Nokia 5800 XpressMusic
- K
- Karthikeyan
- 30 Oct 2009
Everything is there except the tv-out option .If you are really not worried about tv-out, this is the best mobile at this price.
The reason people worry for not having tv-out is , they need to buy a ipod or video player to view their movies in tv/monitor.
- X
- XMjon
- tWf
- 30 Oct 2009
anirbanda, 28 Oct 2009i think that nokia 5800 is unable to play .sis games i.e. 3... moreur wrong.. m playing games on my xm5800... COOL GAMES!
- S
- Shweta
- utm
- 30 Oct 2009
Could anyone please tell me that what all things are still present in the box if you buy it now for 13500 INR? And if any software/function has been removed from the phone.
- f
- frustrated buyer
- vaQ
- 30 Oct 2009
my 5800 xm has a screen problem just like the one's you see in youtube , the screen has a virtical lines with scrambling colors after lock/unlock , is it a software problem or a hardware problem ?
- a
- ap
- wdL
- 30 Oct 2009
Hi i had purchased nokia 5800 on diwali thinking that i may win cash on scratch but to my surprise you nokia people have cheated us by giving coupan of compementary gift came when i scratch , i purchased at reliance out let in hyderabad kindly advice i want to publish in news paper as well.replace my coupan with genuine coupan as you guys promised with every coupan will get cash back offer,Nokia are you reading ,,,,,,,,,,if
- C
- Mex
- 29 Oct 2009
Hi! I would like to know where in Miami I can find this phone. I dont live in the US, I live in Costa Rica and will be traveling in a few weeks. I would like to hear some comments of the phone, the funtionality and all you can said about it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vG0
- 29 Oct 2009
All Tv out affected guys .
If india use the below and fire them for a replacement.
Other country friends , use similar ask-nokia link.
Its our hard earned money
- ?
- Anonymous
- vG0
- 29 Oct 2009
Make sure it doesn't have a sticker
Better to get a oct 2009 manufactured date set
- a
- andy
- 39C
- 29 Oct 2009
shaad, please take 1 bit of advice and dony buy this fone, im a nokia fan and always have been, N95 best fone iv ever had but got 5800 this morn and its the slowest most complicated piece of crap iv ever had, fone feels cheap, cheap plastic, bulky, no way pretty in any way and it heats up aswell even without charging, i aint no fan of samsung but i also have the s8000 jet, jet comes 1st in every catogaory, nokia have set them selfs back with this rubbish, if you dont beleve me then try it but u will come on here and agree after 1 day
- s
- shaad
- 29 Oct 2009
hy guys does dis fone hav kinetic scrolling? n wassup wit tv out? did it hav tv out and dont hav nw? plz answer coz im gonna get 1 in few days , does dishav lot of bugs ? sme1 plz answer
- a
- anbu
- upY
- 29 Oct 2009
waste 5800 mob not speed gprs open time very slow other brand mobile best price this cost over and waite not run madel
- s
- shaad
- 29 Oct 2009
hy guys does dis fone hav kinetic scrolling? n wassup wit tv out? did it hav tv out and dont hav nw? plz answer coz im gonna get 1 in few days
- k
- kanya
- vG2
- 29 Oct 2009
hey guys i'm gonna buy this 5800, so read all pple's reviews. want 2 ask you that i should look for oct. build or oct. import? please help buying next week.please help guys
- ?
- Anonymous
- ijc
- 29 Oct 2009
this handset is very elegant, and very user friendly
to talk about this handset on net ill not b possible.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGj
- 29 Oct 2009
Thank you for e-mailing Nokia Care.
This e-mail is in reference to the TV Out feature for Nokia 5800 Xpress Music. We regret the inconvenience caused. We would like to inform you that certain variants of 5800 Xpress Music do not support TV Out feature. You may kindly note that Nokia does not recommend the usage of third party applications as it might hinder the optimal performance of the phone.
Further, please note that there would be a sticker on the sales package and a leaflet inside the package that informs about the lack of TV-out functionality.
Pursuant to your request for replacement, we would like to inform you that we are presently not in a position to comment on the request. However, we have noted your valuable feedback and have forwarded the same to the relevant department for their due consideration.
For further enquiries, please feel free to contact our Technical Support Executives at 30303838 between the hours of 9:00am and 9:00pm, seven days a week. For online support, visit "Have a question? Ask Nokia" at
Do you know you can now update your phone software at your own convenience? Visit to check if your phone model is supported and download the "Nokia Software Updater". You can also go online to find user guides, troubleshooting support and other services to help you use your Nokia product.
To ensure proper handling, please continue to use the current subject line.
Kind regards,
Junasha Barman
Nokia Care
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGj
- 29 Oct 2009
Sets which carry "Tv out mode not supported" will not have tv out option / hardware.
- c
- charley
- 2SP
- 29 Oct 2009
When I click on real player, it goes back to the applications page. But when I remove the memory card, it works, real player opems.
What is wrong ?
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGj
- 29 Oct 2009
Ok , Affected 5800 people , we all should file a complaint. Where are we on this? any volunteers?
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGj
- 29 Oct 2009
Who ever supporting Nokia , i just want to say/ask one thing.
1 . Why they sold (No tv-out / tv-out) at the same price ?
2. Why the customer care promised that tv out will not be available in future releases of 5800 ?
Do u still support Nokia's Fraudulent Behavior ?
Nokia did not ask us to buy anything yes they gave false advertisement, made propoganda in the market where PEOPLE are living . Crap like Nokia should not exist in Market
- 5
- 5800 user
- ttv
- 29 Oct 2009
Nokia 5800 xpressmusic is the best mobile. It's specifications are wat is wanted.