Nokia 5800 XpressMusic
- P
- Pif
- 04M
- 20 Aug 2009
Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970First of all depends on your need
if you are a music fan (like myself) then go for 5800XM
if you like more powerfull camera then go for N97
- P
- Pif
- 04M
- 20 Aug 2009
lee carey, 20 Aug 2009hi, i am in need of some help my 5800 still has v20 softwa... moreGo to nokia center if you have one in your country if not maybe the update is still not avaliable in your country
- P
- Pif
- 04M
- 20 Aug 2009
jack , 20 Aug 2009none its great phone i have it about 1year but my new pho... moreSo go to zn5 page and talk bout that phone there :D
- l
- lee carey
- M3s
- 20 Aug 2009
hi, i am in need of some help my 5800 still has v20 software, how do i update this, cos its says nno udates aviable?????????? please help,
also can you watch 4 od on it? cos i cant get to work.
please email or reply soon as
- P
- Pif
- 04M
- 20 Aug 2009
Anonymous, 20 Aug 2009yesterday something strange happnd. i got a call and the mo... moreWas your Bluetooth runing ? sounds to me like a bluetooth hack
- ?
- Anonymous
- mTW
- 20 Aug 2009
yesterday something strange happnd. i got a call and the mobile was just vibrating, no ring tone and i couldnt use it also, it went on longer until i took out the battery and put it again then its working fine. did anybody else have the same problem. by the way when i removed the battery it was hot.
- W
- Winura
- w9K
- 20 Aug 2009
Anonymous, 20 Aug 2009Here in our country Nokia 5800 XM reach the 13,800 price fr... moreIt might actually. Because 5800 is the better phone than a 5530.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PyH
- 20 Aug 2009
Here in our country Nokia 5800 XM reach the 13,800 price from 17000. Nokia 5530 XM is still not available in our country. With the price of Nokia 5800 XM (13,800) do you think it will go up again since Nokia5530 XM is between 11,000-13,000????
- c
- chai
- PI5
- 20 Aug 2009
i need help.when I tried changing the ringtones under "Profile", the error message appeared "Not enough memory to display ringing tones..." Tried a few times, still have the same problem. This is the first time I've encountered this problem.. sometime, my pictures or songs files on memory card will corrupt and cant be displayed. i found that the corrupt problem only occur after i transferred a big size video into memory card(~500mb).so, any solution for the ringtone changing problem?i know there are a lot of ppl outside also facing this kind of memory card, wat can i do?the only solution is go to nokia care center asking for a memory card replacement???
- j
- jack
- IaH
- 20 Aug 2009
its great phone i have it about 1year but my new phone moto zn5 take beter pictures ,great mp3 player and very fast cpu & modshift keypad can surprise u
realy zn5 is best camera phone at world
and now i thinck about zn50 ???!!!
- W
- Winura
- w9K
- 20 Aug 2009
Zaheer, 19 Aug 2009Which video converter is compatible wid NOIKA 5800??...thaa... moreJust google it. There are plenty of converters which are pretty good. You don't need avi for quality as this has plenty of memory just convert the mp4 in to the highest quality. I have 3 complete movies and nearly 400 tracks which I downloaded with nokia music and I still have plenty of memory left.
- W
- Winura
- w9K
- 20 Aug 2009
Anonymous, 19 Aug 2009What is MFE ??????MFE : Mail For Exchange
- W
- Winura
- w9K
- 20 Aug 2009
PK_LaOS, 19 Aug 2009HI.. pls comment to me coz i'm not sure, i want new mobile ... moreThe N82 is very good but as you know, its very old. The N79 has a 5mpxl camera and a FM transmitter which the 5800 doesn't have. 5800 has a larger memory out of the box, bigger screen and the latest Symbian OS PLUS, Almost every feature that the N79 comes with. I recommend you the 5800 as its an all rounder.
- W
- Winura
- w9K
- 20 Aug 2009
Kemmix, 19 Aug 2009Anyone that actually HAS the 5800 and knows whether it can ... moreIt does support it. But only for a limited period of time. You can purchase the bundle for less than $50 which includes Word, Power Point, Exel and Adobe reader.
- W
- Winura
- w9K
- 20 Aug 2009
Anonymous, 19 Aug 2009bundles of Flash games for nokia 5800. http://www.dreams... morePretty impressive stuff you've got there mate. Thanks for sharing... :-)
- M
- Mizuchi
- kJq
- 20 Aug 2009
Hi everyone i know this is old news but i just got my 5800 2 weeks ago and it was the NAM model and it had v20
I just updated mine to v21 and their afew bugs but it's
More responsive
The thing that
The browser doesn't crash as much
But thing that kills me is the RAM usage :( it's still alot like
60 % RAM usage i hope the update that i get is much better
Or the people that have v30 please let me know how it is
- c
- chase32
- Pxw
- 20 Aug 2009
kal-el, 17 Aug 2009Hi, Does anyone knows how to fix my problem? I just got ... morego to My music>>choose a song>>options>>set as ring tone..that's how I do not sure with other peeps out there..
- Z
- Zaheer
- nCa
- 19 Aug 2009
Which video converter is compatible wid NOIKA 5800??...thaaanks a lott!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- PtP
- 19 Aug 2009
Feroz, 19 Aug 2009R u able to edit office documents on the handsetYes, but you need to buy the complete application.....if you download it (open office) it only give you the option to see the doc.
- F
- Feroz
- 19 Aug 2009
R u able to edit office documents on the handset