Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

User opinions and reviews

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  • k
  • kingy
  • mXC
  • 28 Aug 2009

ive sorted flight mode but now i cant send txts, when i check outbox it says resend in so many mins any help plz?

    • H
    • Hira
    • 3yk
    • 28 Aug 2009

    dear frnds,

    I bought Nokia 5800XM, and update it to the ver 30.00. It was in SW ver. 20.001, can i changed it earlier sw version mean Ver.20.001.Thanx

      • C
      • Carlo Andrew
      • FMY
      • 28 Aug 2009

      Hello guys! I have not used the phone for over a month and I should say that it has been working pretty great on me. Although there were some moments where the phone seemed to malfunction.

      one time i was accessing internet through wifi the screen suddenly showed multi-colored blurr kinda looked like the colors of the phone dragged on the screen or something like that.

      The battery life on the first week was good but I observed that if you try to use the music features a lot the battery drains easily. Now I charge it every two days and it goes dead every two days as well.

      The camera is fine but there is no option which you can turn the clickin into silent mode. not that i know of. If you know how to turn the sound off for camera please post it here.

      Also there were a lot of times that the phone seems to freeze but it's not that big of a deal.

      Also, the phone is sensitive enough that when you turn sideways the menu or navigation path will turn sideways as well.

      Music is great! The speakers are on the sides are fine. Speakerphone is clear aswell.
      I have not used the TV out but I just hoped there's a bluetooth headset that comes with the box

      Overall I give the phone 7 out of 10. had achieved my expectations okay.

        • k
        • kulapo48
        • qJk
        • 28 Aug 2009

        how do you guys updated it to v30.0.011?
        i call nokia care center and they said that its not available in US.and i check the updates it says that the only available is v21....can you help me guys please.!thanks............

          • k
          • kingy
          • mXC
          • 28 Aug 2009

          has anybody else had problems with finding flight mode?

            • k
            • kingy
            • mXC
            • 28 Aug 2009

            Niladri, 27 Aug 2009Flight mode is called as OFFLINE MODE.....u can find at t... morethanks but i still cant find it i went to offline but it didnt mention flight mode.

              • B
              • BP
              • fw4
              • 28 Aug 2009

              Hassan, 27 Aug 2009 Can anyone plz help me. There is a problem with my Nokia 5... moreIs it possible to see another sample? Something more substantial.
              Best advice is to take the phone to Nokia care center, should still be under guaranty?

                • k
                • khalid
                • u1v
                • 28 Aug 2009

                today i updated my frimware to v30.0.01
                turning speed has increased and camera quality also became good youtube works great.
                it is complete mobile iphone can not be compare to as it provides better interface in low price as compare to IPHONE.
                JUST GO FOR IT .

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • PS6
                  • 28 Aug 2009

                  I'm the happy owner of a brand new nokia 5800; but much to my disappointment, the built-in photo editor just doesn't work! I select the photo I want to edit in the gallery, and upon tapping add effect under options in the the photo editor, the image simply closes and exits back to the gallery, instead of bringing up the editing menu with many options to choose from. Why is this so? Oh ya by the way I've also updated my phone firmware to the latest one, V30.0.011. Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • PS6
                    • 28 Aug 2009

                    I'm the happy owner of a brand new nokia 5800; but much to my disappointment, the built-in photo editor just doesn't work! I select the photo I want to edit in the gallery, and upon tapping add effect under options in the the photo editor, the image simply closes and exits back to the gallery, instead of bringing up the editing menu with many options to choose from. Why is this so? Oh ya by the way I've also updated my phone firmware to the latest one, V30.0.011. Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks.

                      • C
                      • Chris_Skylock
                      • t7I
                      • 28 Aug 2009

                      Still having problems with typing. hand writing recognition is a bit hard too with some letters dont match to mine even when I want it to be recognized. TV Out is so cool, my first time. pics are zoomed accoring to your 4:3 TV. widescreen is small. no bugs so far for overall experience. How many songs can I put? 1000? My 5320 can handle 500 songs. if 501 or more, the list is broken

                        • b
                        • bose-india
                        • 2SR
                        • 28 Aug 2009

                        Anonymous, 28 Aug 2009what does it means when the center white button blinks? means you have a message or mis call you can deactive it by going to seetings phone notification lihgts off it

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • vjX
                          • 28 Aug 2009

                          what does it means when the center white button blinks?

                            • B
                            • Bla@ckZon3
                            • PGH
                            • 28 Aug 2009

                            Ok... I've been using this phone for quite some times now and this phone sometime died on me which I have to switch back on. What gives? but overall quite superb with a little set backs. But one thing that still playing riddle in my head is... does this phone CPU uses ARM 11 434 MHz processor or ARM 11 369 MHz processor? because the shop here in Brunei stated ARM 11 369 MHz CPU. Did they change the processor back to a slower older model? but I find it quite faster than e71i

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • PS6
                              • 28 Aug 2009

                              I'm the happy owner of a brand new nokia 5800; but much to my disappointment, the built-in photo editor just doesn't work! I select the photo I want to edit in the gallery, and upon tapping add effect under options in the the photo editor, the image simply closes and exits back to the gallery, instead of bringing up the editing menu with many options to choose from. Why is this so? Oh ya by the way I've also updated my phone firmware to the latest one, V30.0.011. Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks.

                                • r
                                • razoo
                                • sGP
                                • 28 Aug 2009

                                when coming da next firmware....
                                how months letter huh!
                                we need it as soon as possiable..
                                please,NOKIA jus releas it now coz 5530&5230 have k.scrolling n home screen but 5800 is still getin more fixes......

                                  • E
                                  • Ettiene
                                  • Nhc
                                  • 28 Aug 2009

                                  thanx for the advice im going for it

                                    • O
                                    • Odlanor
                                    • fsW
                                    • 28 Aug 2009

                                    Guys i had this nokia5800 its features that it has documents viewer such us word, excel, pdf etc..but i try to view those documents with my doesn't work. I need there any additional app's to be install in my phone in order to view this documents? Please me at ""

                                      • M
                                      • Marina
                                      • 0uh
                                      • 28 Aug 2009

                                      chai, 27 Aug 2009hai, i need help, do anyone got problem of memory card of 5... moreI had the same problem about memory card "gone" in my 5610 Xpressmusic. For no reason at all, the memory card plainly "disappears" from gallery. I went to a nokia repair center and I´m now waiting to see if it´s solved. Luckily it´s still in warranty time... Apparently they have to fix the card connetions. Memory card is ok, it´s the phone itself.

                                        • S
                                        • Sophie
                                        • UG4
                                        • 28 Aug 2009

                                        Ettiene, 28 Aug 2009is this nokia as slow as the previous ones? the n70 in my o... moreThe response time isn't that slow like N70. My friend once had that phone and she changed it to another phone 2 days after getting the N70. Even the update she had for the N70 wasn't helping the lag issue. So far for the xpress music 5800 is not bad. The response time is acceptable. Honestly if u want a fast speed phone, my opinion, is that you should get something without 3G and all the gadgets. Sometimes it's just the memory you put into the phone which makes it laggy. But, depends on what you want but I would suggest you to get this phone.