doesnt have flash. :( true.
3.Sound quality is so bad.
4.Not even HALF as loud as 5800.
5.Not as big screen.
6.My friend has major problems with the qwerty keyboard. Really, it turns off when she switches to it.
7.Touch screen always has to be calibrated, otherwise it goes WAY OFF 1.5 cm she recorded
8.Battery life is so low, recharge every day! TRUE.
9.Sometimes failes to read sim card and memory card! SAD!
10.Touch screen has bad UI, not very responsive and laggy.
This fone (cookie) has been used by a close friend of mine and she had seriously threw her fone accross the room, hit a brick wall and used her old fone, which she says is better, (sony ericsson w595).
- N
- Nokia user-5800
- 02 Nov 2009
help me, 02 Nov 2009somebody who bought recently please confirm that
1. TV ou... moreI bought my nokia 5800XM at australia for
and i got the t.v output, it sometimes comes up all pixelly, not really worth the trouble i see people goin through 4 it.
And yes to 2nd.
- L
- Lucky Nr 7
- nw9
- 02 Nov 2009
Hey ppl,can anyone please tell me if we can put any image as a wallpaper in this phone? i read that screensavers we cant but images or photos can we place them on the front menu as a wallpaper? please reply. thanks
- N
- Nokia user- 5800
- 02 Nov 2009
mahesh, 02 Nov 2009i wnt 2 buy dis fone but every retailer here in Thane city ... moreEven though the fone should still be out, (they could just be out of order) there is a fone that is said ro live to the expectations of 5800, even though its like completely different, the
Samsung f480.
Same price, at Australia
5800 $429
f480 $399
It is also said to be louder.......?
Check it out.
- P
- b%L
- 02 Nov 2009
Some tips...
Change the scene modes to " Night Portrait" some increase the quality of picture during night or dim light.
For office workers and for mailbox users download the nokia messageing using the link given below
For people who have a problem of phone getting switching off on it own, check the may be due to loose conntection ( i had it in my cell)... I kept one piece of paper so that my battery does not move... and the phone is not getting off now..
Theme effect will give 3D and transition effect if on but will slow down your tube considerably. Settings -> Personal -> Themes -> General -> Themes effects -> On/Off
You can create folders in Gallery.. get into the gallery and click on any of the pictures and go to options, you will find folders and in that you will find "New folder"
Don't worry for TV out... i bought it 9 months back and i would have used the TV out only couple of times..
- g
- ganze
- 02 Nov 2009
mahesh, 02 Nov 2009i wnt 2 buy dis fone but every retailer here in Thane city ... moredude phone still available......
- 5
- 5800 roxx
- vGD
- 02 Nov 2009
this fones amazin .. but the cam really sucks... if people dreamin of holdin a 3.2 mp cam in ur hand better go fr ny odr phone... music n performance roxx otherwise
- h
- help me
- U2d
- 02 Nov 2009
somebody who bought recently please confirm that
1. TV out function is there or not (even though cable is not there)
2. Branded headset (which is on add) offer is still there?
Thanks in advance.. I've to decide whether to buy after knowing these...